Steemitri The Mannequin: a special gift for TheOldDog @kus-knee

in #community7 years ago

Hello everyone!
I’ve spent a couple of days without a hand, but it has been worth it!

Everything had a specific goal:
From the first day I signed up to Steemit, I had great support, lot of advice, and a big “HAND” from the The Old Dog @kus-knee.

I wanted to go visit him and shake his hand in person, but I am a mannequin and I struggle to move…

I therefore decided to ship my right hand with a few unique “real world coins”... they aren’t SteemDollars and neither silver coins (as those of @papa-pepper), instead some delicious Swiss-Choco-Coins (SCC)!




Here is the link of Old Dog @kus-knee's post, while he is unwrapping the package:

"The Old Dog Gets Shocked: A Package Arrived From @steemitri Steemit's Only Mannequin!"

You rock man!!

You can watch the video of the The Old Dog here:

Thank you again for your incredible support!

… I hope you will be able to return my hand back to my address… otherwise it’ll be hard to manage without it for longer, haha!

Snowy greetings to all from Switzerland!!

Steemitri The Mannequin

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Too fun this post :). Great @steemitri!

Nooo gli hai spedito davvero la mano per stringergli la sua??? Ho le lacrime dal ridere, sei fuori come un balcone :). Come ho fatto stare quasi un mese senza vedere i tuoi post :). Grande!

Hey @stea90!!! Bello vederti da queste parti!!! Steemitri è un po' fuori di testa, haha!

Wow really nice done. And I can see is very happy with it

Hey @steemitri, you sacrificed so much to shake my hand and I really appreciate it! May many blessings be poured out on you Diana and Lucas!

My only question is who else would you like to shake hands with?


Ohhhh! You are on to something there! How cool would it be if many more people to come can shake @Steemitri 's hand ! 👊

Yeah... not a bad idea :-)

Oh... if you want you can chose who the send to... @airmatti?!? @peter-parker?!?! @roused?!?! I can wait a few weeks more ;-)

Spoiled for choice 😊

You are very fun and positive guy, Steemitri! You made my day when i saw this video of @kus-knee 😂😂😂😂😂

Haha thanks @olgy-art :-)
Have a funny day
Steemitri The Mannequin

If you need a hand,.. just let me know ;-)

Haha, LOL! Yeah... I will contact you if the parcel get lost ;-)

Good you remembered the Old Dog @Kus-Nee and you acknowledged his support with not just your hand but with real SCC.
You are always so creative.
Hope you have gotten your hand back

Oh you are too much Steemitri! Slothy loves your creativity!

Hey Slothicorn!!! Thanks a lot... I will try to interact a little bit more with you ;-)

Ma guarda te, pure la moneta ci hai fatto:-))))troppo forte!

Ciao Caroline! Grazie mitica artista! Un mega saluto!

Salutoni anche a te e passa una buona serata:-)))

XD Brilliant! Tricky to risk losing your hand like that though, I certainly would not trust the Dutch post with such a special parcel, fingers crossed your hand will return to you safe & sound! Snowy greetings back from the Netherlands ❤

Thanks @cryptocatz !!! I think swiss post will handle that... hope so :-)

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