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RE: I'm about as irritiated as I can be. trying to New Steem: A Tag Rant

in #steemleo5 years ago

Yup. Fair warning. I saw this coming. It's just funny to me now, because in that post, I pointed out the thousands of Steemit UI change posts scattered everywhere. Today nearly this entire hotlist on Palnet is about Steemleo. Every time a new group forms, people will abuse the tag, clutter up the feeds with the same message, make all kinds of money for nothing, and this dipshit here who tried to produce actual content again gets the shaft. Whatever though. I probably just ended up sounding like an asshole that day for saying the right thing.


I produce real content, and I get the shaft here on Palnet every day! Life is not fair! I spent time writing my spider post, getting bitten by a black widow, now that takes courage! I flagged that post for @swelker101 and everything inside leo! My very first leo flags ever! I know how to control myself better these days! Mauly because my LEO flag won't effect him here in pal, even though the post only says DELETED? or something like that???

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