Showcase Sunday: Reconnecting Spirit with Nature

in #mindfullife5 years ago (edited)

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Wow. It was awesome going through this. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I will take time to read it in detail. Stay blessed.

Cheers sayee.

Yes, it is a bit of an epic of a post. If you want to get to the heart of how nature makes me feel, the spirit I feel in the wilderness check out the youtube poetry reading at the end. That poem condenses the meditation feeling into something that wouldn't take 10 minutes plus to read lol

Holey Moley - an EPIC!!! Showcase-Sunday is a nice idea and yes, you drew my attention to two posts I'd never seen before. You have a really nice way with story, and also just a gorgeous look-see into your natural world.

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Hi Artemis

Yes, it is a bit of an epic of a post. If you want to get to the heart of how nature makes me feel, the spirit I feel in the wilderness, check out the youtube poetry reading at the end. That poem, sacred symphony, condenses the meditation feeling to it's essence for me... pure observing in a quiet mind :)

Thanks for reading :)

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oh wow what an epic post, I am loving this sunday showcase project. What beautiful places you shared with us, both different but deliciously wild. There is so much healing to be had in the wild and yes so much creativity abounds. Love your words and you poetry which brings with it, a healing for the reader xxx

Love your words and you poetry which brings with it, a healing for the reader x

Thanks trucklife-family. This is exactly how I feel when I listen to that poem, it gives me that shiver up the spine feeling and when I'm in a state of negative thoughts, or the mind chatter is taking over it returns me to that state of mind I found out on the sand sea near Hilbre... still, listening, no thought only a flow of words that seemed to bubble up from under the sands.

I'm glad that the feeling follows through to people listening to the performance. It was one of those special poems that makes me smile every time :)

WOw, this post is amazing never seen this type of post before thansks a lot for sharing your advature with us.

You're welcome manojbhatt. I'm glad you enjoyed the adventures into the wilds of wales and the sand sea of Hilbre :)

That is an emensely beautiful place and a perfect spot to reconnect with nature or as I like to say commune with nature as this is what you seemed to be doing with your moving meditation! You got some beautiful shots there and I appreciate you sharing your experience with us, giving us a little taste of Hilbre Island!

Thanks you Porters :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the adventures into the wild. It was indeed a commune with nature, that's the perfect way to put it. Aber Falls in summer is insanely wild and beautiful, when you arrive early in the morning and it's only you and the buzzards screaming, the dew sparkling in the grass and the rustle of animals awakening, that's the golden time. I love it! I guess these feelings are somewhat magnified by living in the city as I so rarely get to be alone in nature. Lol, I'm definitely not in my preferred environment in the concrete jungle.

I adored Dharma Bums and how he described the mountain, particularly running down it. Seriously cant wait to do some proper nature walking in the UK. And a digital detox is definitely called for. Wanna run NM while Im gone? 🤣

Seriously, what beautiful photos. What an incredible part of the world the British Isles are.. far more than we realise, taking things for granted as we do.

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Wanna run NM while Im gone?

Lol, yeah sure. Ha ha, in all seriousness though, if I weren't so busy I could thing of no better community to help out with the running of.

I adored Dharma Bums and how he described the mountain, particularly running down it.

I know right! It was the first book I read by Kerouac and remains my favorite to this day. The Dharma Bums is what piqued my interest in Buddhism, and all though I'm not a practicing Buddhist, it is the only religion I've come across that doesn't preach separatism down at the root level. Well, maybe separation from the ego lol

In all seriousness though, I attend a buddhist temple meditation session around 8 times/year and I have never had the monks try to convert me, or question my personal path of meditation. All of them have had the same attitude; that the journey is what's important, not the particular path that gets you there. For me meditation and finding a quiet mind is about treading lightly in the world, both physically and psychologically. If more people realized the importance of this we would have a chance, as a species, to stop destroying our mother earth!

Wow Raj, you sure know how to travel. And really know how to capture a scene.
Gorgeous travelogue.

Ahhh, cheers @agmoore

To be honest, revisiting these posts reminded me how much I need to get out of the city soon and find that inspiration from nature :)

It has been far too long since my last hike into the wilderness!

What da spot I love a water walk and with waterfalls too you can't beat it so good for the soul and energy rebalancing 💯🐒

Absolutely brother. Nature in all its forms renews... but waterfalls are something special. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just water in all of its power, flowing reminding us how silly all our worries are :)

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