in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


Join me for another Political Porno on @dlive !! So T-Mobile is up the FCCs butt of corruption again, Julian Assange just got Ecuadorian citizenship but it's all still fucked, and climate change by humans was actually proved! Plus titties so we can all watch the world burn in style!

Watch episode #12 HERE

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political porno #2
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Woow nice pic . Good post your

Net neutrality was only net neutrality by name....this is really what happened I have been following this for a long time.....What the FCC did was actually make it easier for smaller ISPs to compete.....What Obama had installed was price caps on bandwidth and that is a problem.....The issues isn't really going to be felt by the customers.....what the reversal of net neutrality does is allows for ISPs to charge bandwidth hoggers more....video streaming services like YouTube, Dtube, Dlive, Netflix these companies are fucked and Im sure the Netflix membership fees will be going up. However if you don't use the internet in that manner and just use Twitter or something occasionally your bill will actually drop....

FCC has done nothing good for net neutrality. nor has obama really. they should have left that shit alone period. And I have been following it for years as well....
and oh yes it will. you aren't thinking big enough..or corrupt enough. Like ISPs arent going to make start ups nonexistent as a result of this. and if companies have to pay for traffic..whose actually paying? thats right you a user of the internet! Bandwidth is my bag baby every site i make $ on uses it. Also bandwidth hogging is hilarious and untrue. think of the internet like a tube and ISPs squeezing it to slow it down so that you don't get traffic. should be illegal. isn't. Its a misdirection of the narrative to think there isn't enough to go around. they're just finding ways [as always] to leech more money for a system they do NOTHING for. The internet should be almost free. Its maintenance and upkeep is done by many not a few ISPs. They just act as fucking gatekeepers and are unnecessary and slow it down for us all. It will affect all of us vastly. It will make new start up sites unable to start up at all. I can no longer have a solo streaming site because of this so directly affected baby XD It will also affect the market and the good competition going on online. Completely disrupt a fundamental property of the internet that has ALWAYS existed.

I learned something new....Insee your point but Obama's solution wasn't it....he wanted to give the keys of the internet to the UN and that's why Trump killed net neutrality. Its called a poison pill in US politics, something that is put in the bill that fucks everything up. He wanted to give the internet to the UN because they were going to censor the fuck out of it. Trump saved it.....As far as operations go you taught me something I didnt know thank you

Obama wanted to make it a utility. WHICH WOULD BE AMAZING. Except oh darn big corporations could no longer get away with fucking us all!! dammit! XD Also no one listens to the UN so i mean it wasn't a great plan anyways?
And Trump did not KILL net neutrality. it is a fundamental of the net. The government just removed Obamas added protections..people get so confused about that lil fact you know...>> Net neutrality was not invented by Obama or anyone. It came with the internet. Its a principle of it to make it run properly. without it ISPs can feel free to throttle your bandwidth and force you and everyone else to pay more for it FOR NO FUCKING REASON.
And no, the UN weren't going to censor it. they wanted to regulate it like a utility. big corporate america wants plebs to believe that is bad for them. its not its just bad for corporations being able to throttle your net usage. you have the narrative wrong hence why you believe as you do. i would too if i had it backwards. that's called media spin. its what media does alll day now. Trump did not save the net in any way. His allowance of FCC to corrupt and care about what ISPs want over what the people who BUILT THE WEB want is folly. So i think i taught you more stuff again =D

also also censorship is what trump has if anything created. [btw i am thankfully not shallow enough to assume a figurehead can do anything...adorable..but lets pretend for now that Trump=US government]
ISPs are already throttling users bandwidth in prep for the rules to change to make such behavior legal for them. censorship comes when an ISP decides to block traffic to a site for any reason whatsoever. before they were not allowed to. For ANY reason. Now they can! GOODIE! I'm very confused as to why you could believe this move somehow SAVED us from censorship. they spun you goooooooooooddddddd ><

Oh yet Alligator ponds in Florida are frozen, snow happened in the Sahara for the 2nd year in a row when it hadnt happened in hundreds of years. Why is Minnesota colder than Mars!!!! See my page for that story lol....10 inch an hour snowfall rates in Alaska......records snows happening right now in Scandinavia......Snow in fucking Brownsville, Texas.....snowed in fucking New Orleans.....Snowed in Savannah......first time since 1989......Keep an open mind on climate change you will see the truth soon enough I dont think you are ready for it yet just look for weird shit....dont trust any American Meteorological Society studies they are just trying to cover their ass....

How about instead of focusing on Alligator Ponds(which I believe were actually in North Carolina) you could also focus on the story that covered roads MELTING in Australia.

