NOT FOR PROFIT? YEAH RIGHT!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Tithing, who really gets it

I try to live right, I try to believe that everyone has a positive contribution that they can make, but over the past 10 years of my life, it's getting harder and harder to believe this. I am starting to believe that our churches are turning into a business.


Today after church, my wife and I decided to go out for a drive, now we live in a small town outside of a larger town so we decided to go to the larger town. Once we got there, we drive out to the newer part of town. Upon this drive we past by several churches that where just overwelming to look at. Now the church we go to is old, I think it was built in the late 60's, but it serves its purpose.

Why so Lavish?

Boy, what I saw today would just make you say, why?
There are some churches that are being built that have the wrong Idea of what their purpose is. Here is the first one we drove by

Yes this is a church, not a hospitol.

Now I don't know about you, but is this really necessary? This thing is huge and very lavish, the picture doesn't do it much good. But it is sad to think that we have starving and homeless people in this city, but this is what we spend our money on.

Kept driving and found another one.


Now, is this pond used to raise fish to feed the hungry? I don't think it is. What does a church need with a pond? Who's money paid for it? What's the purpose? Can anyone explain?

Last one on our list


Now this one, it looks like a hospitol, and is much bigger than one. May be this one has a soup kitchen for the homeless or maybe they have rooms where the homeless can sleep, Probably not.

Now please do not take this post the wrong way, I believe in God, I believe in serving, but I don't think this is what God had in mind. I don't think he would spend his money this way!!

Felt bad not showing off my church, so here it is. Its hard to see from the road due to all the tree's.




Are Churches the most profitable business in America?

Who goes to churches like this?


FOLLOW ME @raybrockman

Don't forget to upvote.


Before now the wealth of the Church was basically hidden from its followers. Some of its money was used to help those who required assistance. It is amazing what the churches now have their fingers in, however society, the followers have changed their attitude just as the churches have.
I am a Mohawk native, 77 yrs old. As a child I attended Church but soon discovered many things that most Church goers do not want to hear or admit.
It is not up to me to put down anyone's Church or Faith, nor is it anyone's right to frown upon my beliefs.
No man or woman is qualified to convey my words, my thoughts to the Great Creator. A person cannot buy their way into the CREATOR'S favour, for the GREAT CREATOR HOLDS NO FAVOURITES, all things upon this earth that live will perish in time.
My Church is wherever I happen to be when I speak to the Creator of all things that exist. Not once have I feared the Great Creator. Not once have I been asked for money to buy my passage. Not once have I ever seen the Great Creator squander any bounty of this land.
Churches and religion are man made and we, if we see with clear eyes and think with a clear mind should be quite aware of what humans have done to this home, our only home, and why they have done it.
How it saddens my heart to see what we leave for those who follow.
Upvoted and resteemed..................billytwohearts

@billytwohearts , thanks so much for the response, I to believe that "my Church is wherever I happen to be when I speak to the creator of all things that exist" I believe that over time churches have begun to be alot more politicized. Its not, who's the biggest or who's the richest but rather who believes the most. Thanks for stopping by.

You are very welcome, I have often wondered who has converted more followers? Those who preach surrounded by silver and gold, or those who stand on a hillside surrounded by the Great Creator's Beauty?.........billytwohearts

Churches have definitely become big business. I thought it was bad when we lived in Canada, but when we moved to Central America, I really had my eyes opened. Most of the population where I live are poor with large families and most also support ageing relatives. They work long hours for little returns. When adversity strikes where are their churches? Nowhere to be found. Doors are closed. Only open for services. And don't bother calling. No one answers the phone.

Services in many of these places of worship are held every evening and twice on Sunday. Tithing is expected for every service. There is no way these folks can give that much. That is expecting they give until they bleed. And if they haven't got it, then go borrow or beg. And every parish (one every three blocks in this small community) needs a church. Nothing small. Needs to be large because the Lord deserves it. One church came to us saying we needed to provide the money, $12,000 worth of ceramics for the floor of the new and better church! And we don't even belong to that denomination! Another came last week asking that we could supply new kitchen appliances for the church's hall. Again we are not affiliated with that church.

