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RE: Why is there no education class/school to be a millionaire?

in #life7 years ago

Fabulous post, Your bang on by my opion, it's a system that keeps going around in circles each generation bigger and more unnoticeable when it's the same as the history, which is being more noticeable in the last few years the reinforcement to control humanity world wide.


Thank you, thank you.
It was spoken from the hearth!
Because we could pretend like everything is fine and say hallaluja in a group, but that wound change the fact that everything in education is planned and organized for an agenda what nobody knows.

The facts are, government never ever ask the people.
Hello my fellow citizens, what do you prefer to see in the education system?
If that happened then the mistakes in the system is because of the mistakes we overlooked, but that is not the case.
Everyone get a tree to climb in, and if someone is a monkey, then he is lucky, or a snake then he is also lucky, but a horse or a fish is screwed in this society.
And that is a huge problem because then we could not see the full potential of that person, because we only focus on one action, and that is climbing the tree.

One issue is the schools like the fact they can boost how many students they have, but don't realize that's how many students they are keeping from gaining their full greatness doing these tests, as everyone is different, like in your above picture, we all don't think or learn the same, so why is everyone expect to do the same things and what purpose do they have.
Don't get me wrong there are some schools that do have a very caring community and do their own education based on what will help them, a few years ago our kids did study entrepreneurial at age 5 they made and sold the items to their peers, they absolutely loved it, haven't seen many schools do this, they are all different, but they say they have the same system, I think it depends on the school community in the why they teach and communicate the knowledge.

Study entrepreneurial at age 5???
That is brilliant!
Our son is 7 and his school is in close contact with the parents, they always said, if you have some ideas.
Now i got one lol.
Im gonna tell them about entrepreneurial! Thanks for that. :)

And yes there are some schools what are different, but here in the Netherlands i think almost all the schools are the same.

There was some parents moaning, it was a fabulous term of them learning all about business and why entrepreneurial ship is important, each class all had one thing to make per child, one class baked, another made drinks, others made snow globes, another made bouncy balls, another cardboard photo-frames, another painted little plastic horses that the teacher or parents donated supplies for, then the older kids on the afternoon hold down the tables while the little ones shopped between .20 cents to $1 they found out how they were made who made it, they were all so excited. They also had a work book for the term for homework learning about entrepreneurial-ship, we did a cake stall at home for the kids where they made flyers for the neighbors and posted it to them.
The kids loved it.
Some other schools do stalls after school with vegetables, nuts, fruits, drinks, honey, and skincare healing cream the kids have done during class time with the funds going to the school to help fund doing it all over again. That one is more a club where only a few kids can join and learn.

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