I do believe I said that the weather has been more extreme. Meaning both hot and cold, before it gets well really.cold. The wavy jet stream patterns are causing both hot and cold weather events depending on your location.The Southwest US is baking for the time of year its in because the weather is in a blocking pattern. When there is a trough in the east there will be a ridge in the west that's the way it is in North America. What you also didnt mention about that 47°C event in Sydney is that it lasted 6 hours and when the front finally passed the temperature dropped 20C in about an hour. Another ridiculous extreme. Its not CO2, its the grand solar minimum. Let's also I guess overlook the fact that Cape Cod completely froze over that just doesn't happen.

sadly science hath proven the truth man.....and i do keep an open mind. i live in canada. i see the ice caps melting almost directly <3

.............also cover their asses for what?

Well ok, I dont know exactly how to say this....you are right it has been warming this is true. Last year was the third warmest year on the 39 year satellite record. It's not CO2 that has caused this warmth though, it is the Sun. Climate models up until recently only were programmed for a 1% variance in total solar irradiqnce and this has been found to be incorrect. NOAA has been caught using the urban heat island effect in order to manipulate temperature readings that's why weather stations are at airports. They should be in some field somewhere where asphalt radiation and jet exhaust doesn't affect the readings. What denialists like me are trying to tell everyone that man isn't responsible for the vast majority of this warming we are seeing. I've always been a weather geek, if you visit Tony Heller's site realclimatescience.com he shows you that NOAA's information is sketchy at best and manipulated. There's information that first came out of Russia the Pulkovo Observatory in which they have Russians preparing for global cooling due to decreased magnetic activity on the sun. The Sun operates in a series of cycles....a 400 year cycle and a bunch of 11 year cycles broken down within that. The weather of the 1600s is what the Earth is really about to be going back to. Signs are already there the weather extremes all fit the historical stories we have of those times. 1650 the Thames River froze over in London. The Seminole Indian tribe which lived in Florida talk about a "white rain" in the tropical everglades. The chemtrails is really a galactic ray management program meant to keep storms from becoming more extreme. The government can't tell the people that their way of life is going to change and there's nothing they can do about it, they want continuity and need people to keep working at their jobs. They knew that people would notice the weather changing so they came up with the climate change lie so people feel empowered to be able to control this but they can't. Watch food prices worldwide this year the problems have already began I just did an article on bread prices skyrocketing in Sudan. Thats just a start. Oh, the proof that they know what's about to happen and they aren't telling people about it is in the real estate buys that have been happening en mass along the equator following information they have from the 1600s. The rich and elite bought massive properties in Africa and South America. The Chinese bought up large amounts of farmland in Northern Africa. The whole Ukraine thing is about Putin wanting control of Ukraine's wheat fields.

Remember what I said about foreign countries and rich people buying up lands near the Equator. There's a damn good reason why Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate treaty. What did he do before becoming President? He is a high end realtor he knows about the land grab on the equator. He also knows why, and that's why he's not regulating energy....follow the money

weird..all references for these are from christian or super right leaning sites that believe total improbable stuff..so i cant take it seriously...sorry. i need any credible sources and so far all sources point to non credible conspiracy theories which i dont bother with.

There's a man a serial researcher who used to do commodity trading. He used to trade coffee from Myanmar back in 2010. Myanmar is located well within the tropics of Southeast Asia. The coffee had frost damage and the locals were telling him about the unusual cold. He had to find out why this was happening when the globe is supposedly on fire. So, doing what he is strong at he started his YouTube channel called Adapt 2030. David DuByne has been hired as an advisor by Ankorous which is a new platform to trade crypto assets for more traditional assets like land. They apparently share his view. He's not a whacky extremist he just shows you exactly where you are being lied to. You don't have to take my word for it, clearly you aren't ready, but when snow doesn't melt on time in parts where Spring is supposed to be happening (like last year's May blizzard in Kansas for example) maybe then you might say wait a minute

....funny...global warming also includes random coldness you know...it affects everything...so your frozen coffee beans still fit into global warming and aren't proof against..ok I'm done. You literally believe wildly different things about facts so....and if the snow doesn't melt on time i will see that as more evidence of global warming because additional cold and general extreme swings and changes in weather patterns are part of it not proof against it.

You did say you supported Jill Stein....I actually questioned her directly on this at one of her rallies in New Britain, Connecticut at the CCSU campus. She literally fell silent....

Visit this site when you got free time its drroyspencer.com if you are interested in global satellite temperatures....the non fucked with numbers.....the real McCoy from the man who does the analysis himself....the UAH dataset

ya...this guy has been discredited by many in the scientific community so altho his research is interesting its pretty..biased sadly. i need non biased shit or its not factual....

