Why I Almost Quit Steemit

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I've been on Steemit for a little over a month now. In the beginning, I couldn't wait to get up in the morning to write a new post and comb hashtags for new people to meet and follow. I was so excited to find a community that inspired me to write and be creative and rewarded me for doing so. But that is slowly fading away.

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I've suffered from clinical depression (also known as major depressive disorder) since I was a child. I was officially diagnosed when I was seventeen but had had symptoms for years. When I was a kid, it manifested through irritability and anger issues. As a teen, through self-harm and a suicide attempt. And now as a young adult, through a million different ways. Three days ago I stopped my art and gaming stream midway through because I couldn't hold back senseless tears. Two days ago I had a complete meltdown while just trying to make dinner. Yesterday I wondered about the reactions of my friends and family if I decided to kill myself. Today I didn't want to get out of bed. I've lost interest in all the things I loved doing, as per usual during a depression episode for me. Last month I was actively tending to my garden and falling in love with the magic that comes from being around thriving little plants plants. Today my flowers are dying. Last month I was throwing myself head first into my art and gaming career. Today makes the third day I haven't turned on my stream. Last month I woke up every morning to walk around to play Pokemon GO. Today is another day I've just stayed inside. Last month I was having so much fun blogging and commenting on others' posts. Today I almost didn't log onto Steemit. Depression takes away my motivation and my creativity. It makes every simple daily task seem mentally exhausting. It's similar to the feeling you get during your last sit-up during a workout. When you know that your body can't go any longer, and you have to rest. My brain is on its last sit-up. And I hate it. I hate sleeping til 3 PM because I can't think of a good enough reason to get up. I hate going directly from lying on my bed to my couch and then back to bed. I hate that I'm losing interest in everything I loved. I hate having "most painless ways to die" in my search history.

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People don't understand that you don't have to have a reason to be depressed. There is nothing wrong with my life. I love my apartment and my pets and my friends and my garden and my boyfriend of five years. Depression doesn't need a cause. The majority of people suffering from depression have no reason to be suffering. My world is going on as usual but my brain is just wrapped in this cold, dull fog that I can't seem to shake. Sometimes the fog will clear. After I graduated high school, my depression seemed to ease up and disappear. It was essentially dormant for a few years. Then it came back last winter. I managed to just wait it out until it went away and everything went back to normal. I started painting and cooking and going out and laughing again. I was back to my usual happy self. Someone who enjoys every minute of being alive and spreading positivity and making art and radiating love. Now it's back and even worse. I'm realizing that this is potentially something I will have to deal with my entire life, and that is so scary. The majority of people diagnosed with major depressive disorder have recurring episodes throughout their life, and I am no exception.
Scientists are still studying the biological cause of depression but have narrowed it down to the hippcampus and its neurons. Its been found that someone dealing with depression will have a smaller hippocampus than a mentally healthy person. I found this article by Medical Daily that explained a bit of the biology relatively well.

Scientists suspected low levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of elation and happiness, was the cause. When they fed depression patients drugs filled with serotonin, some of them started feeling better, so they thought they had it all figured out, but then they took a closer look and realized there was something irregular about their hippocampus. This seahorse-shaped structure in the brain is responsible for memory and emotion, and those who were depressed tended to have smaller ones. Even worse, the longer they were depressed, the smaller the hippocampus shrunk in size, ultimately limiting its ability.

Even with this readily available information, people still believe that depression is still something you can just 'snap out of.' I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me happiness is a choice. I would love to be happy again. I am usually a happy person who is excited about life. If I could magically turn back into that person, don't you think I would? I hate feeling like this. I don't think anyone would continue dealing with this if they could just snap out of it. I'm so tired of this stigma. When Robin Williams committed suicide, I was devastated and heartbroken. But I thought that one good thing would come out of it. I hoped that people would finally wake up and realize that this is a serious illness that kills people. It killed someone we all thought to be the definition of happiness. One in ten people will suffer from depression at one point in their lives. One in ten of you. I encourage all of you to educate yourself on the warning signs of depression and how to help someone who is suffering because one day you or someone you love will probably have to deal with it.

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I was hesitant to write this. I want people to see the happy, cheerful, vibrant side of me all the time but sometimes I think it's good to talk about the hard stuff. I'm sorry to all my Steemit friends whose posts I've been neglecting. I usually love to read all of your posts and writings and see your art, but lately I haven't really been on Steemit too much. I promise I'll catch up once I'm feeling better. I'm just ready to get back to normal. I'm not normally a negative person, and I just want to get back to enjoying the little things. I just have to keep reminding myself that everything has its cycle. The moon, the butterflies, the seasons, and even me. I'm just dealing with my own personal winter right now. I'm just really looking forward to my Spring.
All pictures from Pixabay.


Thank you for sharing your story. I totally understand. I attempted suicide as a teen as well. I'm currently grieving the loss of my pet. Here is what helped me: At the end of each day, write down 3 things that went well for you today. For example, maybe you made it through the day without crying. Or maybe you saw a cute squirrel outside. Maybe you had a phone call with a friend. Shifting your mind from sadness to gratitude takes discipline but it is possible. Studies show people improved their happiness by over 30% with that tip.

