in #inspiration7 years ago

How does one answer the unanswerable when dealing with things that are not reproducible?

I guess you let others attempt to answer it for you, at least that is what I did.

Often, @papa-pepper is asked a certain question. The question is "How do you become successful on steemit?"... or some variation of that. Basically, others want to know how they can do what I do. The problem is that there is no real answer. As far as I know, no one can reproduce my results. I can't even do it.

You see, for an author to become "successful" on steemit requires a lot than just the author. There are many variables like whales, minnows, dolphins, and the community as a whole that come into play. An author can be much better than @papa-pepper is, but that doesn't mean that they will "succeed." An author who is "much worse" can do "much better." Some days, there seems to be some rhyme and reason that it lacking from the equation. Honestly though, I like to try to help, so I do what I can.

I even tried to cram all the best advice that I could muster into a five minute video. Still, this is only my perception of the situation. I thought that a better idea would be to let the community answer the question for me, since they are the ones who made @papa-pepper what he is today.

When I recently went over 4000 followers and my reputation made it up to a 75, I thought that is would be a great opportunity for me to ask the community and give away some STEEM.

After spending quite a bit of time sorting through the comments, I thought it may be best to summarize some of the common observations made. The things listed below are provided to give others some insight into some of the reasons why the community may support @papa-pepper the way that they do.

  • KIND

To check out the full list of replies from which those were gathered, click here.

Basically, my new advice for others attempting to do better on steemit is to keep making and improving on making high quality posts while responding to your comments, but make sure to actually care about the people behind those usernames. Realize that steemit is not just a way for you to potentially make money. It is an organic community of individuals who are all here for a reason. Do not focus only on yourself, but think about others and find ways to help and care for them too.

I know that sounds like a tall order, but remember, even @papa-pepper had help!

In the end, it seems that simply focusing on yourself and improving your content will only get you so far.


In that MEGA MILESTONE post, I was not looking for people to sing my praises. I was actually wondering what the community thought about why @papa-pepper has been able to accomplish what he has here. I also offered up 75 STEEM to one of the comments that seemed like it did a good, honest job answering that question. Here is the comment that won.

First, Congratulations on your milestones! I think you do so well here on Steemit because you hit all the marks.

You're productive, cranking out several posts every day.
You're consistent. You post every day, day after day. And you have consistency in your content, with well-defined themes.
You're collaborative, making posts with others, right from your start on Steemit and through today.
You're creative, whether it's making art, trying out new contests, or using visually appealing thumbnails, photo frames, and the footer at the end of your posts.
You're engaging and enthusiastic, with a breezy writing style that encourages comments, you show yourself and your family in your posts, and you clearly have fun!
You're encouraging, letting folks know that it's OK to post about the topics you've already covered, but from their own perspective. And you help people learn to Steem well.
You're generous, giving away so much -- SP and SBD in contests and for folks in need, seeds, T-shirts, Steemit art, and more.
You have unique content, with series like the wild critters, edible outdoors, and different contests. And you are sharing how you experience different things, not trying to recreate information on the Internet or using other people's content.
You've got several compelling stories that you share frequently -- your redemption story, your young and growing family, your homesteading dreams and progress (with baby animals and children!), and how Steemit is helping you achieve your dreams.

That's about as complete as it gets, for hitting all the marks. Some of the Steemit curation and guild efforts helped build your momentum here, too, because of all that you do so well. Here's to your continued success on Steemit!

That is just one example of some insight provided by another user. The one above was provided by @haphazard-hstead, so I sent them 75 STEEM for their efforts in providing an honest evaluation.

Obviously, the goal for many of us is to make steemit all that it can be, but that cannot happen alone. That goal must be accomplished together. For anyone out there looking for answers on how to improve, hopefully this post has provided some insight. Also, you can find my video advice series in the comment section of the post linked HERE. Be blessed.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



Great post, and insight about getting up and running with Steemit. upVoted. :3

Cool, nice to meet you Mark! Thanks.

Likewise. :3

This is a nice post oceancoinz iam still learning about how to wright and react on peoples post.
Thank you

You'll learn, just keep reading and learning about steem. Keep steeming! Followed ya.

