Help with Mueller Team Bias, Day 6...The last RAW data dump

Today's edition will be the last full dump of the BRAINSTORMING table. There is too much going on at once to be clear. Over the next two weeks, I should have finalized a database structure, and move all this data to the appropriate tables (charts). I'll still keep the table for notes and such.

In the future, data dumps will be based on the specific table, or tables, that I have done the most input on.

The biggest problem here is that cross references to SOURCES won't be as easy to track...I'll have to add cross reference tables and filter for presentation. So that may not happens every post. That is fine. This is not a "finished product" series, this is a research series.

Currently, I am looking at the following tables:

  • LAWS

There is NEW data in this dump...I have a bad habit of pulling in more data WHILE I'm still trying to sort out the first batch ;>

Post Structure

  • Index of past posts
    Each past post builds up on the previous post, so there is duplication in these posts. What may be valuable is the log of changes and chain of thinking in how to improve the cross-referencing of this data
  • Pic of data
    This should present the data in a readable format.
  • Data in text (unformatted)
    This is just a copy/paste of the data. It is hard to read. It's best to follow the pic to the data point you want to copy/paste
  • Bounties for help
    I will start offering STEEM bounties for help. I'll put up a post on the process involved shortly, as well as the specific help I am looking for. The bounty will not be much (I'm looking at .5 STEEM bounties for contributions, with a .5 STEEM bounty for very helpful posts). So if you have ALREADY started researching an aspect of this for me, hold off on publishing until I get the bounty details down ;>


Data (easy to read)

Data (easy to copy/paste)

Assigned by Conflict of Interest? This case) Democrat Donor Ethical Lapse Obama Admin Sources Podesta emails
Rod Rosenstein Y Y 2 30 41-54

Robert Mueller Y Y 8 9 49 55 57 58 45 59-70 77

Members (Lawyers) (PERSONS table)
1 Michael Dreeben - the deputy solicitor general and widely recognized criminal law expert who has argued more than 100 cases before the Supreme Court.
2 James Quarles Y 1
3 Jeannie Rhee Y Y 1 4 76 78 79
4 Andrew Weissmann Y Y 1 2 3 4 79
5 Aaron Zebley Y 4
6 Zainab Ahmad Y 2 3
7 Heather Alpino
8 Greg Andres Y 1
9 Uzo Asonye Y 4
10 Rush Atkinson Y 1
11 Deborah Curtis
12 Andrew D. Goldstein Y 1
13 Adam Jed
14 Jonathan Kravis
15 Scott A. C. Meisler
16 Elizabeth Prelogar - former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan. Y 1 82
17 Kathryn Rakoczy
18 Aaron S. J. Zelinsky
o17 Ryan K. Dickey
o17 Kyle Freeny Y 1
o17 Lisa C. Page Y 2 3 12 13 14 36
o17 Brian M. Richardson

o17 Brandon Van Grack Y Y 1 2
unnamed attorney removed from team (Clinesmith?) Y 6

Members (Support)(PERSONS table)
o17? Lawyer/Support? Peter Strzok Y 2 3 12 13 14 36 38
Jason Alberts: leading corruption investigator with the New York FBI office, formerly a political appointee of President George W. Bush in the Department of the Interior's solicitor's office[22]
David Archey: FBI agent, succeeded Peter Strzok as leader of the team's FBI contingent, previously part of the Hillary Clinton email investigation[22]
William Barnett: FBI agent investigating Michael Flynn[22]
Peter Carr: team spokesman, a veteran DOJ spokesman[23] Y 81
Francesco Corral: FBI supervisory special agent investigating cybersecurity aspects of the case, previously worked on foreign intelligence cybersecurity cases[22]
Brock W. Domin: FBI special agent, majored in Russian language and literature at Notre Dame, specialized in national security investigations and financial crimes[22]
Sherine Ebadi: FBI agent specialized in fraud, money laundering and identity theft[22]
Jennifer Edwards: accountant with the FBI since 2006, won the Attorney General's award in 2016 for her work on the DC-area Child Exploitation Task Force of the FBI[22]
Robert Gibbs: FBI agent since 2003, previously worked on Chinese espionage cases[22]
Walter Giardina: FBI agent and Marine veteran of the Iraq War[22]
Curtis Heide: FBI agent previously based in Chicago[22]
Omer Meisel: FBI agent since 1999 and former Securities and Exchange Commission investigator, previously worked on high-profile financial crime and public corruption cases[22]
*Mueller has also added unidentified agents of the IRS Criminal Investigations Division (also known as CI) to his team. The Daily Beast, referring to the CI division as one of the government's "most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities,"

