Four reasons I think holidays are overrated

in #life7 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Four reasons I think holidays are overrated

I've moved to Hive, along with most other people, following Justin Sun's takeover of Steem in the Spring of 2020. I believe hive is a lot more decentralised than Steem!


This most definitely is that kind of post I looked forward to after i read your introduction post. Awesome stuff to put on the blockchain. Maybe because I'm an opposite of the excitement-happy kind, I can't argue against any of those points you raised. <3

Hey thanks, I'll probably post more of this type of thing, just finding my feet here still!

I agree with this post in some ways but it also annoys me at the same time.

I have been on vacations with my family, not many but they're the typical ones to Spain from England and you're right, it was pretty boring.

But, I have been backpacking around 'The World' since 2015, nonstop. And yes I have been to Thailand multiple times and also worked there for a short time.

I have also been to 59 other countries and the one thing that has bored me the most about travelling ... other travellers. I'm talking about the same ones that you mention here - the 'world travelling nomads' who go to a few countries in South East Asia for a couple of months and speak about it as if they've seen the entire planet.

They bore me because travelling just seems to be one big dick measuring contest now. Short term travellers don't care about the places they are visiting, only about how they can show it off on their shitty instagram or facebook.

I've met literally thousands of travellers in the last 2 years and I can take a guess that at least 70% have asked me the same 3 questions. Where Have You Been? Where Are You Going ? How Long Have You Been Away?

I now actually purposely try to avoid other travellers. Hanging out with locals and really getting in amongst the action of the country is my favourite part of travelling. Not over paying for a shitty, regimented tour or activity that allows me to get the same 'travel photos' as every other backpacker in the group.

And as for vacations.. I'm fully aware that long term travel isn't possible for the majority of people. But I also think those '10 Day Vacation' type holidays are a huge waste of money. And it astounds me how far people will go to brag about a holiday that they are paying out of their asses.

You're right, most of the holiday experience is actually spent like this:

  • posting photos of a 'holiday countdown' on social media with the caption "Only 2 Months till we're here!!"
  • The Cliché "See ya in 2 weeks" facebook status.
  • an excessive amount of photos of themselves sitting by the pool drinking a cocktail or a picture of their hotdog legs at the beach with the caption "Hows your monday?" as if this is their life 365 days a year.
  • the "I've had an amazing time but i can't wait to be back home" status as if they've just traversed the entire planet by foot for 10 months.
  • Finally, several months later, posting photos of themselves in their beach attire with the caption "Take me back"

My sister went on a holiday to Egypt for 10 days and in those 10 days she spent MORE money than I did in 6 months backpacking around europe and asia.

I doubt anyone has read this far but that's my rant over... hahaha

Sounds like you needed a rant, I hear you, I'd exclude 'digital nomadism' from my analysis - from what I can see this can be a cheaper way of living than renting a place and working in the South East of England - I'm even considering working as a nomad using the various hub sites around the world from next year (if I can rent my house out and cover the mortgage and if I'm earning more than £1K a month online by that time).

Don't get frustrated if no one responds to you on here, it's the way of things!

Haha it's always good to rant a little!

for sure it will be cheaper for you, i'm sure you can find someone to rent your place. I'm from south west England!

Interesting points that are worth thinking about and examining, but I think I disagree with most.

People need experiences and experiences help change, shape and expand us as people. Of course holidays (if done right I guess) offer a much more densely packed time of experiencing new and different things. So even if a holiday might take up just a few percentage points of our time, they might take a much larger chunk of our experiences for the year because they are so packed with them. And of course a large source of new experiences would have an effect on your identity and I think that's not only OK, that's a good thing - you get a way to expand your horizons and to enlarge and shake up the box you are usually thinking inside.

Oh, and if you feel holidays and vacations are boring, you are simply not doing the right type of holidays for you. The only time I've been kind of bored on vacation is when I've had other people decide on everything with me having very little say (with my parents as a kid). But since I've had the option to choose what to do with my holidays, I haven't had a dull time.

Sure, if you are doing it because you feel obligated to and other people or circumstances are dragging you on vacations you are not really interested in, you are going to have a dull time, but the rest of us genuinely enjoy traveling, seeing new places and relaxing the way we feel relaxed.

Yes fair point, I was only talking about the 'un-examined' holiday!

Nailed it, I totally agree.

Some treat holidays as their "sleeping" days. :P
Nice article. :)

Which is fine I guess, but more rational if yer at home in bed rather than having paid $3K to go sleep on a beach!

i agree i might dream beaches on my dream so i think its fun to be like that lol

We should be happy every day and not wait for holidays!
Thank you for a great post ^^

Please check my new post, I think you will like it!

Yes - that's maybe a more positive frame than I put on it! But I was sort of thinking the same thing, honest!

People treat holidays like reward for all hard work during a year. I cant understand why We stay in Our comfort zone and We dont fight for Ours dreams and goals. After holidays We are back to Our rutine which can be depresive for some people. We want changes but what You doing to change it ?

Hi - I'm on a massive early retirement drive - saving down so I can get enough money in the bank to pay for my basic living expenses, so then I can do whatever I like... which will still involve working in some way, just without the stress of having to work. I'm planning on quitting full time work next July.

Where holidays are concerned, I find that the better holiday I have the grimmer the return to work! I hate that up and down, I'd rather have equanimity.

@revisesociology. I must, unfortunately, agree with this post. Being a teacher, and having just returned from summer holidays. I must concur that holidays feel like something you fit into a schedule, because... well, it is something you have to fit into a schedule. I just spent five days overseas, and except for seeing friends, I could just have easily stayed home and watch TV, to borrow from you. The only true holidays, I realize, are the holidays you give to yourself and not ones you fit into your schedule. As we know. These can only come from being financially independent. But thanks for the post, this is making me rethink and recalibrate my life.

I recommend just working over the holidays on something that'll get you out of teaching! Teaching - spending money on holidays over summer - it's a long term path to a cycle of despair.

I agree. I always hear about people complaining about not being on holiday, or wanting to be back to the place they have just recently been. I feel as though people should create a day to day life in which they enjoy, instead of grinding it out for those 1-2 weeks.

I believe the spirit of the holiday comes from within; the person. Not from an item but can be from a memory of heart or love. Giving is a way to show your love whether or not the gift was handmade or bought .

yup, I definitely agree with you..

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