Why is there no education class/school to be a millionaire?

in #life7 years ago

Now you might think, wait a minute... a millionaire is not a job.
That's correct my padawan!

But if our goal is to get a big salary then we need a good job, and there for we need a good education... then that is exactly the same road you want to take, but you were only brainwashed to think, that the education road is the only way to be a millionaire. And that is not the case my friends, in fact there are many ways to Rome.


For that reason i called the title of this post.. Why is there no education class to be a millionaire?
Because the facts are, there are people among and around us who became a millionaire after certain actions. That means if there was a education class in those actions, it would lead to more millionaires, and in the long run that would be better for our economy. Or we have a another problem, and that is that others don't want the common men to be a millionaire.

But what does it mean to be a millionaire?
It latterly means, someone who have more than 1 million dollars to spend freely in the world, that's a millionaire.

So the goal should be, to learn how to get minimal 1 million dollar to spend or to live. That is possible when the actions of others are studied and practised.

Like the story of a CEO, who had in 10 years 17 companies. And every company when bankrupt and then he builds his 18de company and that brought him financial freedom. The question is, did he become a millionaire because his other concepts did not worked? Or did he learned from the mistakes he made, from 17 companies he lost?

Now imagine, that we hear about his story of his company and about his financial freedom, because we read about it on a blog or on Facebook. Do you think that its possible for the common men to find the truth about how he made his 18de company successful?

I don't think so, and this is one big problem in our society. We get rubbed in our nose to be someone in our society, and that we can only survive or be successful if we finish our school, or when we have a good job. And if the common men hear a success story, then its mostly half of the story, what would not be enough to learn from others.

_Imagine someone, how he explain in details to others, about how he got his success... We all know that people will explode there story and will not tell the full truth about how they got success, that is because we all have learned not to talk about that.
The mentality not to trust others, is enforced on us in many ways, or there is a fear that others will steel the success or will also create success. _

So for some reasons, there is some kind of competition between people in our society, while we want to earn money from others, but we don't want to share with others. Just like there are many ways to be a millionaire, and there are many millionaire around. That alone should be more than enough information and evidence, that there should be a millionaire education, to learn about the mistakes and choices others made to learn how to get 1 million dollars.


Or do you think it makes more sense to go to a education what learns how to be a barber, or to be a cook, or to be in the ICT, or to be a doctor, a lawyer, or any type of profession? Il bet you think that this is normal right? But what makes it normal? Because we are all grown up with these professions and we can also learn them on school? That don't makes it normal, that makes it common and those common jobs is adapted as normal.

But if we take a look at the 1% on this planet, who do what ever they want with people. Can we still say that those professions are for the public, or are they more to keep a system going what works for the 1%? Unfortanly what i personally see is, that our education system is nothing more or less than a program created to keep the system going.

And before you start with conspiracy this that, aloud me to tell a short story please. I was born in the Netherlands, but my parents are born in Suriname. And Suriname is a country what is in South America, and was before a Dutch colony. In the time of the VOC slave trade was Suriname a country were many slaves was brought to, to work on the plantations.


But then suddenly slaves started to run away into the Amazon, and even when they chased the slaves, they had a hard time going after the slaves in the dangerous jungle of the Amazon.

So they changed tactic, and used slaves to chase run away slaves. Those slaves were called house slaves, they hunted the run away slaves down and either brought them back or killed them. At the end those "house" slaves felt better than those run away slaves, but in the eyes of the "master", are they all slave. And to me we all are in the same situation.

Our education is part of a system what is created for us, we can either go left or right, but we can't learn what we really want.
And what do we really want? Now il make a huge assumption, so please forgive me if im wrong....but...

We want to be free, we want to do what we want, buy what we want, go where we want, we don't want to paid the bills anymore, we don't want to paid tax, we don't want to paid for travel, and we don't want think about how to get new money. And i know that we all want to paid for it, but when you have enough money, then its like your free. And if that would be common knowledge, then the keystone of the society gets removed and everything will collapse like a card house.

So my conclusion is, our education is created by the system, and works for the system and only benefit the system.
Now you might ask yourself, ok ok ok enough with the bombardments attacks on the system, so how can we change that?


