Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W5//Controlling anger

in Comunidad Latinalast month

Controlling Anger

Hello members of the comunida latina community. It's a new week of challenge and I hope we are all ready to gear up. I equally I'm so happy to be sharing my entry post with you all on this challenge.

Anger is a way of expressing natural human emotion, but it can be disastrous if care not taken. Learning to control anger is an important life skill that can improve your relationships, your health, and your overall well-being.

a selfie simulating my angry face


My angry face

This picture was taken base on my mood at that moment. I got some disturbing news which completely changed my mood. I was chilling at a friend's place when a call came. It was from a friend and he said he has been hospitalized in a critical condition.

I'm I one of the people who gets angry easily?

Before I was but now, lots of things have changed. Life has thought me lessons below imagination, some which just thinking of it will make you collapse.

Right now I'm a more compassionate, composed person, open to listen, examine and differentiate before taking actions or being angry at it or not. But in rare cases will my temper rise on spot.

What situations make me lose my calm and get in a bad mood?

As humans we all have those red lines you will not wish them to be Cross. A lot of points are here in that with get my angry mood on, but I will specify the most relevant point I do not want to feel or witness

  • Feeling disrespected: This could be anything from being interrupted to being blamed for something you didn't do. I love it when my respect And presence is appreciated and not mess with it.

  • Feeling treated unfairly: This could be a situation where you feel the rules are being applied inconsistently or that you're not getting what you deserve. This goes especially in enterprises when you can be productive 99.9% but the least 0.1% will cancel all your good work. Biggest red flag ever

  • Feeling powerless: This could be a situation where you feel you have no control over what's happening or that your opinion doesn't matter. A lot of things happened in our daily life that sometimes you can't even imagine were to get started. It brings me to my low end.

  • Stress: When you're feeling overwhelmed or under pressure, you're more likely to get angry. Here is the big problem, there are circumstances which I could normally resolve with time but constant pressure and stress, may make me lean on bad decisions.

The last reason that made me angry.

If I could recall, the last incident that made me angry was when I mistaken transfer my crypto into a wrong wallet. While in a hurry, I didn't check the domain property, I had funds in USDT and which to transfer it to a polygon matic account.


Lost funds

Normally I am supposed to convert the USDT into matic before making a transfer. For the fact that I was in a hurry to go do something, I sent the funds straight from USDT to a polygon matic account, without conversation.

At the instant I didn't discovered until the arrival time had passed. So I checked the wallet again and discovered that I didn't convert before sending. I was damn furious and same time helpless. It's an irreversible transaction. Once listed on the block chain , It doesn't return .

Do I think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

Anger is a universal human emotion that can be both helpful and harmful. It can motivate us to take action against injustice or protect ourselves from harm.

However, uncontrolled anger can lead to destructive behaviors, damage relationships, and take a toll on our health. The following factors should be noted in managing anger.

  • Understanding Anger: The first step to managing anger is to understand what it is and how it works. Anger is often a secondary emotion that arises from more fundamental emotions like fear, hurt, or frustration. When these underlying emotions are not addressed, they can manifest as anger.

  • Identifying Triggers: Once you understand your anger triggers, you can start to develop coping mechanisms. Common anger triggers include feeling disrespected, being treated unfairly, or feeling powerless. Pay attention to your body's signals when you're feeling angry. Physical signs like increased heart rate, muscle tension, or headaches can warn you that your anger is rising.

  • Taking Time Outs: When you start to feel angry, it's important to take a time out to calm down before reacting. This allows you to collect your thoughts and respond in a more constructive way. Take some deep breaths, step away from the situation, or engage in a relaxation technique like progressive muscle relaxation or mindfulness meditation.

However physical activity is a great way to release pent-up anger. Exercise helps to reduce stress hormones and improve mood. Engaging in activities you enjoy, such as listening to music, spending time in nature, or spending time with loved ones, can also help to dissipate anger.

Thank you all for reading this far. I here by invite the following persons to join me share their points; @mandate, @nforeyembe and @chant.

Credit to: @rafk

 last month 

Feliz y bendecido día amigo @rafk, un gusto saludarte

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo amigo, la ira es un sentimiento que también pertenece a nuestras emociones y es la respuesta a esas situaciones que nos molestan y crean en nosotros un estado de animo incomodo tanto para nosotros como para nuestro entorno.

Es importante que aprendamos a manejar nuestras emociones, yo al paso de los años lo he ido logrando, sin embargo igual que cualquier persona si vivo una situación incomoda también puedo reaccionar con cierto enojo.

Cualquier situación de falta de respeto, injusticia, incluso cuando tenemos estrés, estando en éste estado, cualquier situación inesperada nos puede causar enojo ya que anímicamente no estamos bien, y esto nos puede jugar en contra.

Decir que no vamos a sentir ira, es falso, somos seres humanos y las emociones forman parte de nuestra vida, son respuestas a ciertas situaciones que nos causan molestias, pero podemos tratar de no ser impulsivos ante esas situaciones, buscar tranquilizarnos para buscar estar bien, no es fácil pero tampoco imposible.

Me gustó mucho leerte. Un abrazo. Suerte en el desafío.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

You have outlined the situations that can make you angry. Of course no one will be Happy to be intimidated. Sometimes people literally do it to annoy others. I'm glad you have changed. I hope you will always be a happy person.

Yh probably. Life shaped me. Thanks for engaging



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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

After hearing this, you will suffer such a huge loss. In the rest, there is a huge loss and there is such a loss that there is no return of the transaction. I know whenever we earn money with lot of hardwork . And when we lose them we get a lot of tension and because of the tension we get very angry.

Anger is one of the character of a leaving thing.anger is a way of expressing natural human emotion, but it can be disastrous if care not taken. learning to control anger is an important life skill that can improve your relationships, your health, and your overall well-being.
Your writing is unique, Best luck

Saludos @rafk me encantó leerte, deseo que tengas éxitos en el concurso. Aprender a controlar la ira es importante para no causarnos daños a nosotros mismos ni tampoco a los demas. Así mismo es.

It is really sad you sent money to a wrong wallet. I don't see myself making such mistake because I am always super careful. I will make sure I check and double and triple check. Recently I saw on Twitter how someone sent 20k dollars to a wrong ACC. That money could've change my life, only God knows what he or she is going through ATM.

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