Forget them

in #thoughts5 years ago

While I was in the training today I saw the news about the shooting massacre in New Zealand and, I wasn't really surprised. This is the sad condition the world is in now when events like this are so commonplace that they barely register emotionally, other than a shake of the head. Have I become desensitized to the sensational?

Tune into the news and the world is filled with "sensational events" even when it is no more important than some star having an affair or a singer cutting her hair. We as a society buy into the shill the newspapers spread and the polarization of views they breed.

Do you know the name of the shooter, their nationality, their hometown yet? Do you know what they had for breakfast, read some of their "manifesto"? Tell me, what do you know of the victims?

I haven't read the stories other than the headlines that scrolled through and they all focused on the shooter. I don't care who this sad fuck of a life is and I don't care why he did it as, isn't it obvious? It is because he is pathetic.

With the polarization that so many people seem so fond of, these events are becoming more and more common and, they are only going to get more extreme as, that is what these limp excuses of people require to feed their egos. I think this one even stayed alive. The desire to be recognized, to be famous, to feel important is growing and this generation crave the attention, seeking it like they all have daddy issues and not enough hugs.

Take another selfie.

Just like the warlords who hack off the arms of children and the terrorists that detonate bombs in the middle of tourist zones, everyone wants to draw publicity as after all, this is the world of the attention economy. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and all the rest love these events, love the hype, love the gore - and they feed off of the misery of other people's misfortune, drink their tears and sell the salt for profit. The news services are making their graphics, getting in their paid experts, "asking questions" as if they do not know the answers, that it is they that are to blame as the suppliers, and we as the consumers that keep buying into what the peddle on the corners.

This isn't about race, color or religion, they are smoke screens of culture set up to divert attention to what this is truly about, control. You want to control the people, make them fear.

In the past the process was to lead through violence, make the people fear the consequence but now, the fear can be generated en masse via proxy through the creation of enemies. Anyone different will do. To govern the people is easy, just make them fear and then offer a hand of protection, be their shield from the imaginary enemy. It doesn't matter what side of anything one falls on, this is the process.

Divide through polarization, conquer through a false hand of protection.
It is an old game.

Well worn yet still usable because we the people are too fucking stupid to put down the shit we are being fed and instead take it in by the spoonful as we all know, we are too smart to fall for such obvious trickery. Ha, look at who we vote for in this world, look at who we admire and respect, look at where we spend our time and, what we spend our money on.

Every decision we make is a purchase into something and this is where we are in the world today. You think you haven't played a role in it? You love the drama just like everyone else, you want to see your enemies suffer as long as you do not have to be the one who must live with the act of doing and, you want your group to win. At what cost are you willing to sacrifice the people you love for your cause? No, that is a price for others to pay, isn't it?

You hark of a better world while you light fires to burn it down. Pretty words are the most dangerous, the most influential, the most manipulative. But, you think you speak truth while poking sticks into the ribs of those you would see tormented, tortured and destroyed. And when they retaliate you claim it as proof of their evil, as reason for violence. Again, it doesn't matter what side you are on, they are all as bad as each other, just wearing different masks at the the ball.

Is the world ever going to change? Maybe, I don't think we are the ones who are going to do it, we are too ridiculous, too petty, too competitive, too greedy and far too self-important to consider what needs to be done and, how it needs to be done. We love ourselves to death.

This event is already being leveraged by the populists, already being used to sell the next course of shit that makes us fear and like the addicts we are, we will buy another spoonful tomorrow and shoot it into our eyes claiming, now we see the truth. We are all biased, all filled with programming of experience and desires for the future.

The truth exists - we are just too blinded by what we think to see it.

They say, "careful what you wish for."

This is the world of supply and demand.

Careful what you buy into.

The process of creation is thought, word action.* Ideas can find solutions to any problem, they are also the most dangerous tool we have at our disposal. You think you know what you say but, how do you act?