Well i don't think a problem, could be fixed by the system who created the problem. If many roads leads to Rome, then why should we focus on 1 or 2 roads, what we had chosen in our teenage years , while we had no clue about the future?
Just be honest, how many of you doing work were you studied for while you hate or don't like the job?

Confucius said once, do what you like and you will never have to work anymore.
But we will only find out how a work is as an adult, when we are an adult and doing the job. We wound learn that on school, or doing stage in a company. The life of an adult who have to paid his bills and got a partner is a complete other foundation then being a teenager, who don't have a clue how the pressure of work effect his personal life.

Now you might think, well i need to work right, i need to paid the bills and there for im doing that. Yes i know, you might think that or use that as a argument, because that is the argument what others use ,i understand that. Because there are ways to be financial free, and everyone can learn that. But the ice cold truth is, that the system don't want that.

They want soldiers for there useless wars, they want workers to build there houses and companies, they want farmers and cooks to prepare there dinners, they want cops and lawyers to keep people in line, and they want people for everything to keep a system going, And that is the reason we have this education system and that we don't have a education about reaching the level of a millionaire, is because the system would fell apart.


**And the internet was almost used, for the same games they played with the public, they give us several social media like Facebook and YouTube and used the views for their own marketing strategy. But now times are changing, the block chain technology can change that. Because now with Steemit, can everyone share information, knowledge and experience about everything. Like for example, on Steemit are thousands of stories about how to earn money, and that is almost the same ,like an education about how to be a millionaire. **

Im very certain then we will get a very interesting future, because the common men can stand up, when they know what to do! And it look like Steemit is the platform were others will get the information, motivation and inspiration to wake up.

And i know that there never will be a education to be a millionaire and this post was more to make you think about our education system, and about the choices we have in our lives. That the choices we have are mostly not what we wanted, and were more created for us. And by seeing threw the strategy and by knowing how to bypass the system, then anyone can change his path and free him self. The key is educate yourself.
I thank you all for reading and if you like this post, then feel free to follow me.

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. Lao Tsu"



My man, really great article. I usually try to focus on the points I disagree with when commenting on a post, but it is hard to find any in your post.

I hated our education system for the longest time with all kinds of criticism towards it, but you, Sir, put the finger right into the wound:

Our education system does not train you to be successsful, but to work for successful people

I am somewhat of a socialist so I should actually be someone who says "People need to learn wisdom and morals, and should not be pressured to learn egoistic money making strategies in school", but I don't.

Keeping people down in the working/poor people class, while protecting our oligarchs with the concept of 'too big to fail', is the real social injustice!

Oh and I love Confucianism, I re-discovered it recently and it really sounds like Libertarianism was an idea from 500 BC ;)

Thank you for your feedback my friend, i really appreciate that.
And yes iv spoken from my heart, from what i experience in my life.
I have seen many people who got to be a millionaire, without doing the work what they had learned on school.
There are many ways to earn legit money , but there are also many walls before that, and many of those walls have nothing to do with money.
And more with the knowledge to earn those dollars, or the master plan or personal issues stand in people way.
And the knowledge to overcome to walls, or the strategy could be useful for others.

And correct my friend, keeping people down in the working class is the real social injustice.
You should see how it goes in some countries in Asia, like Cambodia for example. Suddenly there are many organizations who give the youth or girls/woman who had problems, an education.
But that education is for being a bartender, or someone who must clean the rooms in a hotel, or someone who must work in clothing industry, or someone must be a farmer.
And some people said, yeah that's good and those companies also sell it like that. "We do good things for the people and give them work!"

To me that's nonsense, i mean why not give them a education in philosophy, economy, politics, history , mathematics and not a education to be someone in the lowest part of the pyramid.
And on the same time those companies ask for help in the Western world, because they do something good?

There for me and my woman, who is Cambodian, want to create an education foundation in Cambodia, to learn others how to fish, instead of giving them fish.

In the western world is also another problem, many kids get wrong judgment and must go to a school what they did not wanted in the first place.

