My Roadmap To 5,000 SP By Aug 23, 2019 (2-Year Mark) - 600 SP or 5.82/Day Left To Go Over 103 Days

in #strategy5 years ago (edited)

I have 103 days left to get exactly 600 SP.

I originally needed 1,400 or 8.43/day when I started this goal 166 days ago.

I've averaged about 400 SP/month since, which I could buy in a heartbeat, but refuse to. I want to prove to others who don't have the means that you can earn your way through hustle, making friends, networking, consistency, and more hustle (for fun).

My intention is to have this be a marketable case study in some way down the line, or to give people who can't buy Steem hope. I made a goal and will meet it. Plain and simple.


From my last update 18 days ago (my 1,000th blog post then), my daily target fell from 6.57 SP to 5.82 (~11% acceleration).

Despite the improved rate, my blogging rewards have dropped sharply since. Maybe less people are around, or I'm not as interesting or entertaining. Maybe I said something wrong in a post or didn't cheerlead enough. Who knows, but I can only be myself and try to have fun.

My daily curation rewards are in the 1.25-1.50 SP range, so not all of this has come from blogging.

Even if rewards fizzle, I'll always want to post about my upcycling/recycling/thrifting since there's a bigger picture involved for people to learn about in the future (facilitated by historical blog search functionality improving).

Fortunately, the downtick in rewards has been offset by the excellent SBD/Steem ratio, so my progress is a bit deceiving. I did have two successful drum videos lately that got @dtube's attention, and another post @rmsbodybuilding awarded a generous @tipu donation to. Please check out his blog. He's a hard worker and selflessly dedicated to spreading physical fitness here.

At this rate, I might try to drum more since it's a lot of fun and @dtube shows appreciation when they catch them to give me a solid seal of approval (to hopefully make my videos more visible for a few days). I really just want people to listen and I feel that they're helping.

I haven't self voted once during this initiative. Proof of the past is in the link above.

Thank you to everyone that's given me a boost along the way here. Every little bit and name I see helps. I most enjoy when I know people have given me a look to read or their ears to listen. Below is a snapshot since my last post.

Special thanks to @willowwisp for being a nice and supportive new fan on nearly every post, @aussieninja style.


I had a choice to make recently: invest big into Steem for a new curation/delegation account, or not. At this time, I chose to pass because I thought it'd undermine the spirit of this initiative. I put my money into my core holdings for this phase. Maybe I'll regret it, but my gut told me to wait on Steem for now.

Once I get to 5,000 SP, I'll be more liberal with investing fiat since I proved that I could do it without buying my stake. I'll also be at peace with my other long-term holdings so I can focus more on Steem as my under-the-radar investment to build up, as the chain and ecosystem hopefully works some kinks out.

I hope those who've been following this have gotten some encouragement or regular insight into what it's like to be an average content creator who prefers not to vlog or get intertwined in politics. To those who are on a similar SP trajectory, feel free to share your progress or struggles below.

Steem mon',


GO get em boy!!! almost there man!
and you'd be more happy as the bulls are coming in! ;)

You're 600 SPs away, that's soooooooo close! I'm still at 3,900.... You can do it, @steemmatt !!! \o/

I guess I should post more often as I used to post daily but I haven't had the ....enthusiasm, lately....

Not because of steem value or anything, just feeling a little less energetic because of some unfortunate people interactions and I have come to a place where I thought maybe I should be spending more energy on other things . __ .

But, won't drop the ball here, neither and will definitely try to get to 5k myself :D :D :D

I completely understand the drop in enthusiasm. I'm in the same boat. People who prefer to focus on pure content creation often don't get the same traction and attention as those who position themselves as pro-Steem marketers (often for show), or delve into spinning their wheels in Steem politics. That's just not me right now and stakeholders seem to put those people on a pedestal more often than not because it's presumably helping their investment move in the right direction.

If only more people valued genuine creativity, music and the arts as much... it's the backbone of Steemit (albeit not Steem). For the public's eye, Steemit is very much the landing zone for new adopters, so it's so short-sighted for people to let content creators fizzle out again and again.

While those reasons don't apply to you, I'm shocked to hear that you've had any interactions that have been negative. I can't even understand how that'd be possible, considering how you are here and what you do. I don't know the story, but please don't let a few rotten apples change your ways or goals here. You're an important cog in the genuine part of the Steem/Steemit community and I'd rather have one of you than 50 of the "others" who think they run things around here.

awww matt <3 you are very sweet :> i really appreciate it, genuinely...

i completely agree with you that content creators, specially those that try to share honest parts of themselves through quality contents, are the pillars of what would make a blogging platform work. but then again, steemit is tied to steem and it gets muddled up with the blockchain's complex cogs.

i will try to just keep doing what i do, but yeah, some days .... it's harder than others.

BUT! it's a morale boost to hear such kind words from you :D :D :D i feel happier just from such interactions with people on here, you know :) Sometimes I look at how many times I've commented and for how long I've supported many people and they dont even really care to have a chat or to find out more about what they can do for others, too

I'm not magical, we are all able to support each other. We all can spend five-to-ten-more minutes on a single Steemian everyday just to really look at them, see what they are saying, listen to what they want to share. But a lot of users seem to be "inert" for lack of better words? They just expect that people should visit, follow, upvote regularly, comments regularly, but do they do the same?

Seems like people needs a bit more of self-introspection sense, some days!

I'm not "special" or "better" than others. Everyone can lift a bit more and prop each other up, but the trouble is, I don't really see the majority being interested in engaging in real terms. Most people wants to 'earn' off the reward pool, not quite considering the system behind the 'reward pool'...

Gosh, I'm ranting now XD Ignore me.

Im super thankful for the kind, gorgeous, warm words. Super, super, super thankful <3 !!!

I will continue to do what I can for as long as I can :)

Thanks for opening up. It helps me understand you better and probably also didn't hurt to vent for yourself either. You actually fired me up to write this post now. Hopefully it'll give you another boost.

You have the right mindset. Stick to your guns and you will prevail. Respect is the most valuable asset we have. We gotta stick together here!!

No self voting! You will be the case study for sure.

I used to. I've barely done it this year before I started this initiative, but certainly not once since.

I don't understand Steemit enough to understand totally what it takes to accomplish that but I can imagine. So, it was an initiative put out by Steemit? I can't imagine not voting for myself especially being so new. The standards are high here as compared to FB and Twitter. I just found Partiko and think I'm going to like that opportunity too.

I just decided to set this goal for myself. It had nothing to do with Steemit aside from using the site for my blogging. I used to self-vote often to try to give myself any type of moral boost when my older posts returned bread-crumbs in rewards. I may return to doing it after I hit 5,000 because upvote support around here is so few and far between, and the thought I put into what I do is worth something to me. A lot of people use Partiko and earn points from app/occasional upvotes from the main account, so that isn't a bad idea. It may offer a better user experience too.

You're young and have a lot to prove to yourself. You're doing it right and succeeding, you remind me of my son. I'm at a different place and Steemit may not be good for me for what I wanted out of it.

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