Well, not yet anyway.
A while back we received some free Muscovy Ducks from a neighbor. If you look in the photo above, you'll notice a difference between the duckling and the adult.
Our ducklings look pretty "normal" for baby ducks. They have either brown or yellow feathers and could pass for some other kinds of ducks. However, as they grow, something happens.
While I was at the park the other day, I ran into some mature Muscovy Ducks. Our adults that are breeding and reproducing look similar, but the ones at the park had a little more variety. See if you can notice a difference between the mature ones and the ducklings.
The Muscovy duck is a wild duck originally from Mexico and Central America. Although it is originally a tropical species, it has been domesticated and can now be found in much colder climates than its original home. Feral (wild populations originally from a domestic stock) can now be found across Europe, North American, New Zealand, and Australia.
These ducks are easily distinguished from other breeds because of the red skin around their eyes and beak. Eventually, it can become very lumpy and bumpy and look kind of disgusting... or at least some people think so.
Do you think that these grown-up Muscovy ducks are ugly, or do you find beauty even here? Why do you think that the ducklings look different?
Would you ever consider getting one of these? Personally, we love them and appreciate them at all stages in their development. However, we must admit that the ducklings are way cuter than the adults, but that happens with animals that don't grow red lumps all over their faces too!
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Definitely not the best looking duck but can you eat there eggs?
You can eat their eggs and their meat if you want. They lay very well.
There's definitely no beating a fresh egg , cheers mike . Ps that was not ment to be a joke
I don't think they are ugly. Natural beauty 😊
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nature rocks.
No kidding, when I first saw one of these characters, I thought it had been experimented on with nuclear radiation by mad scientists. I asked and was told they were completely healthy and were Egyptian ducks. (they do have the name cairina which may have been mistaken for "from Cairo") This was back in the 1950's, at a well-known place called the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary (associated with MSU -- Michigan State University) in Western Michigan.
Even then I always thought they were really quite ugly, but noticed they had pretty good personalities. For a nickle you could buy a handful of corn in those days, from "gumball-type" machines and we fed all the birds and tried to get them to eat out of our hands. Very often we got bit, which is nothing serious, especially by the swans which do so deliberately. Swans are a little nasty, or they simply resent having to eat out of your hand.
Now these Muscovy ducks are very much at home in Florida so we run into them all the time, with all the canals and all. They even have become quite a pest, pooping in swimming pools and lawn furniture and the like, the same as the iguanas which are also out of control. ¡Viva la naturaleza!
In Louisiana they call them Muscovia... my girlfriend and I took her son to the park to visit them and these were mean! We had to pick him up and run to the car.
No that sounds funny!!!! I can imagine you holding her son and running to the car while being chased by a duck .. you made me smile!!!!! Love you Friend .. SUNSHINE247
It wasn't funny at the time... The poor boy was terrified. Those things have a nasty bite to a small child.
I can only imagine .. I hope it makes you smile when you look back at it .. maybe even get a good laugh .. Love you Friend!!! SUNSHINE247
@papa-pepper good post, thanks . Any special function of the red skin in the face apart from distinguishing from other breed? Muscovy ducks looks great , nice pic.

Weird and beautiful :)
That they are!
You crack me up! If one of my neighbors gave me those ducks, I would be in a complete tizzy, about what to do. And yes, they are weirdly beautiful.
Thankfully these ducks are already hard at work making more for us!
Your post is very good, I really like posting like this. you are incredible, you are able to write like that.
As a sign of my love to you, I will do upvote & Resteem hopefully can help ..
We had some of these years ago. They are different that's for sure. I think they have their own beauty. Just like a lot of animals, their uniqueness makes them more beautiful. Yes some people think the babies of some animals are cuter than the adults but I think the opposite is true for some as well. Thanks for sharing these beauties.
I think that they have their own beauty too!
upvoted and followed.... now upvote and follow @nido097
upvoted and followed.... now upvote and follow @nido097