Sublime Sunday: Crawfish & Catfish Festival

Today, I went with a group of friends to The Crawfish Festival held at the County Fair Grounds.

The line at the festival gate was so long, one can tell that this event is popular.

Like any typical festival, there were numerous booths selling food, specialty clothes, bags, hats, jewelry and all sorts of crafts. These are just random photos, nothing extraordinary.

I saw Precious the Mermaid (the SSG Community mascot), ships, and dragons in wood carvings, and of course I just had to take photos of those!

Three bands were playing at different areas of the fairgrounds. Please click the photo below to watch the video.

We came for the food... so here's what I ate: Boiled Crawfish & Potatoes, Po'boy Catfish Sandwich, Grilled Oysters with lots of garlic!, Garlic Fries, Onion Rings. Yup, I have a man's appetite! I did split the sandwich with Megan and shared a few Southern Hush Puppies...

I devoured the crawfish and wanted more but I was just too overcome by human respect to get another plate of crawfish, LOL!

Happy yummy in my tummy!

It was indeed a beautiful and sublime Sunday.

SublimeSunday is the brainchild of @c0ff33a.


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😊Sorry for this late post!!!😊

Hugs and Kisses 🤗💕💋!

Those plates of food look amazing. I've just woke up and now have a massive craving...

Love those dragon wood carvings too

I agree. Those dragon wood carvings are awesome.

👍 #1 vote bonus for WELSHIE!!! 👍

You are FIRST to comment on this article, my friend @welstacker! Thank you, I appreciate you!
GOOD MORNING!!! I hope you enjoyed this post! ...And I am about to go to bed! So good night. Have a beautiful day!

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@silversaver888 wrote lately about: Sublime Sunday: Crawfish & Catfish Festival Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

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Yum! Looks like a great time. Reminds me of my graduation party from high school. I lived outside of Chicago at the time. My grandparents flew some crawfish and shrimp up from New Orleans, and after my graduation ceremony, and my biker friends giving me a sweet ride home on the back of a Harley with a full motorcycle escort, my little 'ol Maw Maw taught my big burley biker friends how to eat crawfish. Ha! Good times, for sure. Glad you had fun!

Hehehe, it is a bit tricky peeling off the crawfish shell, but once you get the hang of it, it is so much fun to eat them, especially enjoyable with friends and familt😊. Thanks for stopping by, my friend, and Aloha🥰😍😘

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Thanks for reminding me of a great day! Aloha. Hope you have a wonderful week. 😊

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2nd People Post (non🤖ROBOT!)
You must work out a lot to maintain your figure!


Plus, eating WELL keeps everything working properly.
Nice fresh foods, organic, and properly balanced. You
have that covered in your recipe videos quite well!

Because I do love to eat, I keep an active lifestyle, @underground. On Tuesdays, I go to the gym, and on Thursdays, I do lap swimming with not fail! Thanks for letting me share my day.

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There is something fishing going on here! Crawfish have their own festival- amazing. I have never had crawfish but it does look pretty tasty, i take it you have to strip the meat from inside the crunchy body parts.

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I didnt get an invite......😪😪😪

Looks like a fantastic time bestie

We had a great time going through the booths and just chatting, catching up with each other. It is always fun to eat with friends on picnic tables under the shade of lots of trees while a live band is playing jazz and Creole music, Zydeco. I am most glad to share this with you, even only in photos, bestie.

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I haven't been to a fair in ages

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@silversaver888 wrote lately about: Sublime Sunday: Crawfish & Catfish Festival Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

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@silversaver888 wrote lately about: #Piratesunday: New World Pirate Era Ingot Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

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You must go to a State Fair or some festival, my friend! Don't miss out on American traditions and enjoy Americana!!!
I understand how life can be so hectic and busy, @teeneagecrypto. I was orphaned right after graduation, then lost my only two brothers in the span of 5 years after. My eldest brother, Bobby... he taught me how to plan, not just my day, but my week, my month, and my year. It is essentially planning for a well-round life. I know that there are activities and events happening year-round in counties and cities all over the US, so for sure, you have them where you are too. It just takes planning, @teenagecrypto.

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Great to see the people enjoying the dance. The queue would make me think it was to a big theme park like Disney's :-)

Hahaha, I know right... it can be discouraging to see such a line! I've always been reluctant including short videos in my articles. I want to be respectful of peoples time, so I use gif files to show photos so that people do not have to be scroll. And even with that, some comment that gifs make them dizzy or something.
I appreciate your comment, @ace108, and to know that you watched the video. That is so encouraging for me!
Have a beautiful week, my friend. Take care.

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@silversaver888 wrote lately about: Sublime Sunday: Crawfish & Catfish Festival Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

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Thank you silversaver888! You've just received an upvote of 37% by thejollyroger!

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I must have snoozed by this post. Sorry.

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What is important is that you are here now, sis kerrislravenhill! I appreciate you!

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Looks like such a cool and fun festival, clearly popular with that long line and those wood carvings are so cool

It was fun! There are so many things to enjoy in life... here, and in NYC.
9/11 is approaching... so many things to be thankful for, @tattoodjay!

Ohh yes with all the negativity in the world at the moment i feel we all need to focus on the positive as much as we can and hope it spreads and more positivity spreads

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@silversaver888 wrote lately about: #Piratesunday: New World Pirate Era Ingot Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

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Thanks so much for the tip truly appreciated

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