ICPC Against Trump | Fiction | Comedy Open Mic Round 17

in #fiction6 years ago


Warning: This is probably fake news.

“Mr. President, you might want to take a look at this.”

Donald Trump had been inaugurated only a month ago. Already, things were headed south. Not that he was ever going to admit that. In his mind, he was doing a great job. Nobody could do a better job.

“What now?” he asked, irritated.

“It would seem there are aliens in the city, sir.”

“What do you mean ‘there are aliens in the city’? I think I would know if there were aliens in D.C.”

The secretary handed Trump the tablet so he could see the newscast for himself. On the screen, three creatures stood on a makeshift stage. They certainly weren’t human, but he wasn’t going to rush and call them “aliens.”

“Who is broadcasting this?” he demanded.

“Almost every major news outlet, Mr. Trump.”

“Yeah, but which ones?” His voice was condescending like the secretary should know which news sources weren’t to be trusted.

“CNN, NBC--”

He interjected, “Let me stop you right there. Those aren’t aliens. This is just some scheme the fake news media is trying to pull off. They’re failing. They’re failing so they had to make up all this nonsense about aliens.”

“I’m not so sure that’s the case, sir,” the secretary said, a confused and concerned look on her face.

“Trust me. Those are fake. This is why I’m the president, and you are not. You can’t even see through an obvious ruse like this. Aliens,” he scoffed.

“I don’t--”

“No, they’re fake. Don’t worry about it. Where’s Pence? Has he heard about this absurd ‘news’?” Trump even went so far as to make air quotes.

“I’ll go find him for you, sir.”

“Good. Do something you’re good at.”

With the woman gone, Donald started pacing the room.

“Aliens,” he muttered. “How could the Democrats find aliens? How could they pay them off to be against me?”

He continued to pace, muttering to himself about the aliens. “Can’t be real, can’t be real.”


Trump jumped, pulled out of his thoughts by the Vice President’s presence.

“Mike, have you heard about these supposed aliens?”

“I have, sir.”

“What can you tell me about them?”

“What is there to tell? Aliens have finally shown themselves to us because they hate you and believe you pose a threat to our very existence. Pretty straight forward.”

“No, no, no. They’re not real. It’s the fake media. They must be holograms. Like they did with Michael Jackson and, uh, that other guy...uh, Tupac! Tupac, that’s who it was. Do you remember that? This is just like that.”

“Holograms, sir? Don’t those take a great amount of time to make? And money?”

“No, no time at all. What’s more believable? Aliens or holograms?”

“Neither is really what I would call ‘believable’.”

“No, the correct answer is holograms, Mike.”

The Vice President sighed. He was sick of Trump’s disdainful statements. Instead of replying, he turned and walked out of the room.

Immediately, Trump reached for his phone. Opening Twitter, he started typing up a storm.

“These claims of ETs in Washington are false #FAKENEWS,” he tweeted out. “Obviously, what everyone in the DC area has been seeing are holograms produced by the New York Times, Washington Post, etc.” His rant ended with: “These holograms are not my enemy, but the enemy of the American People!”

He closed the application and put down his phone before the public’s outcry could begin. He would never see all the replies from the American people. They didn’t believe that the aliens were fake. Most people in the Washington D.C. area had seen them with their own eyes. They had pictures and videos to prove how real the aliens were, but Donald couldn’t care less. He had made up his mind. The aliens were fake and that was that. As Trump persisted in ignoring the obvious truth, numerous people felt like the end of the world – or possibly only America but, you know, close enough – was coming rapidly.
It did not take long for the aliens themselves to respond to Trump’s Twitter babble. The next day, they broadcasted themselves onto every device possible: every TV, tablet, and phone was taken over. There was no news network coverage needed for this speech.

“Today,” his voice boomed, his strange accent leaking through, “it would seem we need to prove our authenticity! We must prove we are not holograms. This is what your ludicrous excuse for a leader has come up with. I’m very sorry to inform him that we are not just a projection of someone’s idea of what you call an ‘alien’ would look like! We are real intergalactic creatures, and we are here to warn you, to help you before this grotesque man leads you even further astray! None of you, none of you will survive the aftermath of his tenure!”

Meanwhile, in the Oval Office, the president was very displeased. He yelled, “H-How are they doing this?! Turn it off!”

“We've tried, Mr. Trump. We’ve turned everything off and even unplugged it. It's no use.”

“You're obviously just doing it wrong,” he insisted. Determined to end the broadcast, he stomped over to the television himself and yanked the plug out of the wall. “See, this one was still plugged in!” He turned with a triumph and smug grin on his face. It didn’t last for more that a second, however. To his surprise and displeasure, the alien’s voice continued to echo throughout the White House.
“My name is,” the creature made a strange screeching noise. “But you can call me Helio. My fellow creatures and I are part of the Intergalactic Creatures for Peace Committee or the ICPC, not to be confused with that clown band. Our mission is to get you all to understand the consequences of Donald Trump staying in this position of power. It must be obvious to most of you that he is not fit for this role by now. Unfortunately, if something is not done soon, we will be forced to take action and it will not be pleasant.

“Among our members in the ICPC, some races are able to see the multitudes of futures that lay in front of, not only our kind, but your human races as well. All of their visions have dictated disaster from the Trump presidency. In some cases, Earth has ceased to exist completely. This man brought about a nuclear war there was no turning back from.”

Now, everyone was completely silent. Trump stared angrily at the television screen, his face turning from orange to red. He clenched his tiny hands into fists. All eyes were trained on him. He was bound to explode or combust any minute.

