I'm about as irritiated as I can be. trying to New Steem: A Tag Rant

in #steemleo5 years ago (edited)

Let me start by saying that I'm excited about all of the new tribes and groups that are forming with Scotbot. Today @steem.leo launched steemleo.com. A community about investing.

I think it's awesome and I'm proud to have received a stake and be included. However..

For these to work, we need the community to follow at least some assemblance of common sense.

Here's an example of a steemleo tagged post.


Not a single thing about investing is in that post. Just a tag thrown on to suck tokens from a community.

I was about to flag it to remove rewards due to the mis-use of the tag, but then it struck me.

This person also used the Palnet tag. This post under Palnet is perfectly fine, but since I have stake in both, my flag would counter both.

This is where my irritation kicks in, it's not with Palnet, it's not with Steemleo, it's with people that mis-use tags.

I suppose I will have to create an account for each community to correctly use the stake that I have. That's extremely klunky and it's something I hope can be ironed out in the future.

I have a vision that in the NEW STEEM era, people will use the correct tags, and communities can work as intended where we can ALL grow in our own way.



Hi @swelker101

Here it is quickly made to make mistakes when this message comes in the memo field

Steemleo.com is a new SCOT Tribe on the Steem Blockchain. We decided to airdrop to a group of the most active and engaged Steemians on the chain and feel that PAL has done a great job of creating such a list. Please enjoy your airdropped LEO tokens! We invite you to stake your LEO and begin blogging on our condenser instance (Steemleo.com) or even post videos on our very own DTube instance (tube.steemleo.com). Just use the tag “steemleo” on your posts to begin earning LEO today!!

Whether it is just about writing investment or making video about investments. Here the message content should be more about not using tag in the usual way in Steemit

But it will adjust when the first-time information gets better
So we don't have to make mistakes

A universal multi upvote / down vote slider.

down vote steemleo 30%,
upvote PAL 5%,
upvote SPORTS 20%,
upvote STEEM 2%

etc for the 100 others lol

Exactly the type of thing that needs to be implemented.

Or that, the devs are going to love you! Smart idea! 💡

maybe drop the person a bit of a note. "Hey, tag-x is to be used for posts about ..... in future I may have to downvote you for misuse of the tag and I really hate that idea when you are using some tags correctly" ?

Thanks for pointing this out. Proper tagging is a vital part of building more niche communities and I am working on a solution (although I feel that better ones will be available in the future).

There's gonna be an account similar to nopal4u and it will only stake LEO so that it can remove rewards from non-investing related content without affecting the rewards. Then I may setup a discord channel specifically for calling this kind of stuff out so that it can be flagged for it's LEO rewards right away.

bit confused, is steemleo only for posts dealing with investing? that is NOT something i understood skimming through the feed and info on leo, and it really should be explained and emphasized more thoroughly. given this, its very unlikely i would ever use the tag, and also unlikely that i would invest in leo, not because i dont like to invest, but simply because I am uninterested in writing about it.

That's good to hear. The issue just struck me as I was going through to curate. It seems like communities are going to need a team of people to help keep the tags as clean as possible.

So if you talk about investing in WEED and post weed pics on LEO, will that be acceptable? Does PAL not approve/ like weed pics? If so i won’t post them there???? I need the rules beforehand, don’t want to get flagged there too or blocked like here? I am an investor too!

Thanks I received a bunch if LEOs!!!!!

Using tags incorrectly is tag abuse. There are an awful lot of people making 'mistakes'.

I said the first day that you shouldn't get rewards just because of the use of the tag.
Correct tags?
You'll not gonna see this.

I don’t understand what u are talking about? You’ll not gonna!?!

It's hard to see people acting like that, and I think we should take care of the vote even more with all these new platforms.

That sounds more like a design / curation flaw instead.

Personally I think those who misuse tags should be flagged anyways or else all an abuser will have to do is use one relevant tag.

Yup. Fair warning. I saw this coming. It's just funny to me now, because in that post, I pointed out the thousands of Steemit UI change posts scattered everywhere. Today nearly this entire hotlist on Palnet is about Steemleo. Every time a new group forms, people will abuse the tag, clutter up the feeds with the same message, make all kinds of money for nothing, and this dipshit here who tried to produce actual content again gets the shaft. Whatever though. I probably just ended up sounding like an asshole that day for saying the right thing.

I produce real content, and I get the shaft here on Palnet every day! Life is not fair! I spent time writing my spider post, getting bitten by a black widow, now that takes courage! I flagged that post for @swelker101 and everything inside leo! My very first leo flags ever! I know how to control myself better these days! Mauly because my LEO flag won't effect him here in pal, even though the post only says DELETED? or something like that???

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