Pray for Jerry Banfield

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)


First I would like to say I thought long and hard about making this post, but I think its important. I also apologize in advance to any of my followers for even talking about this subject. But I feel I owe it to @jerrybanfield.

Pray for Jerry...

This guy has obviously been through a lot in his life, including sexual abuse (he talked about this in a YouTube video that has been deleted). As someone who has known people that have hurt themselves and others, this is a cry for help.

Now I understand removing him as a witness, I removed him long ago. But not for the reasons outlined in @berniesanders post here:

I unvoted for him for the selfish nature of his marketing ways. He's been called out for this on many occasions and within other communities. To each their own to be honest. I've never met Jerry but have run into one other "Steemit Marketer" in real life and It was a very disappointing experience to me to say the least. I'm sure there a good Steemit Marketers here, but they are all for themselves.

But I want to say to Jerry. Please try to go get help and know that people do care about you. I don't want to hear about you hurting yourself or your beautiful family. This is the road you're going down. You call this comedy and to be honest, its not even close. I've seen this place before and all the blog posts about "Fuck this guy" doesn't help Jerry at all.

I just want to say also that I'm not up on my high horse, I have problems like everyone else. Also maybe I don't know what the fuck im talking about here. But I want those who hear what im saying to keep him in your thoughts and those that know him personally, please see what you can do to see if you can help.

Thank you for reading this. Let me know what you think in the comments below....

Here is Jerrys @dlive post (Warning Graphic Content):

Chris (@reseller)


I just saw his video.
Thats all im going to say. I saw it.
That has to be the most shockingly disturbing thing ive seen on Steem.
I think its really gotten to a point where he needs to seek help...

That was certainly an interesting video to view. If real (who knows) then I hope someone around him is keeping an eye on him if he is not keeping an eye on his own mind. I would suggest editing this blog post and linking to mental health services rather than give that video any play or attention, help in any real way looks like it could be beneficial if that person seems as not of aware of their actions as he seems he is.

You watched the whole thing? Without skipping? I'd like to unsee and unhear the parts I've heard. I think he's angry and just trolling Steemit for fun but it's backfiring. Or he might just be having too much going on in his life that this became his way of letting out the pressure.

I will admit to not watching it in full, I kind of felt I had enough lol. Whether he is trolling or not feeling fully in control of his actions, I do only hope he gets help.

Omg I couldn't watch it fully too. Dunno what's going on I just hope he gets back to his better self? :P

cry for help.

I didn't watch the video; but, from the comments of what the post contained, I agree with you...

This person has openly shared that a few years ago he was, as he might describe himself, a raging alcoholic.

He became a picture of hope for many that recovery and healthy living is attainable. I suppose the recent post might be an example of the vulnerability of being human.

That said, before knowing of the recent post, he and a few other whales came into my spirit around Father's Day...with the words...'your sins will find you out' resonating without any other clarity, aside from varied allegations linked to a few whales and the Steemit platform.

I agree with you, prayers lifted up for him and his family...and a swift reminder to each of us...'but for the grace of God there go you and I'...Always giving thanks for the opportunity to repent and ask/receive forgiveness thanks to the Atonement of Jesus.

Btw, @reseller, your support would prolly appear more valid if you removed the link to the post that this individual has remorse about posting...In the spirit of respect for his kids and wife...jmho....we'd all be okay not dredging up his short-sighted decision to upload the content.


Can someone explain what this video was all about? I watched the first couple minutes of the disclaimer about the video which made no sense, then skipped around the video a bit and just heard him saying fuck everyone and talking about his dick a lot. I'm curious what this video was all about. While I have no clue the actual topic of the video it seemed like a meltdown he seemed very manic in the video and like he was kind of losing it

seemed like a meltdown he seemed very manic in the video and like he was kind of losing it

From what I've surmised, this pretty much sums it up...The NSFW tag was warning enough for me...I just presumed he had resteemed something lewd...didn't even bother to notice that it didn't have resteemed...

But that's neither here or there...It seems you saw enough to know that the bro might be going through some dark stuff right now...

Thus, prayers for him and his family as they work through this clearly difficult time.


i have seen u r vedio now about Jerrya which is a Steemit Marketer' when he hear about him so many ,so should away from these now, but forcibly u can"t controle him

I didn’t watch the video but based on title and the thumbnail, I think I know where it went. I am hopeful that he seeks the appropriate mental and/or spiritual health treatment that he needs both for him AND his family’s wellbeing. @reseller thanks for being gutsy enough to post this. I know it may have been hard for you but it is something that needed to be said by someone with your following.

I did not watch the video but I read the comments and I'm shocked and disturbed. I always thought he was an Ok guy.

I completely agree that he needs to seek professional help. This is too much.

He seemed like an ok guy to me too. There was nothing funny abt it. I couldn't watch the entire thing because I was cringing from the parts I did see.

I'm shocked he even did a nsfw. I was thinking, what did he do? Did he go naked? Why would he even do it?

Then I read the comments and they mostly said it sucks. So I tried to watch it. But he just talked a lot about dicks and sucking and all that. I do not thinking it is comedy. I kept skipping but watched some parts and it is like he's raving. I have no idea why and I don't want to analyze it at all.

He had a breakdown.

Yes it looks like it. But he had time to think if he was going to post it or not. Why oh why...

I am so glad someone made this post. Thank you. I've been so heated by the lack of compassion and straight bullying. I do not like Jerry for his practices, but it is obvious he is a very sick individual. I don't see anything funny about anything he said or did. He is sick and those who are making fun of him are worse to me. I felt so bad for him and I don't even like him.

This is a kind acknowledgement of a fellow human being. I don’t closely follow the drama surrounding him, of course I’ve seen some of it and some of his content too. But he is not a focus of mine.

Thank you for showing concern for him from a place of kindness and not judgement. We never know what someone is going through.

Thank you for speaking up! Well said, supported by the #OneLoveDTube community.

This could have been a very good comedy, sadly he missed the mark!

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