Inspirational Songs with Summation - English and Others With Translation

in #inspiration6 years ago (edited)

Here's a list of songs that are there to inspire you. Make you feel happier and also see the world differently in order to make a change. To feel more love towards others.

Eminem- not Afraid
If we can all become immune to fear we can achieve more than we think.

Nickelback - If Today is your last day
We can never tell if tomorrow will come, so we need to live to the fullest and give as much in life as we can today.

Stop and Stare One Republic
Realisation of surrounding, seeing outside of the box, seeing the world at a different perspective.

The Script - Hall of Fame
Hard work, the overlooking of hard circumstances and determination will make you the winner

One Republic - Counting Stars
We focus on one thing the most and loose the interest in the small important things

What doesn't Kill you makes you stronger
Everything that happens happens for a reason and that reason is to empower.

Where is the love - Black Eyed Peas
Sad old song with a lot of truth to it.

Others (Polish)

Small Things - Sylwia Grzeszczak
We need to appreciate the small things we have like we used to the world became very fake and we are lost not realizing these small things still can make us happy if we appreciate them.

Translation :

What good is - Kasia Kowalska
We are afraid to be ourselves we are afraid to trust, and we are happier when we know what good is around us. We all deserve to be happy.


Finding Happiness - Kamil Bednarek

My own translation:

Those who have found real love- Will find happiness
Those who disbelieve in greed no- Will find happiness
Those who know what honesty is oh-Will find happiness
You got people who will always help you. Protect you , so apreciate it.

Life always heaves its own orb.
With double strength reflects a single error.
Searching for happiness you better look at every step
When you think you got it , it falls from your hand.
We are born alone
We are die alone
Tangled on desire of web and
We forget that not everything that shines is gold no no no
Maybe adults from outside but still children from inside,
Trying to find ourselves in this world
Search for meaning of life has been going on for centuries.
So many questions, but not many answers.
Wake up the emotions im your s e -e -elf Do not be idle as the tundra.
So Hurry to love pe -e -e -ople
Every second counts.

Those who have found real love- Will find happiness
Those who disbelieve in greed- Will find happiness
Those who know what honesty is-Will find happiness
You got people who will always help you. Protect you , so apreciate it.

And I keep my distance
I press play, and I chill
Closing my eyes in my room and contemplating.
I appreciate that I feel
Colouring it with happyness!
At every moment sincerely thanking my friends.
Times change, you need to live by your own responsibility.
Trust me for this happiness is needed.
Do not look at the greedy, you still got more than them.
Own people , freedom of speech and braveness of heart
Without that, there would not be us.
If not for you and spent time searching for happiness.
Not ever the person will know if they haven't aknoledged suffering,
That , not a material object is the sense of existence.
For me, happiness is health, family, music , woman.
House that always waits for me
That's how it is, life has equal amounts of advantages and disadvantages
Tells you Manolo , and Bednarek !

Those who have found real love- Will find happiness
Those who disbelieve in greed- Will find happiness
Those who know what honesty is -Will find happiness
You got people who will always help you. Protect you , so appreciate it.

Appreciate it .. Appreciate it .
Appreciate it.. Appreciate it .
Appreciate it.. Appreciate it .
Appreciate it.. Appreciate it .

(Kamil Bednarek - Looking For Happiness -Non English)

Hope you all enjoyed these and felt inspired if so let me know. Old songs are gold

Love Rose.



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