Introducing myself - An Aussie who is a self confessed nerd, lover of video games, sci fi & internet marketing!

Well hello fellow Steemians!

My name is Richard Monssen. I joined about 2 weeks ago after seeing it come up on my site referrals a few times. Seeing content from my site being curated here on Steemit attracted my curiosity and so I joined. Now that I've made a few posts and have a better understanding of what Steemit is about I thought I should introduce myself. Talking about ones self is never easy - lol - so bare with me!

Who Am I - The Personal Stuff

I am a single 40+ year old man Aussie living in Tasmania. I have 3 beautiful children whom are the world to me. I am a nerd and all round big kid. I love thinking about the bigger picture - truth be told I've spent so much time looking at the big picture sometimes I no longer see the smaller picture - lol. I think about a lot of pretty far out stuff - like that's outside our universe, where it came from and where it's headed. I love discussing theories on time-space, quantum mechanics, astrophysics and a plethora of other things. I've worked many different jobs over the years from sales consultant, chef, steel fixing, web design & internet marketing to plain old laboring and many more! 

What Do I Think Of Steemit So Far?

To be honest I had to look at it a couple of times before I had a closer look. Now that I've made a few posts with the first one being: The End Of The Human Workforce and the second being: Learn How To Write Articles That Rank On Google (please check it out and give me a vote if you like it) which I posted only 2 days ago. I now understand the concept and quite like the whole idea and think that out of many of the cryptocurrencies Steem will be one of the top ones. I can easily see Steemit having millions of users (currently 600k I think) within a year or 2. One thing is for sure it's really only just begun! - love it!

What Am I Doing Now For 2018 & Beyond?

At this time in my life I am re-embarking on a new life following passions and new opportunities. This year is simple and as follows: I plan on spending more time with my children first and foremost. I plan on writing some more of my sci-fi book which I've published the first few pages on my blog. I will also be working full time from home by the end of this year by doing the following things. 

What Started Me On This Path - Again?

Last year I returned to an old passion which could be encompassed with these words: Digital Marketing. In the pass I have had some great success when starting in this field but often found life got in the way (namely an ex missus). Since then I've teamed up with some local businesses who have built large Facebook groups. I've started studying each main social sight to work out the most effective techniques of marketing. I have also returned to search engine optimization which I started learning many years ago and had great success with (and am once again). 

What To Expect From In Regards To Digital Marketing?

Since I am re-learning some things and advancing others, I'll be posting regular guides on various topics related to digital marketing. Some of these will include various techniques on getting free traffic (visitors) through SEO guides and articles. There will be guides and articles on social media marketing (SMM).  I will also invite guest bloggers and authors to write their own advice on various related topics. 

I also plan on launching a few of my own projects (looking for some people to team up with me) and helping a few people launch theirs. I will show local companies why they need to pay me big dollars to help them promote their stuff online and also convert Facebook group members into customers.

Aside From Digital marketing What Else?

I watch a lot of documentaries on quantum mechanics, astrophysics and a myriad of other related and unrelated topics. I employ what I learn to my own theory of reality and the bigger picture - so I plan on doing some more of this! I've already written some that kind of explain where my thoughts go on such topics, have a read - leave me a comment and maybe even have a laugh at my crazy notions and theories. I love playing PS4 with my kids and I sometimes live broadcast to so I plan on doing a lot more! I have a number of ideas for offline (and online) businesses so as well as online I plan on starting an offline business as well.

Thats About All There Is To Know About Me For Now

So with that knowledge about me are you any better off? Well that depends how you look at it - are you interested blogging/website design/digital or internet marketing/social media marketing/SEO and all that? Then yes you are better off because if you've struggled (or are a seasoned vet) chances are I'll teach you something you didn't know (even if it's the fact I may be deluding myself - lol). If you would like to team up and help me write that sci-fi book? Do you want to discuss quantum theory - just the ideas and concepts - not the mathematics - way over my head!  Are you wanting to start a business online or offline - team up with me on the a project then! So if none of that interests you than at least you might have met an interesting if not slightly eccentric person - lol! - Leave me a comment on this or my other active post.

Don't roast me, don't boil me - just steem me!


hello Richard Monssen welcome

Thank you @osita21 much appreciated :-)

Hello Richard, great to have you here. Check out this short article. It might help you to find your way around steemit faster.

Have a great day!!

Thanks mate I'll be sure to check it out - first thing I will be looking into is how to align pictures on Steemit - lol

Welcome to steemit community, insight, experience and knowledge banayak once here we live just how to take and learn it and you also can share anything interesting to be published in this steemit, salam know from me @teukukhaidir. thank you

Thank you for the welcome - I'll be looking it curation and a few others things like integration into some of sites I am working on.

Hey Richard! Thanks for using the #fresh5 tag on your post! Glad to have you here! Please come over and join our latest engagement post and join other new Steemians supporting each other in the ways of Steem!

Hey @mikepm74 thank you for stopping by and commenting plus your warm welcome. I've been over and joined in the conversation :-)

Welcome to Steemit! i am new to digital marketing and i have been doing a lot of learning too. i hope to learn from you, i write articles on icos i find interesting. maybe if you have a read on my page, you can give me some useful feedback. i will be following you! looking forward to your posts :D

Sorry mate I didn't see your comment - lol - If you like digital marketing then you'll likely enjoy my SEO Guide which I've just released :-)

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