The Daily Qurator #916

in Qurator4 years ago (edited)



Welcome to the 916th Daily Edition of the Daily Qurator. Below you will find some awesome members of @qurator that worked hard to post some good quality content for all you awesome Steemians to enjoy!

Your Quality Curator ~( @goldendawne )~ Presents:


Being Quarantined Is Not Working Well So Far...

What happens the longer you stay in quarantine?
This is how it's working out for me so far

See what is changing with each passing week of quarantines. @gulugu shares whimsical pictures of each passing day in this post. Do you agree? Is this happening to you too?


My Blockchain Birthday- 3 Years And Still Going Strong As @c0ff33a

It seems like just yesterday, but March 2017 was the first time I encountered Blockchain thanks to @oldguyphotos
And I'm still going strong after all that time, 40 Moons and heading towards reputation 73

Three years? My how time flies! Stop over and congratulate @c0ff33a on this three year success!


Oak Bud In Springtime

Shot with iPhone X and Moment Macro lens, edit with LR Mobile, if you want to know more

What an INCREDIBLE image! Look at every detail visible in this oak bud. Have you ever seen a bud this close up?


Stock Market Looking Ugly... Lifetime Opportunity?!

Now I know how girls feel when shopping season arrives. I've never been more excited/afraid of the stock market as I am right now. Everything is at a discount! REITs, ETFs, individual stocks, everything! This is the best opportunity we will have in our lifetimes! I'm speaking purely from a financial point of view of course... but is this it? Has the market bottomed? Let's check the charts...

If you have money in the stock market, or your retirement and 401k, you may be afraid to look at the numbers right now. But... @teutonium has a suggestion for you on h9ow to rebuild your investment in this post.


Diamond II And So Close In Reaching Diamond I

After the humiliating losing streaks I suffered 2 days ago, the game somewhat balanced it out by matching me up today against opponents I have a higher chance of winning making me reach the Diamond II leagues guaranteeing me with 50 Loot Chests in ~2days

ALMOST there! Look at how close @jlordc is to achieving the next level of Diamond I! How about you? How are you comparing to him?

@qurator does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in the Daily Qurator. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.


Qurator News:

Qurator's Splinterlands Tournaments

Qurator will be hosting plenty of tournaments in the next few months and we set aside a budget of 450 Q tokens for prizes! This is your chance to win some Q tokens if you have what it takes on the battlefield! CLICK HERE for more details.


Q Token Details

Round three of the Qurator token launched with more details here

Free Registration and how to join details can be found here: Registration Details


image sourcing.jpgRequired Image Sourcing for the Qurator Project.
Check how to do it properly.
es.jpgProcedimiento Estándar Para El Enlace Correcto De Imágenes Del Projecto Qurator
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2r8F9rTBenJQfQgENfxADE6EVYabczqmSF5KeWefV5WL9W95HhWRcTukCdcFi7v8NgKCRZBbuFdGNT2qGzKdUrapi1KfHy6L6bTebpdYQchCy5ntqAJW3NFeHFuqyW3mY.pngQurator 4.0 - Multiplier System! There has been quite a few changes. Go and check it out.


We host weekly Photo and Food competitions. Click on the images below to view the posts.

Additionally for all members we have Toss up Thursday, a weekly free for all post-promotional competition.

Tasty Tuesday
Toss up Thursday
Photo Friday
Tasty Tuesday.png99pyU5Ga1kwqSXWA2evTexn6YzPHotJF8R85JZsErvtTWXyV9Fkimbr8hosPRu9YbVeygV4RdT8V2MDWsqYtUkCxfyquVcXwgASSjS9YGzDTZmTWcJkTj2D6LESpftrx4e.jpg Photo Friday.png

Delegation links for @qurator


After you click the link you will have to check the value, click next and then enter your Steemit NAME and Private Active Key to delegate.
Please remember to leave at least 50SP in your account and that new delegations overwrites the old one. Always use the total amount you want to delegate.

Qurator's Discord Channel

There is more perks and fun stuff on our server:

  • Feel free to ask Qurator Team questions
  • Meet other members
  • Promote your post in our Postpromotion room
  • Win some Q tokens with random competitions!

Join us!

Qurator banners

If you would like to show some more support and use Qurator banners then please head over to this post and copy the banner links from there. =)


Upvoting or Resteeming this post will help us grow and in turn enable us to give better upvotes to our members and quality content creators.

The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @blacklux | @rishi556

Cover graphics by - @aaronleang

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60256.67
ETH 2327.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46