Final Voting Round for the 2018 Steem Silver Round Design.

So it's down to 2 designs in this final and head to head round.

We started with over 25 designs, many were absolutely amazing, but there can be only one!

The winner of this round will be minted into a 1 oz silver round and sold online for any steemit members to purchase. We will host them on our website and presale and order instructions will come after the design is choosen so please no inquiries at this time.

Sorry for the delay between rounds, but we wanted to give the designers a chance to make any final changes and incorporate any feedback they received from the earlier voting rounds.

The Rules

This round will be a straight head to head vote, we want maximum participation from all of steemit. So anyone can vote and we encourage you to canvass for your favorite design and get out there and promote the project.

  1. It will be calculated by number of votes and not the value of the votes.
  2. Bot votes or automated or trail votes will not count so please no cheating.
  3. Vote will be cast on one of the official comments made my this account, and only those votes will count.
  4. Additional comments will not be counted.

The Designs

1. @Welshstacker

Here is his post explaining the revision process

The design in his own words;

So I've called the idea THE COMMINI-TREE (community) for obvious reasons, it's based on the tree of life pattern. So sit back, grab a cold beer and allow me to take you through my thought process... Hold tight, it's a mine field of random thoughts!!

So the tree is meant to represent growth, not only as an individual on Steemit but as the platform as a whole. It needs strong roots and will continue to grow bigger for as long as its foundations are strong!! Told you it was cheesy..

The design of the coin itself, I feel needs a chunky rim to it, very similar in size to last years one. It gives a good balance to the design inside and leave plenty of space for writing around the outside.

I loved last year's design and would like to use the idea of minnow to dolphin to whale as part of this design. So my thought was, as you progress further up the tree, you move from minnow to dolphin in to whale. There can be a few leaves scattered amongst the branches too. There should be a lot of minnows around the lower branches and get slightly bigger the higher up. These could be mixed in with dolphins and overlap as you go up. There should be less dolphins than minnows and obviously less whales than dolphins sitting at the top. There should be no whales at the very top(leave a tiny space of free branches) as who knows what the future may bring.

So I decided to change up the outer rim message. I know a few thought the "from little acorns might oak trees grow" message was meaningful enough, but for continuity I used the "community" designs from last years round and added 2 new words of my own, one Welsh and one Irish.

2. @bearone

Her revision process and post-also alternate versions

What in means in her own words;

Steemit to me is all about community and that is represented by the MINNOWS. Yup the minnows. No dolphins and whales this time, just the minnows.

I feel it's important that we remember what it's like to be a new fish swimming in new waters.

The SWIRLS represent the constant movement and changes on the platform.

This constant change was emphasised when I took a week off for The Move, when I got back this week I found so many new things going on within the communities I am a part of. I was only semi gone for a week.

The 'CHANGING TIDES' when you look at it, looks like it's propelling the "Steem" logo towards the full moon.

This is exactly how I feel about Steemit. It's just a matter of time before the tides change and people really embrace the next generation that we represent.

The RIPPLES represent our interaction with each other and how we have the ability to touch each other's lives.

I find this especially true in my time here. It has been my pleasure to have come across many beautiful souls and because of Steemit, we are able to touch other people's lives outside of the platform.

What we do here, now, makes a difference wether we realise it or not.

The long WAVES represent the dips and gains, the ups and downs, that we as a community go through.

The STARS...
"Reaching for the Stars. Going to the Moon."

Lastly. You would have noticed I revamped the STEEM logo.

Honestly? I was having issues getting the proportions right to make it look exactly like the logo so I sketched in a rough outline, which ended up sticking because it reminded me of the 2001 Space Odyssey Monolith.

Which in this design seems so appropriate, as the Monolith, in the movie, triggered a shift in evolution.

Steemit certainly is the next step to evolution.

That's it, may the best design win and let the voting begin!


My eggplant is your eggplant!


I was gonna vote U UP but the synergy of your quote and the current value of the post...


Whatever that means...

"of Eggplants and 69-centers"
T. Damus 69 cents.png



Going with first impressions so the tree by @Welshstacker gets my vote both good but can only pick one great work to all..