Hired by Holder “Mueller left Justice in 1993 to become a partner in the Boston law firm of Hale and Dorr. But Mueller hated private practice. One day, he called Eric H. Holder Jr., the U.S. attorney in Washington. When Mueller headed the Criminal Division, Holder had reported to him. Now Mueller was calling him to apply for a job. “He called up out of the blue and said he wanted to try murder cases,” Holder says. “I was like, ‘What?’ Here’s this guy who was the former assistant attorney general, the head of the Criminal Division. He came to the U.S. attorney’s office and tried cases as a line guy.” 8
Early on, Mueller removed Sheila Horan as acting director of the Counterintelligence Division. 8
Friends of Ms. Horan said that Mr. Mueller had unfairly blamed her for longstanding problems in the F.B.I.'s counterintelligence operations. In particular, they said, she was singled out for weaknesses that Mr. Mueller had concluded had hampered the bureau's efforts to thwart Chinese espionage. Other officials said that Mr. Mueller had been planning to overhaul the counterespionage operations 9
The Justice Department said Mueller has resigned from his job at a private law firm, WilmerHale, to take the job of special counsel. That firm is also home to Jamie Gorelick, 23
“What do you think Mueller thinks about Holder ?” “Well they both hate the FBI so they have that in common. Rumor has them as close from their time at DOJ” 85

Notes Ohr notified of Steele dossier origination with Clinton, July 16 2 3
“Horowitz again and again questioned decisions by senior leaders at the FBI, such as the decision to assign many of the same agents, including Strzok, who had been involved in the Clinton case to the Russia investigation.” 5
Wiki not providing full list of team members