Speaking of outside, going outside in nature will help you tremendously. Get moving. Go for a walk in the sunshine. Take some vitamin D. Log off of your computer and sit under a tree. This will ground you. Watch animals or bugs or anything outside to focus on something outside of yourself.
An article in Scientific American says that the act of smiling (even a fake one) will make you happier. Please read it.

Lastly, the way you move and stand and carry yourself makes a huge difference in terms of mood and depression. Try some power poses. They are free, fast and proven to work. Here is an article . about power poses. If you want me to send you a video showing you how to do power poses, I will happily do that. Please take care of yourself. I hope you follow my advice.

I'm so sorry. Losing a pet can be so hard. :(
And yeah, I need to start doing little thing to try and help myself feel better. It's just hard.

Such a brave and courageous woman... We all want people to see us at our best -- but being able to step-up, when you are in such a bad place, to bring light to such a serious subject, is beyond gracious of you... I lived with such a gracious woman with similar disorders to your own. And, after being shuffled in and out of doctors offices, mental wards / institutions... I was finally able to get her to start doing Yoga with me. There are studies being done on how Yoga can increase the size of the hippocampus: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/yoga-and-the-brain-a-visi_b_7605504.html -- Give it a read, it was done by Deepak Chopra and some M.D's. I know, the woman I used to live with, swears by it and still practices Yoga on a daily basis. A good Yoga practice would consist of: Breathing - Poses - Meditation. It's amazing how quickly I've seen people take to Yoga!

Hang in there...

I have faith in you so hang in there. Many things will change in your life so always be ready for that... change is the one constant even if you don't want anything to change.

Embrace it as well. Everything has a cycle - I too have slacked off a bit from Steemit for the last 2 days. No particular reason, just busy losing .35 BTC in under 20 minutes of trading. LOL Sigh. Not as bad as last week 1.10 and .21 BTC in an hour. I think I'll just start playing games - way cheaper and perhaps more fun.

Chin up miss!

I hope you don't quit - great rewards are on here but it takes TOUGH days to get through to them! Look at me on 1515 posts! I nearly gave up on 10 posts! I hope this inspires you. Best of luck: https://steemit.com/steemit/@mindhunter/yes-it-took-me-1515-posts-before-one-of-my-posts-went-viral-on-steemit-so-never-give-up

That's awesome. Persistence is really important.

It is the only thing important on here - (oh! and good writing skills too!)

Your story is really touching me because a very dear one has similar problems. She is only 22 and I feel quite helpless. I don't know what to say other than wishing you to find a way to get outbid the darkness. 💕

I'm 22 also. And thank you. I hope your friend feels better soon.
Sometimes the best way to help is just letting them know you're there for them.

thanks for sharing this~~
very rare to come across such real truth these days

Thanks for reading.

My empathy goes out to you , its unimaginable to me how each day must be for you and It would be sad not to see you posting on here anymore, as I have enjoyed your posts/photoshoots and def the hair colours! Sharing this must of been hard for you, BUT you have and thats a GREAT STEP in the right direction - try to come and talk to us all for a little each day and hopefully Steemit will help you through your winter and put you straight in to SUMMER! - sending you a hug x

Thanks for your support, penelope. And thanks for the hug. :)

It's really difficult for people who have not suffered from depression to understand what it is like.

The shame combined with the continuing perception of stigma only serves to make it worse.

You are very brave coming out about it like this. Personally I always start to find my mood declining in autumn and is worst in winter. I now use a light box in winter as I feel there is definitely a seasonal component. It doesn't stop the depression but it helps. Also exercise helps for me.

Scientists are still studying the biological cause of depression but have narrowed it down to the hippcampus and its neurones.

There is a lot of research in this area. The hippocampi are reduced in size and activity in depressed subjects with general reduction in cell turnover and lower levels of nerve derived growth factor. It is still not clear if this is a result of depression or the initial causative factor.

Other areas of research include chronic inflammatory processes and the interaction between the immune system and the microbiome (bacteria in the gut). Hopefully more treatment options will open up in the near future.

When Robin Williams committed suicide, I was devastated and heartbroken. But I thought that one good thing would come out of it. I hoped that people would finally wake up and realize that this is a serious illness that kills people.

Yes that struck me hard too. I grew up watching him in movies. I never knew he suffered from depression. It goes to show that no matter how much success you have it doesn't insulate you from depression.

I hope you feel better soon and take comfort in the knowledge that you are not the only one.

All the best and take care:)

Thanks for taking the time to respond, crypto. Yeah, I really hope they learn more about it. Anti-depressants help but a cure would be nice.

I have your back @pseudopoise!! Remember you are a smart, intelligent, beautiful girl. Stay strong, you never know what tomorrow may bring you.

Thanks, Doma. :)

Nobody can really help you or even understand!
I can say after reading your article that I understand, but I will not say such a thing because in this moment I canot feel what you feel.
I can say to you :

  • stay positive
  • a new tomorow is around the corner
  • Keep your chin up
    ...and more...
    You don't know me ... so even I try to help you my words will hit a brick wall.
    You are not sick and even doctors or studies tell you that you are sick don't belive them.
    Look back at the ones that you have in your life, can be a brother, sister, dog, cat or even a snake. They matter!
    They care about you!
    No matter the day, the moment in time when you feel down just think about that. Think that you have something precious to you.
    And never forget to you matter to !

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