""Aah the kid don't want to listen, he is not good in school, then we must send him to a school where he can learn the lowest job of society, because that kid is stupid!""
Figuring out why the kid don't listen, or why he is not good in school is something what many schools ignore, forget or don't use that information in there judgment.
They simply judge a fish, an elephant, a money and a horse by asking them, climb the tree, and who can't climb the tree is a moron.
That's our education system in a nutshell, its not for the people, its for the elite!

At the end of the day, when a kid come from a war zone, got problems at home, lived in poverty then he don't got a good foundation to start with school, there for its not correct to punish those kids to a work or education what they never wanted in the first place.But unfortunately that is the situation we are in on this moment, and i hope we change that.

I have recent example for "helping people in Africa" gone wrong. Our state TV station made a documentary on how companies who were given European funds to build more agriculture in Africa are actually ruining the country.

And at the same time Merkel was justifying the idea to continue to support private investors in Africa...

There also other examples where our donated clothing ruined Africa's local clothing industry, because they can't compete with that.

Even if this was not about education, I think charity and donations have a similar value in society: You can not criticise it. And you know what they say about stuff you are not allowed to criticise in a society...

They simply judge a fish, an elephant, a money and a horse by asking them, climb the tree, and who can't climb the tree is a moron.
That's our education system in a nutshell

Spot on!

Peter Tiehl said some interesting stuff about modern education: It seems people are using it as an insurance rather than an investment. You get caught with the promise "You will not fall through the cracks of society", while it should be the promise "We will help you to be successful in life"


Fabulous post, Your bang on by my opion, it's a system that keeps going around in circles each generation bigger and more unnoticeable when it's the same as the history, which is being more noticeable in the last few years the reinforcement to control humanity world wide.

Thank you, thank you.
It was spoken from the hearth!
Because we could pretend like everything is fine and say hallaluja in a group, but that wound change the fact that everything in education is planned and organized for an agenda what nobody knows.

The facts are, government never ever ask the people.
Hello my fellow citizens, what do you prefer to see in the education system?
If that happened then the mistakes in the system is because of the mistakes we overlooked, but that is not the case.
Everyone get a tree to climb in, and if someone is a monkey, then he is lucky, or a snake then he is also lucky, but a horse or a fish is screwed in this society.
And that is a huge problem because then we could not see the full potential of that person, because we only focus on one action, and that is climbing the tree.

One issue is the schools like the fact they can boost how many students they have, but don't realize that's how many students they are keeping from gaining their full greatness doing these tests, as everyone is different, like in your above picture, we all don't think or learn the same, so why is everyone expect to do the same things and what purpose do they have.
Don't get me wrong there are some schools that do have a very caring community and do their own education based on what will help them, a few years ago our kids did study entrepreneurial at age 5 they made and sold the items to their peers, they absolutely loved it, haven't seen many schools do this, they are all different, but they say they have the same system, I think it depends on the school community in the why they teach and communicate the knowledge.

Study entrepreneurial at age 5???
That is brilliant!
Our son is 7 and his school is in close contact with the parents, they always said, if you have some ideas.
Now i got one lol.
Im gonna tell them about entrepreneurial! Thanks for that. :)

And yes there are some schools what are different, but here in the Netherlands i think almost all the schools are the same.

There was some parents moaning, it was a fabulous term of them learning all about business and why entrepreneurial ship is important, each class all had one thing to make per child, one class baked, another made drinks, others made snow globes, another made bouncy balls, another cardboard photo-frames, another painted little plastic horses that the teacher or parents donated supplies for, then the older kids on the afternoon hold down the tables while the little ones shopped between .20 cents to $1 they found out how they were made who made it, they were all so excited. They also had a work book for the term for homework learning about entrepreneurial-ship, we did a cake stall at home for the kids where they made flyers for the neighbors and posted it to them.
The kids loved it.
Some other schools do stalls after school with vegetables, nuts, fruits, drinks, honey, and skincare healing cream the kids have done during class time with the funds going to the school to help fund doing it all over again. That one is more a club where only a few kids can join and learn.

