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in #religion7 years ago

Churches have definitely become big business. I thought it was bad when we lived in Canada, but when we moved to Central America, I really had my eyes opened. Most of the population where I live are poor with large families and most also support ageing relatives. They work long hours for little returns. When adversity strikes where are their churches? Nowhere to be found. Doors are closed. Only open for services. And don't bother calling. No one answers the phone.

Services in many of these places of worship are held every evening and twice on Sunday. Tithing is expected for every service. There is no way these folks can give that much. That is expecting they give until they bleed. And if they haven't got it, then go borrow or beg. And every parish (one every three blocks in this small community) needs a church. Nothing small. Needs to be large because the Lord deserves it. One church came to us saying we needed to provide the money, $12,000 worth of ceramics for the floor of the new and better church! And we don't even belong to that denomination! Another came last week asking that we could supply new kitchen appliances for the church's hall. Again we are not affiliated with that church.

The ministers, preachers or pastors of the churches all get fatter and wealthier as their parishioners get poorer and are unable to feed their families.

All these churches have a dress code. You can't afford to dress according to the code, don't come to church and that's a sin. Do not pass go, go directly to hell.

Now my family believes in God, but we don't feel the need for a dress code or a church for that matter. I don't think the Lord cares about what you are wearing and exactly where you pray. To us we can talk to God on the beach. I do not need a pew in a fancy church.

Were does it end? Does God really want his churches to become mega businesses and the people go hungry while the fat cats at the top live in luxury?

(You asked for my opinion an you got it)


That's what I wanted, thanks. I agree with you on dress code. It doesnt matter what you wear, as long as you believe and God doesn't care what you wear whem you visit. Hey, thanks for being Honest.

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