Steem Basic Income - Weekly Voting Report 22 July 2018

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Still Going Strong

We are up to nine pools, so your upvotes could come from @steembasicincome, @sbi2, @sbi3, @sbi4, @sbi5, @sbi6, @sbi7, @sbi8, or @sbi9. We currently have 3259 members that have posted within the last 28 days. Unfortunately the members that are not posting are not receiving upvotes. There are currently 28464 'shares' in the program, and it grows every day.

Pool 1 accounts voted

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With so many inactive members, we have only been able to upvote 335 of the members in pool 1! Since we have been transitioning to 400 members per pool instead of 500, this shows a higher activity rate in pool 1. We will continue to move inactives into an inactive list after 30-60 days. Since rebalance cycles take time to process, the exact cutoff for movement to the inactive list is flexible.

When a member on the inactives list begins posting again, we will see that in our data refresh and reactivate them into our lowest pool. From there they may begin moving up through the pools again as we continue our rebalance cycles.

Management shares are created at a rate of 5% of regular shares, but are currently capped at 500 per pool. Since @josephsavage has not been posting frequently enough to get value from his management shares, most of them are temporarily assigned to @thedailysneak until the automation project is finished. Since they also have not been posting frequently enough to benefit from the full count, that keeps the voting power higher in the pools. When they start posting more regularly, they will again start showing high in the top few pools.

Pool 2 accounts voted

Pool 2 upvotes come from @sbi2!

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With more members reaching maximum shares in pool 2, the percentage of total upvote that each receives has dropped. That leaves @steembasicincome with its one full upvote per update, and @thedailysneak with bonus management shares, at the top.

After that, the next few slices are very even. The evenness of these slices, in spite of very different posting rates among the top members, shows how effective our weekly distribution across member posting frequency actually is in normal conditions. You can click through the image source link and hover your mouse over any pie slice to see who it represents.

Pool 3 accounts voted

Pool 3 upvotes come from @sbi3!

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@charitybot is one of the new rising stars of Steem Basic Income. They will be moved up into a higher pool soon, but have been growing quickly and supporting lots of different accounts. Check out their page to see what they are up to and whether you want to support it with some of your own upvotes.

Pool 4 accounts voted

Pool 4 upvotes come from @sbi4!

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@digitalis and @factism coming up at the top of pool 4 actually came as a surprise to me. There are quite a few members in that pool with more shares than they have. As I dig into the scenario, I find that they are benefiting from a posting frequency that is just above the cut-off to be moved down into pool 5.

Under our partially manual system, we upvote in full integers (e.g. 1%, 2%, etc) and we usually move people down only when their upvote % drops below 0.50%, so it would round to 0% instead of 1%. As pools grow, the value difference represented by a range of only 1% has grown significantly. This is one of the reasons why we have transitioned from 500 members per pool to only 400 members per pool.

The automated system will handle this whole thing completely differently, and remove this area of potential abuse from the program completely. To be fair, @digitalis and @factism are probably unaware that their posting frequency has resulted in receiving significantly more value than they should be receiving. I don't believe this was deliberate abuse, but whether deliberate or accidental, I still work hard to protect the fairness and integrity of the whole program. They will be moved down into pool 5 soon.

Pool 5 accounts voted

Pool 5 upvotes come from @sbi5!

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Moving down into pool 5, we start to see more typical characteristics again. @dynamicgreentk, @cicbar, and @thedailysneak all have maxed out share levels in the pool, but @cicbar is not earning an upvoting bonus, and @thedailysneak is not posting frequently enough to receive full value.
When we move into our automated system, we will calculate the value every member should have received so far, and take steps to 'catch up' members that have not received as much upvote value as they should have. We will make more announcements about the new system and how it will work when we get closer to transitioning over.

Pool 6 accounts voted

Pool 6 upvotes come from @sbi6!

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We have been transitioning our upvote delivery from @steemvoter to @steemauto. Steemvote is much easier to manage rule changes between pools, but steemauto is much easier to manage rebalances within pools. When moving members, we configure the rules for everyone being moved, and then quickly rebalance the full pool (which now takes only about 30 minutes instead of several hours). If a member gets lucky and posts right after being moved, but before their new upvote value is configured in the rebalance, they may get a full upvote.