I agree. I love the example you cited about the house slaves hunting down runaway slaves. Our modern society apparently is doing the same unknowingly. I guess it has to do with all the paradigm that we he have been hammered with in school such as "survival of the fittest., etc.. We haven't been taught how to be financially free because the very people who designed the school system, engineered it in in a way that we become their future workers. But the times are changing and it's about time that we learn to help each other become free.

Thank you for your feedback Mary.
Indeed, it has to do what they been hammered in our past.
They played it real smart by putting the work situations in movies, or in soap series, and latterly tryed to brainwashed us with subliminal messages.

But that don't work anymore, we don't need to brainwash our kids anymore by telling them that without an education your are nothing.
Nowadays people can get financial freedom on the age of 16 and study Buddhism and live like a monk till the end of times.
And of course its important to read and write, but i think the education should be more about, how to be a human being, instead of how to be a worker what your state of mind or knowledge as a teenager had created.
That's not fair, someone could be thinking a like a idiot when he was 16 and mess everything up, and learn from his mistakes when he is 20.
But then he gets judged for the rest of his life because he made a mistake when he was a teenager???

While most of the time, are teenagers making mistakes because they had personal problems at home, or never had a good/safe and free foundation to be a kid. There for i see that this system is not correct, and will create workers or criminals, and for the elite are both good.
In fact when kids turn to criminals it's even better, because then they have a worker for almost nothing.
That's a shame and unfortunately the truth about our reality.

You're right... Imagine if we were taught how to be rich and how to be a great human being as well..the world would be a very different place to live.

I believe Trump University claimed it was such a thing. Pro-tip - #1 secret to being a millionaire: find a bunch of desperate or dellusional people who want to be rich and take their money claiming you'll teach them how. You'll get rich and they'll get poorer. Rinse and repeat. But don't tell anyone I told you that, it's a secret.

I know that secret very well.
I was grown up in a environment were making money was top priority, and the only goal was making money in smart ways. I reached my climax when i was 19 and saw the differences in people in the ways of making money.
I learned that what ever someone does, that those actions could turn into a habit and the habit can turn into the personality.

I noticed that after i saw friends slowly change into a monster or into a business man, father, worker or what ever.
There for i concluded that its important to do something right or correct, because those actions can turn into a habit, and the habit can determine your life.
For that reason i would never lied to people about business, or trick them to take there money, because then i would master that skills and will only trick more people in the future to get more money, what leads to many angry people after me and then i could never be free.
I saw that in actions from others around and i would never take that road.

It's like, better to be a servant from a poor master then to follow that path.
So its not a secret for people who knows how to make money, and i know! Trust me. And thanks for your comment!


Good article, very interesting ...

Thank you!

Great post , honestly I have not seen any similar post here since I have joined. You got urself a new follower. Maybe u would want to check my blog as well , it is relatively on the same subject.

Thank you, i just took a look at your page.
I see you are interested in stratis, steemit and ants.
Ever consider to take a look on bitshares.org.
BTS is also a very good option and is close connected to steem.
And thanks again for your comment, and il follow you to keep an eye about your trade information.

Your post is very good and useful for many people hopefully I can be like you, thanks for sharing your posting meaningful.semoga for the future I will be able to. support me

Don't be like me my friend, be your self.
Or is there someone else like you already that you need to be someone else?

I don't think so, the secret to our success is to create something what came from within our self, and everyone can do that.
Just focus on what you like the most, and search for a way to get that.
If you want to write good articles, then educate yourself about how to write articles, then practice on writing, grammar, and on how articles look like.
And keep doing that until you master the skill, and that is possible my friend.
Just go for it and the Steem community will support you. Trust me!

Totally. Very few people cultivate the thought of "money" and refine it. Most peoples relationship to money is reactive, not thought out. Strategy plays a role in every area of life and while finances are important, that's just one card you can play. The thing is that "asset management" is really about managing all your assets, not just your money. You asset portfolio really is made up of your skills, talents, intelligence and all the other "cards in your hand". Good article.

Correct many are good in one part, but fail in something else.
The focus should be on everything and not just money alone.
We have a saying, when you climb to high, then you can fall real hard.
Thank your the comment, i really appreciate that.

Gogo brotherrrrr 💃🏽!!

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