Use (twitter)
Paul Sperry

Sources (SOURCES table)
1 Trump said Mueller’s team has ‘13 hardened Democrats.’ Here are the facts. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2019, from
2 Jarrett, G. (2019, January 17). Gregg Jarrett: Mueller’s team knew “dossier” kicking off Trump investigation was biased and defective [Text.Article]. Retrieved February 3, 2019, from
3 Tolliver, S. (2019, January 16). FISA shocker: DOJ official warned Steele dossier was connected to Clinton, might be biased [Text]. Retrieved February 3, 2019, from
4 Robert Mueller Russia Probe: Democrats Dominate Staff | National Review. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2019, from
5 Trump Allies Tie FBI Bias to Mueller While Democrats Defend Him. (2018, June 14). Retrieved from
6 McBride, J. (2018, June 20). Kevin Clinesmith: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Retrieved February 3, 2019, from
7 Weiland, N., Cochrane, E., & Griggs, T. (2018, November 30). Robert Mueller and His Prosecutors: Who They Are and What They’ve Done. The New York Times. Retrieved from,
8 Kessler, R. (2011). The Secrets of the FBI (Reprint edition). Crown Forum.
9 Johnston, D. (2002, January 30). F.B.I. Agent Ousted Over Her Handling Of a Spying Inquiry. The New York Times. Retrieved from
10 sundance. (2018, January 9). Report: Congress Looking Toward Leakers in Ongoing Dossier “Small Team” Investigation…. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
11 Thread by @DaveNYviii: “1) The Scope of the Inspector General Report and the Inevitable March Towards a Special Counsel to Investigate the Department of Justice. 2) […]” #Comey #PeterStrzok #McCabe. (2018). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
12 Spakovsky, H. von. (n.d.). Newly Disclosed Strzok-Page Texts Shed New Light on “Media Leak Strategy” at FBI, Justice. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from /crime-and-justice/commentary/newly-disclosed-strzok-page-texts-shed-new-light-media-leak-strategy
13 Letter-From-MR Meadows-to-DAG-Rosenstein re" media leaks FBI/DOJ. (2018, September 10). Retrieved from
14 Big Questions In Russia Case May Be Answered If FISA Documents Are Unredacted. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
15 Bruce Ohr: Mueller Inquisition is Peter Strzok’s “Insurance Policy.” (2018, September 9). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
16 A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election Oversight and Review Division 18-04 June 2018 OIG. (n.d.).
17 (n.d.). Analysis | Timeline: The birth of the Russia investigation. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
18 sundance. (2018, January 8). How The FBI and DOJ Intelligence Units Were Weaponized Around Congressional Oversight…. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
19 MEMORANDUM FOR SALLY QUILLIAN YATES DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL Re: The Department of Justice Inspector General ’s Access to Information Protected by the Federal Wiretap Act, Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, and Section 626 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act .
20 sundance. (2018, February 7). Chairman Ron Johnson: Interim Report on FBI Purposeful Intent To Exonerate Hillary Clinton During Email Scandal…. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
21 2018-02-07 Interim Report_The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI’s Investigation of It.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from’s%20Investigation%20of%20It.pdf
22 Jamie Gorelick. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
23 Former FBI Director Mueller to lead Trump-Russia probe | WJLA. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
24 WilmerHale Llp: Total Contributions | OpenSecrets. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
25 WilmerHale Llp: Summary | OpenSecrets. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
26 Stunning=> FBI “Lost All” of McCabe Text Messages Before He Was ‘Removed’ from Agency - Refused to Turn Them Over - A Week Before He is “Removed” from FBI. (2018, January 29). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
27 Deep Timeline
28 January 30, D. H., & Comments, 2018 Chat 93. (n.d.). Report: McCabe May Have Asked FBI Agents To Change 302 Forms. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
29 Ago, S. I. • 11 M. (2018, February 22). What is an FBI 302 form, and what part have they played in DOJ/FBI corruption? Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
30 Takala, R. (2018, February 4). Nunes memo raises question: Did FBI violate Woods Procedures? [Text]. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
31 Ago, S. C. • 2 Y. (2017, May 26). FBI passed on classified data to unauthorized private parties- Comey at center of issue. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
32 Malhi, S. (2017, November 5). There is nothing normal about the Fusion GPS dossier [Text]. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
33, T. W. T. (n.d.). Why was Judge recused from Mueller/Flynn case? Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
34 Singman, B. (2018, March 16). Strzok-Page texts reveal personal relationship between FBI official and judge recused from Flynn case [Text.Article]. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
35 White Collar Crime Prof Blog - A Swamp Story: “Rudy Is On The FISA Court!” (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
36 Strzok and Page Plotted Covert Meeting with Presiding Judge in Michael Flynn Case. (2018, March 16). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
37 FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge. (2018, March 16). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
38 2017-12-05 CEG to FBI (Strzok Communications).pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
39 White House looking at ethics rule to weaken special investigation:... (2017, May 19). Reuters. Retrieved from
40 Hillary Clinton email controversy. (2019). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from
41 sundance. (2018, April 4). August 2nd, 2017 DOJ Letter From Rod Rosenstein To Special Counsel Mueller Outlining Investigative Authorization…. Retrieved February 9, 2019, from
42 H. RES. 938 [Report No. 115–813] Of inquiry directing the Attorney General to provide certain documents in the Attorney General’s possession to the House of Representatives relating to the ongoing congressional investigation related to certain prosecutorial and investigatory decisions made by the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation surrounding the 2016 election. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2019, from