Nice beard and good post :)

Great post. You're right sometimes success here seems to have no rhyme or reason. Yet, it is human nature to keep digging for that elusive answer! I think success is often based off a lot charcteristics and intangbles that can't always be explained! Either way you're doing amazing and I'm gonna keep digging until I find something that works for me!

Just keep digging and keep it up!

You deserved the success. Rome is not build in one day. My hardwork and persistence will pay off for me too just as it has done for you. I hope to be able to learn from you and thank you so much for sharing.

Great attitude. You are heading the right direction thinking like that!

Hello! Your account was actually one of the first that I came across when I first Joined Steemit. I was intrigued by the sharing photo aspect of steemit as I have never really had a venue for that and you were the "sponsor" of the contest so of course I had to check out your account and blog as well. From what I saw from your blog you were someone to look up to as a long term steemit member and I appreciated that you got involved with the steemit community in different ways.

I enjoyed your post this morning and all of the "tips" that you provided.


You're welcome. Thank you for sharing all that. I do like to invest in this community.

Hey @papa-pepper I've watched all your videos you currently have about steemit advice. And though they are good, really really good...I'm afraid they just don't cater to me...As you've mentioned in this post from commenters comments. You do hit all the marks for what it is that you do and how you go about doing it but, What about someone like me. I'm to shy to wanna show my face, I'm not a blogger who can make/create good written material and I don't have the luxury of time to push out content every day but ... The posts I do create are about astronomy(kinda)mostly because I want to bring the beauties of space to all, the photos I take and use in my posts are mine..but I just don't know how I or others like me could improve ourselfs, our posts and material we use to be as successful as most of our community members....Basically I'm asking if you know of any advice for the members of Steem that are like me with the 1 subject posts, lack of time, non existing blogging skills and the difficulty to express ourselfs(emotionally or in the use of photos) online all in order to improve ourselfs for our posts or content, thank you and everyone else for reading

Carve out your niche in your own way. Be your best self.

When you have the time, make sure to interact with those here who share your interests and use the same tags. Build up the subcomunity that you do fit into.

Also, compare yourself to yourself and not to others. You may never have the success that some others have, but you can have more than you do right now.

Invest what you can when you can, and do do unselfishly, without looking for an ROI.

Good thing I'm not steemin for profit. But I am sad and suprised that there's not much Interest in space here. Or at least I feel that way. But I'll never stop. Thank you for responding to my post. I appreciate that😎

FYI: this post changed my concept of you. Up until now, you were just another successful Steemit personality and there are many such individuals. What won my heart and mind was the question:

How does one answer the unanswerable when dealing with things that are not reproducible?

Steemit is littered with well meaning successful people offering advice on how to succeed; albeit sincere, honest and practical. Things like having a good picture, have a catchy title, write about what you love etc. All of this is rational and contributes to good writing, but after almost a year, more than 900 posts and way less than $500 earned on Steemit, by my personal standards, it seems to me that something is lacking or that I am missing something.

I've thought the gamut of reasons for these results, from "it's a whale conspiracy" to "I am just not cut out to be a writer." At this point, I'm at peace with any explanation for my results. It is just life.

But, I really like your question and how you treated it in the article.

How does one answer the unanswerable when dealing with things that are not reproducible?

In trying to figure out what the upshot of this comment is, I think that I have come to a similar conclusion about success on Steemit. I see it as a chemistry/physics problem, but to put it in conversational terms...

It is like life. You can be a good person, strive to always do the right thing, even pursue diligently all the best qualities known to man, yet still be a failure financially, socially or in whatever area you wish to succeed.

In conclusion, I think the analysis that you do in this article makes a powerful statement about achieving success on Steemit and does so by seeking the answer to a very insightful question.

In appreciation, I have upvoted, re-steemed and submit this comment.

Thank you!

You're a really cool guy. Great post!

aweee this post gives me motivation to continue, support and help others even in a little way. Thanks a bunch @papa-pepper <3 <3 <3 God bless ^_^

@papa-pepper Thanks, always fun to read your posts....

Have the best steem day

Please upvote & follow at @mrstaf

It give me hope and energy to create more...

Best regards @mrstaf


Thanks for your vote

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