“His claims of anything opposing his script being ‘fake news’ and using ‘alternative facts’ instead of just telling the truth will create a massive and violent rift between the people of your country and other countries. It will do nothing but confuse people even more. No one will know the truth from what he and his team want you to believe. This will lead to the utter and total collapse of this society,” Helio continued, his voice calm despite the horrors he was describing.

“If action is not taken by the end of this Earth week, we will take actions of our own. Trump, we urge you to resign from the position of President of the United States. It is not a fitting position for you. We know you are well aware of the fact that we are not holograms or anything other than completely real. The world will not make it with you and your colleagues in power. It would be wise to elect a new president completely.”

“A NEW PRESIDENT? How dare they?! Do they know who I am? Who do they think they are to THREATEN ME?” Trump slammed his fists against his desk like a child throwing a temper tantrum. “Get the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Advisor, everyone that has anything to do with our military in here! We are taking action against these stupid holograms!”

“Sir, if they’re just holograms, how is the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Advisor, or anyone else going to be able to do anything about them?”

“We’ll blow up all the media headquarters! If it turns out that they’re real, we’ll just build a wall around Earth! They’ll never be able to get in. We’ll deport this ICPC and all their minions!”

“I’m afraid we can’t do that,” Pence commented. “You need to take a step back, Donald. You are too worked up to be making any decisions right now.”

“You know what, you’re right. I would like to be alone if you’ll excuse me.”
Trump stormed out of the Oval Office, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he marched down the hallway. “If the fake news media thinks I will take threats from fake aliens seriously, they have another thing coming. Make America great again!” he tweeted. He continued, “The idea that my presidency would cause the end of the world is insane. FAKE NEWS.” Finishing his rant with, “Fox News is reporting this as FAKE NEWS. CNN, ABC, CBS, etc - Very Dishonest.”
The ICPC wasted no time making a reply. This time, they took to the internet. A video was posted with their message. It wasn’t particularly long but delivered quite the message to the President. Helio stood center stage. “Mr. Trump, it has come to our attention that you do not believe what we have told you. You are still insisting we are only fake news. When will you learn? We have a special surprise for you, maybe it will help change your mind.” The video ended abruptly.

Everything that day carried on as it usually would. Trump tweeted more about not appreciating this threat, calling the influence of the holographic aliens “very dangerous.” The Internet worked hard at decoding the ICPC’s message, trying to figure out what they had planned.

The next day seemed normal, at least to everyone but Donald Trump. The President woke up to the end of the world. Little did he know, it was only an illusion. The aliens had projected one of the many awful futures directly into Trump’s mind.

Checking Twitter, as he did first thing every morning, Trump found things were not going well. People were tweeting articles about China. It would seem they, and many other countries, were very upset with his recent actions. China was threatening warfare unless he was relieved of his position as president. They were deadly serious.

“More threats!” he yelled. “Who do they think they are?” He began tweeting angrily; making threats of his own with no regard to how they would affect all of America. “What has gotten into you people? I will see you ALL in court if you don’t stop threatening me!” He continued, “The US is totally unstoppable in my hands. I am the biggest and best with the military! Don’t forget that, failing CHINA.”

The first bomb dropped only hours later. Trump gave the order to fire back, immediately. “I am the best president this country has ever seen! No one can govern better or faster than I can,” he proclaimed on Twitter. “How do our bombs feel, China, Japan, etc?” He continued to antagonize the rest of the world despite all advisers trying to rein him in. Before the end of the day, every continent had been met with multiple bombings.

All the White House employees had rushed home to their families. They feared these would be their final hours. Nothing was going to save the world from the war Trump had created.

Sitting in his office, Trump watched the fires burning. As far as he knew, he was the only person alive in the entire city, possibly all of the world. It seemed all of the bombs had missed the White House. It was the only place left with electricity, and Trump’s favorite thing, the Internet.

“I’m the last person left,” Trump tweeted. “What to do, what to do. I’ll see you in court for this, aliens!”

The rest of the world watched everything unfold as Trump live tweeted the end of his world. His actions and reactions disgusted the masses. If given the opportunity, the President would lead them straight to death with his rash and childish tweets.

An emergency meeting was called for Congress. It was a unanimous vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to impeach Donald Trump.

“This situation is like nothing our forefathers could have ever imagined,” the news anchor said. “Action had to be taken immediately. He cannot be trusted. It is being said that Congress may take the ICPC’s advice. Soon, we might be voting for a completely different president.”

“They criticize me for being rash and decide to throw me out right away. Unamerican!!” he had tweeted. “All this fake news has gone to your heads. They aliens are just trying to scare you! Very dangerous!”

With the situation partially resolved, the members of the ICPC left Earth, leaving the United States to figure out what to do now. The threat had been taken care of, for the most part. Power would be restored to someone who would respect the position and not cause the end of the world. The tension in America started to alleviate immediately. Maybe this time, they would think before electing a reality TV star as president.

This is my entry for @comedyopenmic's Comedy Open Mic Round 17. (Which can be found here) I was nominated by @antimetica. Thank you! I originally wrote this for another prompt, but never did anything with it. It turned out pretty silly so why not?
I would like to nominate @zholla and @calluna to join!
Here are the rules!

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Welcome to Comedy Open Mic. Hope you stick around, this is great stuff.

Thanks! It’s not my typical genre so good excuse to push myself out of my comfort zone.

of course, the next president will be much better :)

Boy, do I hope so!

Oh this is fantastic, and funny but realistic enough to be a tad scary lol

I will have to get head scratching to see what I can come up with

I’m glad you liked it! I thought it was a little too realistic as I was writing it. Lol
I can’t wait to read what you come up with!

Oh that Trumpelstiltskin. When will he ever learn?

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Thank you! I appreciate the support!

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