43 H. RES. 1028 Impeaching Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors. (n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2019, from
44 sundance. (2018, January 8). How The FBI and DOJ Intelligence Units Were Weaponized Around Congressional Oversight…. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
45 sundance. (2019, February 8). Jim Jordan Questions AAG Matt Whitaker on Rosenstein Scope Memo to Robert Mueller…. Retrieved February 8, 2019, from
46 sundance. (2017, October 28). Lessons in Swamp Manuevers: Trump -vs- Clinton -vs- Mueller -vs- Sessions -vs- Rosenstein -vs- Comey, etc. Retrieved October 28, 2017, from
47 Letter-From-MR Meadows-to-DAG-Rosenstein re" media leaks FBI/DOJ. (2018, September 10). Retrieved from
48 MEMORANDUM (U) FROM: TO: RE: Charles E. Grassley, Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Lindsey 0. Graham, Chairman, Subcommittee on Crime ~nd Terrorism, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary The Honorable Rod J. Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice The Honorable Christopher A. Wray, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation Referral of Christopher Steele for Potential Violation of 18 U.S. C. § 1001. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2018, from
50 Tan, A. (2018, May 3). Rod Rosenstein is not above the law [Text]. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
51 Rosenstein Finally Gives House Committee the Unredacted Electronic Document That Spurred the Russia Investigation -- But Only After Threats That the House Might Impeach Rosenstein and FBI Director Wray If They Continued Hiding It. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2018, from
52 Rosenstein-Aug-2-2017-Memo-on-Mueller-Authority.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2019, from
53 Rosenstein: “No Allegation in This Indictment That Any American Had Any Knowledge” Of Russian Election Influence Operation | Video | RealClearPolitics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
54 Trump Demands Rosenstein, Wray Investigate Any “Irregularities” in “Tactics” Used by the DOJ Against the Trump Campaign. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2018, from
55 28 CFR § 45.2 - Disqualification arising from personal or political relationship. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
56 (n.d.). Analysis | Timeline: The birth of the Russia investigation. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from
57 Aaron, D. (n.d.). Ethics, Law Enforcement, and Fair Dealing: A Prosecutor’s Duty to Disclose Nonevidentiary Information. FORDHAM LAW REVIEW, 67, 37.
58 sundance. (2018, May 4). Federal Judge Catches Robert Mueller Using Preexisting FISA Title-1 Warrant Against Paul Manafort Instead of Title 3 Authority…. Retrieved May 5, 2018, from
59 Fever Dream: Mueller’s Collusion-Free Collusion Indictment of Roger Stone. (2019, February 2). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
60 Mueller enabled the Deep State Overtake of the Agency – Former FBI Agent — Steemit. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2018, from
61 Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told | TheHill. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
62 Views, 2018. (2018, May 12). Mueller Indicted A Russian Company That Didn’t Even Exist, Court Transcripts Say. Retrieved May 14, 2018, from
64 POWELL: New Facts Indicate Mueller Destroyed Evidence, Obstructed Justice. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2019, from
65 REPORT: Robert Mueller Was FBI Director When Agency Hid Evidence On Clinton-Russia Connection | Daily Wire. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2017, from
66 Corruption. (2018, April 19). Revealed: Mueller’s FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion. Retrieved April 19, 2018, from
67 Robert Mueller Is the Cover-Up. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from
68 Gohmert, C. L. (n.d.). ROBERT MUELLER: UNMASKED, 48.
69 Robert Mueller’s Gaping Self-Inflicted Wound. (2018, May 14). Retrieved May 14, 2018, from
70 Robert S. Mueller - Conservapedia. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2018, from
71 Sidney Powell on Robert Mueller’s “poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct.” (2019, January 28). [Text.Article]. Retrieved February 4, 2019, from
72 Powers, R. G. (2004, November). Stunned Guns. The Washington Monthly, 36(11), 37–43.
73 sundance. (2019, February 3). Sunday Talks: Jim Jordan Part 2 – The Mueller Report, Bruce Ohr, and FBI/DOJ Corruption…. Retrieved February 4, 2019, from
74 Brown, G. D. (n.d.). The Ethics Backlash and the Independent Counsel Statute. RUTGERS LAW REVIEW, 61.
75 Trump Allies Tie FBI Bias to Mueller While Democrats Defend Him. (2018, June 14). Retrieved from
76 Jeannie Rhee. (2019). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from
77 Hartman, M. (2017, July 21). Trump’s New Tactic: Expose Mueller’s (Relatively Minor) Conflicts of Interest. Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
78 Blitz, E. (2018, September 23). Jeannie Rhee: Hillary’s sweetheart, Mueller’s top aide! Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
79 Singman, B. (2017, December 8). More Clinton ties on Mueller team: One deputy attended Clinton party, another rep’d top aide [Text.Article]. Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
80 Christopher Rhee - Washington D.C. Metro Area | Professional Profile | LinkedIn. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
81 Christoforou, A. (n.d.). Robert Mueller’s firing of anti-Trump FBI agent does not add up. Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
82 Here’s a Look at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 15 Attorneys: A Who’s Who of Liberal Activism. (2017, July 21). Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
83 sundance. (2017, December 13). A Transparent Lack of Media Curiosity – Why Was Judge Rudolph Contreras Recused From Flynn Case?…. Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
84 Nunes: Lawyer With Ties to Democrat Party Also Fed Info Directly to FBI. (2018, October 8). Retrieved February 10, 2019, from
85 The Global Intelligence Files - Re: Mueller. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2019, from