The ministers, preachers or pastors of the churches all get fatter and wealthier as their parishioners get poorer and are unable to feed their families.

All these churches have a dress code. You can't afford to dress according to the code, don't come to church and that's a sin. Do not pass go, go directly to hell.

Now my family believes in God, but we don't feel the need for a dress code or a church for that matter. I don't think the Lord cares about what you are wearing and exactly where you pray. To us we can talk to God on the beach. I do not need a pew in a fancy church.

Were does it end? Does God really want his churches to become mega businesses and the people go hungry while the fat cats at the top live in luxury?

(You asked for my opinion an you got it)

That's what I wanted, thanks. I agree with you on dress code. It doesnt matter what you wear, as long as you believe and God doesn't care what you wear whem you visit. Hey, thanks for being Honest.


I do not believe. I do not say that god is impossible but i live for the day on most part. Life is as good as you make it for yourself. I think im a decent potato. With that said, religion is of course for profit. Look at the size of these churches and most minsters will live in big ass houses owned by the church, do alot of traveling with fights, hotels and expense's paid for by the church and they need to be paid for as well.
From my part of view, it is what it is. Banks and churches are biggest and most plentiful in my town. Both use fear to make money.
I think churches would work better on a local scale, why have churches completing against each other? Why have 3-4 churches for each religion when you can have 1 and use the money instead for shelter, food, clothing and hosting groups and stuff. Maybe its just me but i am a believer that charity should never have overheads. If i give £10, maybe £6 is allocated to overheads and £4 see the end user. That's bullshit, why im i paying to give charity. I am better giving money to someone on the street and it's makes me feel better. Better than trying to pretend i am looking at my phone when i see see these collectors up the street. haha
In a way they have to be like a business because religion is worldwide but if they were more local, costs could be cut and they could pile cash tax free to help people. This will never happen.

A lot of good points @silverstackeruk ,times have changed, i like you point about competition. Thanks for the visit.

There are some bad people in various religions. Gotta keep perspective sometimes. Most religions do more good than harm, from what I've seen.

I agree, to a point, when you see this lavish biilt churches, you have to ask yourself, how much more good could they have done. Hey, thanks for dropping in.

Greed is greed. Obviously, people in some religions aren't immune to it. I know I'm not!

Very Insightful Post - Thank You for posting (TRUTH)

Thanks for stopping by

I like seeing it from your point of view. It is definitely a question that I have heard before. Some of the mega church pastors are quite rich. Most of the time transparency is hard to come by with these organizations. Ye shall know them by their fruits seems to come to mind. I have seen huge humanitarian efforts coordinated by various churches and that is respectable. Churches definitely enjoy some tax benefits.

They should have to pay taxes if the are helping more than they are pocketing. Thanks for stoppin by

I have nothing polite to say about the church business. They all seem to be money changers who deserve a good whipping. However I am not their judge.
As far as the tithe, I do not play the game. I would like to suggest that we all give to those in need directly. Person to person.

More giving and less taking, now if this was the case would we have these large lavis churches? Thanks for stooping by DOC.

The megachurches are pretty strange. Spending millions upon millions of dollars for a building that gets used at best a couple days a week is baffling to me.

Point made, thanks for stopping by

Churches and religion itself is a complete scam and sham. I have long maintained that at the risk of alienating those around me who loved "getting their God on".

Religion is the biggest corporation that ever existed and ever will exist, and yet they pay no taxes "because reasons".

That doesn't stop them from sucking pennies and dollars from their faithful to build these lavish palatial mega churches. Like anyone needs a palatial place to worship a deity?

Gimme a break.

I turned my back on this shit decades ago and am glad to be rid of it. I never pass up opportunity to stick it to religion in general just out of principle.

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