[ a Steem original ]


No longer is it respect of others opinion. If you have a different or don’t agree with other’s opinion then you are evil and must be destroyed.

It is a crazy world and what is insane is there is no room for conversation, it is all black and white, with or against. the spectrum of color that makes life has been crushed down to contrast only, barcodes.

Open minded, critical thinking can land you in jail now a days.
We are programmed

Open minded, critical thinking can land you in jail now a days.

Same-o, Same-o and yet "Same shit, different day" ...with more grandstand propaganda.

Is the world ever going to change?

¡Categorically dubiously!

Have I become desensitized to the sensational?
Maybe. I am from New Zealand and it shocked me. This sort of stuff just doesnt happen in New Zealand. It is a safe country, and this has shaken us all to the core.

I understand, I am Australian. The shaken to the core is not something I feel by nature perhaps though. What I wonder is that because so much of unimportant life is portrayed as sensational, the real events are much less so. Much like in Finland people believe that strawberries aren't as sweet as they were when they were kids but in actual fact they are bred sweeter. The senses however are so bombarded by sugar that the reference point of what sweet is has changed. Trump is another example of it with th crazy things he says that are now being normalized. We live in a messed up world.

While I was in the training today I saw the news about the shooting massacre in New Zealand and, I wasn't really surprised. This is the sad condition the world is in now when events like this are so commonplace that they barely register emotionally, other than a shake of the head. Have I become desensitized to the sensational?

You believe the official story?....Seriously?

Unthinking lambs to the slaughter, led by the media pulled nose and buying into whatever narrative is being fed by the authorities, and swallowed whole.
Like 13 Muslim terrorists really carried out 9/11....

....for thinking people.
@valued-customers post,

and @frots link to fake mass shootings..

You missed the bit that I said, I don't read these stories? I don't read the news at all.

Good point! lol

You should check out a news outlet on youtube put on by phillip defranco. He purposely does not share the pictures or name of the shooters because he doesnt want to to make them famous. He does highlight the names and pictures od the heroes though. Definitely worth checking out if your tired of traditional news. Is more US news, but he usually covers events like the one you mentioned and other international issues.

Posted using Partiko Android

I generally stay away from the news because there is very little utility in knowing what is portrayed there fr me. I don't like talking about the news, don't care about stars or famous people and think that all the sides of just about all arguments are somewhat confused while they believe themselves to be bringers of truth. If there are big enough events I should know about, I will find out in time.

I think these are the effects of attention getting the focus from social media in general. Many of these psychopaths are all about hearing about their achievements... truly sad but can’t deny that many have a role in it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

In the US the media gave Trump something like 6 billion dollars of free airtime and then people wonder how he got in. He is great for their wallets.

I probably won't forget the perpetrators (aside from their names which I've forgotten already) but am quite happy to ignore them.

I am happy to ignore it all most of the time. The events are only going to get worse though.


These things always hit close to home for me.. maybe I’ll write about that one day, but the thing that makes me so sick is the fixation on making these individuals notorious and essentially “famous” when their names should be spit on and never spoken again.

This is what terrifies me about our attention seeking society, and it flows to Steem as well. We have been banged over the head with the need for attention and many will do anything to get it... then we reward them for it.

It’s a terrible times we live in when these acts don’t shock us anymore.. powerful words friend, and I agree with them all. 💔

It is a terrible waste of life as it serves absolutely no purpose and the lessons of it are swept away while what is irrelevant is brought to the front page. It is tiring to go through this all and I just hope that our kid's generation will find a way past it. It is ridiculous.

Only heard about it tonight. It will just create another nutter doing a retaliation and the circus will continue.

An endless cycle of the disillusioned and confused entertaining the disillusioned and confused.

It is a messed up world. My heart breaks for all of us.

My heart breaks for all of us.

Most of us played a role in some way, even if only through inaction. The real ones to cry for are those who are currently the innocents of this world, the children we are training to grow up normalizing terror.

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