Who? (PERSONS table)
Bruce Scwartz

Kevin Clinesmith, not listed on wiki page for Mueller team                              
Julian Assange                              
Sally Moyers,  not listed on wiki page for Mueller team                             
Maria Butina                                
Loretta Lynch                               
Christopher Wray                                
James Wolfe , Senate Security Officer                               
Rachel Brand                                
David Laufman, who helped oversee the Hillary Clinton email investigation                               
Josh Campbell FBI special agent                                 
 James Rybicki, a top FBI official who was once chief of staff to James Comey and current Bureau Director Christopher Wray                              
Cody Shearer                                
Eric Holder                             
John Brennan                                
Sandy Berger                                
Susan Rice                              
Sabina Menschel, Preistap’s wife                                
Natalia Veselnitskaya                               
Dana Boente                             
Awan brothers                               
Marc Elias                              
Rudolph Contreras                           33 34 35 36 37 83   
Huma Abedin                             
Anthony Weiner                              
assistant attorney general Stephen Boyd                             
 Joe Pientka                                
FBI chief legal counsel James Baker                                 
Christopher Sclafani Rhee, Rhee’s husband, Advised Senator Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) on judicial and executive branch nominations, oversight of FBI and Justice Department; Holder                         80  
Melissa Hodgman  Strzrok wife?                              
 Corey Lewandowski                                  
Stephen Bannon                              
Paul Combetta, Clinton’s IT assistant                               
James Clapper                               
Xavier Becerra                              
George Soros                                
Peter Fritsch, Fusion gps                               
 Michael Sussmann, an attorney with Perkins Coie, who was named to the Democrat National Committee's Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Board in August 2016, following the DNC hack.                           84  
John Schindler                              
Eric Schultz                                
Ben Rhodes                              
Robert Creamer                              

To Do Cross reference team members to OIG report 16
CONNECTIONS or CONTROVERSIES table Cross reference team members to private firms (ie Perkins Coie or HSBC, Merrill Lynch, WilmerHale. Lockheed martin)
Cross reference team members to cases 7 7
Uranium One
Mueller destruction of Strok/Page txts
“Small Team” roster
Conflict of interest definitions
Cross reference team members to Podesta emails ->Zainab Ahmad
Cross reference team members to discoverthenetworks
Movement for creation of Special Counsel 11
Media-leak strategy 12 13
insurance policy 15
Cross reference team members to Clinton email investigation
DNC email leak/ claims of “hacking” /compare to OPM hack??
Parallel construction
WilmerHale → Gorlick “After several WilmerHale attorneys joined the team of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, Gorelick recused herself from representing the Kushners in matters relating to alleged Russian Government interference in the 2016 Presidential election.” 22
cross reference team members
cross reference team members influencewatch
Flynn 302s 28 29
“woods” procedure 30
Obama email violations 31
Marc Rich (Comey, Holder)
FBI destruction evidence/immunities in Clinton email case
Colleges/law school connections
Raids on whistleblower
Contrast between Trump workers/Clinton workers
defendant’s lawyers?
Rosenstein signing off FISA
fruit of the poisonous tree
law firm Davis Polk
Press leak from special counsel
Senate committee leaker
5 eyes
Clinton foundation
“Russian Investigation”
FBI paid Steele
Washington Free Beacon, funded by a Republican backer of Trump rival Sen. Marco Rubio, → fusion gps
Dossier – john mccanin
all starts w bengahzi
Comey leak
McNabe indictment recommend
Vault 7
startfor (Seems to be competing agency)
obama admin spying on journalists
Perkins Coie, law firm defended DNC Clinton campiagn
Wilmer Hale, law firm
9/11 – Able Danger
“Crossfire Hurricane”

Other FBI obstruction (CONTROVERSIES table)
Lost McCabe’s emails 26
Clinton White House FBI files

Relationship Nexus (CONNECTIONS table)
Fusion GPS 32
Marc Rich pardon
Perkins Coie, law firm defended DNC Clinton campiagn
TD Bank
Awan Brothers

Overview Spygate chain which FISA led to Trump being spied on

Current Prosecutions (CONNECTIONS table?)
Carter Page

Small Team (CONNECTIONS table) James Comey 10
John P Carlin Asst. AG in charge of DOJ National Security Division oversaw the use of FISA 702(16)(17) surveillance on Trump officials. 10
Asst. AG Sally Yates ran interference for the DOJ side. 10 30
FBI Director of Counterintelligence W.H. “Bill” Priestap utilized the Counterintelligence unit for the FBI operation that began in July 2016 10
FBI Asst. Director Andrew McCabe 10

