Achievement 5 by @omemma task: Review of designed by @steemchiller

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hello guys. 👋 i'm happy we all made it in to this new day. I pray God will continue to keep us all safe and sound. Amen!

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Today i will proceed my achievement task by doing my achievement 5.1 (Review of created by @steemchiller), since my previous achievements has been verified. You can see them below.

Achievements No.Links
1Achievement 1
2Achievement 2
3Achievement 3
4Achievement 4

Review of built by @steemchiller is an application created by @steemchiller. We can actually use to do several things, such as to check my account informations, operations, delegate steem power to any other user, to view my rewards, and also know my voting percentage, etc.


Sign in to with your username and posting key and click on dashboard to view your account informations.

Below are some questions and answers that shows us how works.

Explain what Delegation means, the different types of delegations and how to delegate?


The word "Delegation" on steemit simply means borrowing out your steem power to help other steem users. It always returns back to you after the expiring date. Its is one way to grow here on steemit, if you support other steem users, you also gain support from them too. Its just like you staking your steempower, and also gets rewards.

We have two (2) types of delegations;

  • Incoming


The steem power delegated to me by other steemians.

  • Outgoing delegation


The steem power i delegated to other steemians. From the image above, i have no outgoing because i'm only but a newbie here.

How to delegat?


The following proceedures shows us how to delegate;

  • first you will have to click on delegate options
  • put in the steem username of the account you want to delegate to.
  • Put in the exact amount of steem power.
  • then you send

how to check Reward Summary for All time, last 30 days and last 7 days.


This is at the top of the account operation tab, it summarises our reward, such as steem, steem dollar, curation stemm power and all value of our account in all days.

How to check account operations for past 7 days and what all details can be checked?


  • Click on the statistics tab,
  • choose a particular date,
    It allows us to see the users that upvoted and commented on our post for the past 7 days.

How to check Incoming and Outgoing Votes, please explain this with screenshots of both votes for your account?


This tab is at the last corner of the statistics icon.

Incoming votes


It displays the total votes and comments on my post.

Outgoing votes.


It displays the total upvotes i did on other users account.

How to check your upvote value and at different voting weights?


This image shows us our voting power percentage. It reduces when we upvote a post, and also increases by 20% every 24 hours till it gets back to 100%. The above image also displays tags of my post, my voting amount and different percentage of my voting power.

Please explain Author, Curation and Beneficiary Rewards.Also, mention author and curation rewards for your account for past 7 days.


Author rewards: This is the reward i get from every post i upvoted or my comments.
It allows me to see my rewards from my past post, comments. It displays all my past payouts.

Curation rewards: Its actually the rewards i get when i upvote other users post or the rewards other users get when they upvote my post.

Beneficiary rewards: it is the reward i gets when i'm choosen to receive a reward from a particular post.

This is my achivement 5.1 post.
Thanks to everyone that went through my post.

Special thank to @cryptokannon, @ngoenyi, and @sumit71428 for ther corrections, support and guidelines.

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @omemma, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 5.1 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Task rate:3

 3 years ago 

Hi, @omemma,

Your post has been supported by @nahela from the Steem Greeter Team.

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