We use a similar logo for our business. Vote for the tree!

I love the community tree!

The tree loves YOU!


Hi J!

I VOTE @welshstacker. Thank you to all the participants. Lets keep the tree growing, and strengthen our roots. Please keep me in the loop about how I can pre-order these, I do not want to miss that. Blessings.

I like both design proposals, but I’ve always loved trees. For that reason @Welshstacker’s design is a winner in my eyes!

Good luck @welshstacker, I love this one tons ... a lover of trees myself and also what is a called a 'tree talker' in my Native American culture. This would no doubt be my favorite. xx Eagle

Both designs are great but i'm a sucker for trees, so @welshstacker gets my vote.

Well done. A tree is a very beautiful symbol, fits the steemit community very well.

Ahhh yes the tree of majestic .... a bit like Steemit

This is the one. It'll make a very nice round. @ironshield

This is awesome @welshstacker. And you have some really great competition with @bearone!!! Nicely done mate!

I have made my vote :D

This is turning out to be really good, I love the tree design.

@welshstacker that is an amazing design !!

The way you kind of have to focus to see the difference between leaves and fish, yet when you see them they really stand out, makes it incredible !

Such a tough choice but Welshie get my vote.

@Welshstacker’s image is the one that speaks to me. Well done!

I have to say, both designers do fabulous work and all the submissions were fabulous. Thank you for helping us find the perfect round for 2018.

I really like this. I didn't even notice that the fish, dolphins, and whales were mixed in with the leaves until I read the description. Now, I can't UNsee it. Awesome design!

@welshstacker, youv done it. At first, my #1 place was for bearone - but this has my #1 vote now. Well done! It will be my first silver coin with a tree on the back!

While I think @bearone has done a great job on her design, I think my vote has to go to @welshstacker's design. I think it has cleaned up very nicely and is an amazing design for a coin. Great Job!

@welshstacker Both brilliant designs, but I have to go with THE COMMINI-TREE design and your fantastic use of pritt stick! In all seriousness this design encompasses what the Steemit Community is all about and I can't wait to place my order for one or two of these bad boys!

I like both but I choose the COMMUNI-TREE design, just for the idea.

Both are great but I like the community tree by @welshstacker the best #1!

I like both the designs, but the tree finally got to me... I think this will make a phenomenal coin, can't wait to hold one of my own :)

I need one of these with Yggdrasil (tree of life) on it!!
when can I buy this?

Love this design so much!! Great job Welsh!!

@bearone, your design rocks!

Love it @bearone (I like it better with the Statement: "together, to the moon")

awww thanks you guys! <3

I love your design @bearone. I love the explanation and the fact that you see minnows as the main characters in steemit. I hope you win. :)

I vote for bear1. I think the swirl action would look spectacular on the round 👍😎

I like this design a lot! Great work @bearone

Great job and good luck @bearone!!
And I agree, keep the words!

I love this one! Great design BearOne!

Momi's design for the win!

Added my vote for this one. I'm ordering 10-20 this year depending on price regardless of the design though.

Awsome design sweetie 🤗 good luck!

Tree (of life) is used a lot already. I then prefer this one.

I like this design, for me it has much more relation with the ocean where we are @steemsilverround . Great job @bearone

I really love this and well done @bearone.

Voting for this! good luck to both of you! :)

Very well done @bearone! A beautiful design!

Heya welshie... maybe some “pearls” around the outer edge................................?

“Snazzy” it up!

...even better if they were acorns 😜👍

Instead of the dots between words use acorns? I like that a lot.

what a great idea - acorns instead of dots!

I also like that idea

The COMMINI-TREE for me. @swt3df1

The tree looks like the Germanic / Celtic ancient tree of life ...
thumbs up

Both are great but I’m going with @welshstacker

my vote goes to @bearone #2 entry

My bet is number 2 @bearone

For me it got to be

Thank you. You need to upvote one of the comments above for your favourite.

Here I come with the final vote going to @welshstacker!!!! We win

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