Dossier Crew (CONNECTIONS table) 10
Hillary Clinton connection → who? Marc elias, Michael Sussman
Glenn Simpson – Fusion GPS
Mary B. Jacoby – Fusion GPS
Nellie Ohr – Fusion GPS
Christopher Steele
Peter Strzok – FISA application
Bruce Ohr FISA application Y
Lisa Page – FISA application

FBI Chain of Command (CONNECTIONS table)
James Comey Y Y 30
Andrew McCabe Y Y 30
Bill Preistap

Clinton Pay for Play
Clinton Uranium One
Clinton Email Server 20 21 40
Clinton classified material handling
DNC email leak/ claims of “hacking”
Seth Rich murder
Obama DOJ blocking OIG
Clinton Foundation
Wrong Cohen → how?
Benghazi (Led to request for Clinton emails) 27
Press leaks (who)
Trump Wiretaps

Gang of 8 (Persons/CONNECTIONS) 18
Adam Schiff

Obama DOJ (CONNECTIONS table) Sally Yates – blocked OIG 19 30

WilmerHale (CONNECTIONS table)
democrat donator 24 25
*interesting note that a search for WilmerHale contributions top hits includes bias stories re special counsel team
Aaron Zebley and James L. Quarles III

Timeline (database?)
Prior to March 2016: Private contractor for FBI (Fusion GPS) conducting illegal electronic surveillance of Trump campaign via FBI access to raw FISA data using 702 About Queries.

March 9, 2016: Fusion GPS caught with illegal searches and raw FISA info they should not have had, given them by the FBI. Mike Rogers (NSA).                                
April 18, 2016: FBI discovers they have been caught, terminates Fusion GPS's access to FISA data.                               
April 19, 2016: Wife of Fusion GPS founder (Jacoby) goes to White House.                                
April 2016: Fusion GPS hired by Clinton campaign for opposition research on Trump, via Clinton campaign and DNC law firm Perkins Coie.                              
April 2016: Fusion GPS hires Christopher Steele to write opposition research for Clinton campaign.                              
April 2016: Fusion GPS hires Nellie Ohr to work on opposition research, contribute to Russian "insurance policy."                               
May 23, 2016: Nellie Ohr applies for HAM radio license to avoid NSA data collection in any other communication format, being familiar with the data collection possibilities.                               
~June, continuing to December 2016: Christopher Steele writes "Russian Dossier" alleging various "unverified," unsourced accusations, including Trump, hired Russian hookers in Moscow to pee in bed Obama slept in.                                
May to October 2016: NSA conducting a review of 702 About Queries of FISA data.                             
August 15, 2016: Conspiracy discussion of "insurance policy" in event Trump is elected, in the office of Andrew McCabe (DD FBI) with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, as verified by texts from Strzok.                              
October 2016: FBI pays Christopher Steele for "Russian Dossier"                             
October 2016: FBI uses Steele "Russian Dossier" for FISA application in an attempt to legitimize past, historical About Queries on Trump campaign.                              
October 26, 2016: Admiral Rogers informs FISA court of illegal searches of FISA data.                               
Early November 2016, post-election: Bruce Ohr (Associate Deputy Attorney General) meets with Glenn Simpson (Founder of Fusion GPS).                             
November 18, 2016: Trump transition team moves all operations out of Trump Tower and into New Jersey.                               
November 19, 2016: James Clapper (Obama DNI) and Ashton Carter (Obama Defense Secretary) recommend to President Obama that Admiral Mike Rogers be fired from the NSA.                               
May 2017: FISC confirms NSA Mike Rogers, stops all FISA 702 About Queries, 702 data permanently purged, no longer available.                                

define difference between CONNECTIONS and CONTROVERSIES
how to store/present images/charts
how to reference connections between PERSONS (PERSON as CONNECTION)
do need network analysis tool?
organize by Zotero tage, DB-xxxxx?
find duplicates
build DB tables in CALC ist?
add TIMELINE table
Person to person → CONNECTIONS table, senior person listed as CONNECTION

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I am looking forward to seeing a rational organization of the enormous volume of data you've collected.

Given the number of scandalous matters covered, I expect some sense of the general purpose and goals of the perps to emerge.


it looks like a rational organization will take many posts, with a shrinking number of indexing posts to link them

I think that is the overall problem in exposing this as is too complicated for easy description

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