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RE: Showcase Sunday: Reconnecting Spirit with Nature

in #mindfullife5 years ago

I adored Dharma Bums and how he described the mountain, particularly running down it. Seriously cant wait to do some proper nature walking in the UK. And a digital detox is definitely called for. Wanna run NM while Im gone? 🤣

Seriously, what beautiful photos. What an incredible part of the world the British Isles are.. far more than we realise, taking things for granted as we do.

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Wanna run NM while Im gone?

Lol, yeah sure. Ha ha, in all seriousness though, if I weren't so busy I could thing of no better community to help out with the running of.

I adored Dharma Bums and how he described the mountain, particularly running down it.

I know right! It was the first book I read by Kerouac and remains my favorite to this day. The Dharma Bums is what piqued my interest in Buddhism, and all though I'm not a practicing Buddhist, it is the only religion I've come across that doesn't preach separatism down at the root level. Well, maybe separation from the ego lol

In all seriousness though, I attend a buddhist temple meditation session around 8 times/year and I have never had the monks try to convert me, or question my personal path of meditation. All of them have had the same attitude; that the journey is what's important, not the particular path that gets you there. For me meditation and finding a quiet mind is about treading lightly in the world, both physically and psychologically. If more people realized the importance of this we would have a chance, as a species, to stop destroying our mother earth!

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