This happened to @rahmadantara this week. Added to his normal value received of 2% on two posts each day, it was enough to propel him to the top of the pool. If it happens to you, consider yourself lucky but don't expect to keep receiving full upvotes every time. Even this anomaly will disappear when we move into our new system.

Pool 7 accounts voted

Pool 7 upvotes come from @sbi7!

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The transition from 500 members per pool to 400 members per pool has limited the opportunities for @thesteemengine to advance into the higher pools. Since most pools are now close to 400, there will be more active rebalancing across pools and they will advance out of pool 7. @cicbar is maxed in pool 7, so they will continue to receive the largest slice for some time.

Pool 8 upvotes come from @sbi8!

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Similar logic applies in pool 8. Since most members have only a few shares, the few that have many but have not advanced out yet are represented with large slices.

Pool 9 upvotes will come from @sbi9.

Effective immediately, new members will be slotted into pool 9. We will also raise the daily rate-limiting in pool 7 from once per day to twice per day. This may result in some members from pool 7 being moved down into pool 8.


Since we want members to receive their full bonuses from upvoting, the goal for how many upvotes are needed to reach the full bonus will continue to be based on our actual number of updates, instead of our target of once daily.

If you would like to contribute to @steembasicincome's development, please reach out to us on Discord. We are extremely grateful for the work that @holger80 has been putting into our automation project. Please consider supporting him with your witness vote.


If you want to get involved, or to increase the share of basic income that you receive, enrollment is pretty straightforward:

Just send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome. Include the name of a Steemian to sponsor in the transaction memo (preceded by @). You and the person you sponsor will each receive 1 share in the program. You can sponsor any active Steemian, it does not have to be a current member. If you sponsor yourself, or do not sponsor anybody, we will assign the 2nd share to an existing member.

If you're unclear, please check out our full transaction memo guidelines and let us know if you have any questions.

The official currency for enrollment is STEEM. We are not currently accepting SBD for enrollments transactions. The delay for processing enrollment transactions can be up to 6 or 7 days.

Upcoming Steem Creators Conference!

Come meet us and many other talented Steemians in Toronto this Fall!

We had a great experience at the #steemcreators conference in April and we are excited for what is in store this September! This is a fantastic opportunity to network with other Steemians and learn skills to improve your Steem performance.

Purchase your conference tickets Here and don't forget to book your place for the Steem Creator's Concert after-hours event featuring @wolfnworbeikood and many other amazing creators!!!
We would love to see you there!

Here is @josephsavage's presentation on Steem Basic Income from the last conference:



Please read our recently published FAQ. Most questions are addressed in our FAQ or in the additional resources that it suggests. If you still have questions, ask in the comments section or join us in our discord channel. To review your share counts, we recently introduced our new SBI Member Lookup Tool.


This program is really fantastic. It has my full vote, even when my Voting Power needs to be restored... 😂

If you check out and search for my name, you will see that I have you, @steembasicincome, on the roster to receive my upvote. It seems that you are still not getting all of your posts upvoted by me through this option. I'm not going to check back every day to make sure you get the upvote.

With the known information above, I am guessing that I will not be eligible to receive the extra help of 25 shares because steemauto isn't always going to upvote your post due to various reasons. Is this correct?


We base our upvoting bonus on the actual upvotes that we have received over the past 28 days. If your voter misses an update, then it would potentially impact your bonuses. You will still receive credit for the upvotes that go through, and it's possible to receive a partial bonus (quite a few people do!)

And they also count votes on comments, so going through their comments to make sure you give all the upvotes is useful, too!

Thanks for your input.

This is true, but only on @steembasicincome and a lot of comments come from the pool accounts now.

(Upvotes on comments by pool accounts will be rewarded, but not until after transition to fully automated system.)

Alright. That being said, you get to keep my upvote. 8-)


Looks good SBI, keep up the good work.

hi, i was surprise that i do get 100% upvote from sbi4. i do post once or twice a day. the only thing i did is use the photocirle hashtag instead if insects. then i noticed sbi4 upvoted me 100%. i would like to assure you that i have no intention to abuse sbi . tnx

You just had lucky timing to post during the narrow window where I had you at default and not configured the actual voting rule yet. I believe that you had no intention to abuse the program. The point I was making is more that we try to account for things and designed the program to be extremely resilient to abuse. There are still some weak points in the design, due to the manual processes in place, but those will be taken care of when we move into full automation.

Still confused on how to join . please can you help me with a highlight of it.

Looks like @dandays gave a good walk-through just below, but it attached to the wrong comment so you might not have seen it.

Thanks. Now I understand :)

That “I” got cut off, it says ‘Include.’
And preceded means ‘after.’ For example if you want to enroll me into another Steembasicincome, which by the way is a brilliant idea if you ask me, do this:

Open your wallet.

The top amount is your Steem. Click the little arrow next to Steem.

Now click transfer.

Where it says “to” type in steembasicincome.

Amount is 1.0.

Then in your memo, if you were purchasing me a share, you would type @dandays. Hope this helps!

Oh I almost forgot. Thanks for the share! :wink:

hi, how can I tell how many shares I have in total? and are they all in one pool?

You can use this sheet or go onthe latest post and search using the new tool. You will have to save your own copy of the look up tool to use it correctly.


great thank you for that

@steembasicincome wow !! You are doing great work.. i was not knowing about this earlier but feeling good to know about this now.

@steembasicincome will sending just one steem make my a member of the steem basic income community and eligible for an upvote for as long as I remain in steemit? Or I'll be required to send one steem Everytime I create a new post in order to be eligible for an upvote from steem basic income?

1steem = 1 share

This will be a lifetime upvote. The more shares the larger the upvote

That's nice. Thanks for the response

Do you have a spreadsheet that says where each individual got their SBI? Like a way for me to track, "Oh, I've sponsored X shares for @freewritehouse and Y shares for @stinawog"?

If you look at the data section of this spread sheet it will tell you that info. Currently there is no lookup for this yet. I believe the automated system will do this when it rools out

@improv You can search the TxIn tab in the sheet for your name, but we don't have an explicit tool for that. It's a little more complex than google sheets can handle smoothly. It's on my roadmap for development, though.

Thanks! I see. Fun to see that I was gifted shares elsewhen and never even noticed!

SO... was watching your video (I assume I'm talking to @josephsavage) at the steem conference, and am considering the idea that it could become a real basic income if I put in $10,000... assuming STEEM doesn't collapse, which I don't think it will... Does your 80% (160% with upvotes) ROI seem sustainable to you for the next year?

You may want to wait until you see the adjustments under the automated system before you commit that much to it. The way we reward upvotes will be modified and if the balance is off between your SP and your SBI, it may result in a lower ROI. There are other limitations that would impact the performance on that high a share count prior to automation as well.

Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you are looking to do something like that soon instead of waiting for our full automation to launch, and we can talk through some of the actual number mechanics.

Oh discord. Sure. Is your handle @josephsavage there? Also, is 500 steem a small enough number that it wouldn't likely distort roi?

Posted using Partiko Android

500 behaves as expected, for the most part. At your posting frequency I would not anticipate it being a problem. We talked through the other potential issues, so I'll let you make your own call about whether you think it's worth the risk.

I've also just been thinking as well that SBI is a solution to spam. First of all, no one is going to sponsor in a spammer. Second of all, because it doesn't return more if you post a ton vs posting a little, it doesn't appeal to spammers. Third of all, because there are real people administrating it, if an account became a spammer or whatever, you could make a real decision to reallocate their shares.

The more I think about SBI, the more problems I think it solves with the Steem ecosystem, just as it is intended to.

Hopefully as it grows, there will become a time when it can serve as a real income for folks. Boy would that be a stress relief (we're moving our kiddo into his own room soon, and that's going to significantly reduce our income, so finding something to replace that lost income, even if it costs an initial investment, has been a motivating factor for the past few months)!

Oh, and!

I had the thought recently that SBI would serve as a good way for willing participants to, in a trusted way, trade steem for goods. Since with traditional platforms, if there's something wrong with the transaction, the platform can serve as a mediator, but with crypto, there is no such arbiter, there's some need for establishing trust. With SBI, one could pay for the goods and deliver benefits to both buyer and seller, and, if there's something wrong, they have a method by which they can prevent a bad actor from getting the benefit of their deceit, i.e. flagging, since it's not a simple transfer of currency, but rather the gradual transfer, and that can be fought long term. Does that make sense, or do I need to turn run-on sentences into concise ones?

thanks sir.

thank you sir

Sounds like a fun project keep up the good work

Wow! Congrats on the 9th pool.

Thanks! Growing much faster than expected still.

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