In the climate science community the science is politicized....meaning this you dont bite the hand that feeds you and that's the problem in academia and why I dont believe those professors that you believe. I told you to follow the money, you aren't thinking corrupt enough in this case. Grants and scholarship money get withheld from Universities if they mention natural variability and natural cycles in climate change. No research money goes into this, just how CO2 effects the climate, dont ya think there's something wrong with that? They inherently paid for the results they got its corruption of the worst kind

Anyone who speaks out about this like Judith Curry gets their credibility attacked. Judith Curry went into retirement instead of dealing with this.....John Coleman who co-founded the Weather Channel left because he doesn't accept the whole CO2 bullshit and in order to make their point they use tactics to discredit you. You ever heard that the person who accuses you of doing something fucked up is usually doing that thing they accuse you of? That's a tactic in Saul Alinsky's handbook that was Obama's and Hillary's bible.

Judith is nuts <3
i will agree with her though that controversial science should be given a bit more of a fair shake..it would help reduce the amount of people who go nuts shit cos no one wants to hear their science...after all some of her work was excellent.. then she took her "evidence" and painted a narrative with little to no validation. that was what got her fucked if anything. and i assume it was due to frustration for not being acknowledged enough for her abilities.

..except the current hand that feeds us all..makes $ off denying climate change. that ALONE always brings pause to MY mind. I won't believe in a conspiracy that doesn't have good reason. The only good reason to promote climate change being fake would be to allow businesses to make $. which is exactly what they do....so....now if somehow the climate changing was beneficial to all the big money that rules us all [the hand] perhaps then i could take any of this seriously. since that's now how it is..i am forced to follow corruption. which benefits greatly from us pretending or being gaslighted into believing that climate change is not real or not man made. and every community is politicized at this point because money. i don't "believe" professors but i do understand the scientific method and why you are required to have proof as well as multiple studies to support said proof. also i know that said professors are corruptable..that's why so many of them denied climate change early on and still do. they've dwindled because it has finally become unpopular to be destructive morons...sadly "the hand" makes wayy $$ off destruction and pillage sooooooo.. like no one makes $ off climate change being real. so..you follow the money?? XD

"Grants and scholarship money get withheld from Universities if they mention natural variability and natural cycles in climate change." this statement holds a narrative. as in people you "believe" whose theories are most likely...incorrect..being butt hurt that their grants were taken away for not doing actual freakin science or following the scientific method. I've read plenty of papers about natural cycles in climate change that got paid so....i think you only refer to extremists [obviously] and the scientific community is naturally and traditionally hard on outlandish anything. otherwise we would all think some crazy shit since you can observe a lot of data and put it all together to paint a picture..and it can still be not the truth.

On this topic we disgree but that disagreement helps foster a sense of being able to have a healthy debate and talk about differing viewpoints.....real tolerance...

Hi @o0pepper0o! Just discovered you today in Steemit Chat. You're a marketing genius (in the most positive sense of the term). Perfect mix of BRAINS and BOOBage. I've gone ahead and given you one of my HIGHLY SELECTIVE "follows" to draw you into my "digital HAREM" of HE-groupies and SHE-groupies. I STRONGLY suggest you also join us on Steemfollower to increase your followers/upvotes/$$$ and find some more UBER-interesting RENEGADES, as we all BITCH and TWITCH and GYRATE like PIRATES in the TEMPEST of TIME-SPACE --> https://steemfollower.com/?r=4088 (my referral link - or just go directly to : https://steemfollower.com if you deem this spammy). Sorry to hear about the MS. I think what you need is an INITIATION into the "world of tea" - that is, PREMIUM, loose-leaf, Chinese tea. You can drink the tea while you vape. Green tea, specifically, can help with the MS, as well as GINGER tea (just chop up some fresh ginger and boil it to UBER-strong strength - it'll get your high AND boost overall health (including heating you up during this FRIGID season) I am an aspiring teamaster, and post A LOT about tea and other natural health topics. Anyways, keep up the good work... @transcript-junky

thanks and I do like tea...although I am weak to chai and orange pekoe black teas...green tea with mint is still really good and I should drink more of it =) and indeed i will check out your little harem XD

Right on! I'm geeking out and watching all of the previous episodes of your show. It gives me something to do during my transcription and writing work break. Excellent production value all around. You've got a sharp mind and good instincts. If you like orange pekoe black tea I would suggest Jin Jun Mei, which is a very high-quality black tea (albeit a bit expensive). I would also recommend to you "white tea", which is similar in flavor profiles to the lighter black tea you mention. Here is my recent post on white tea which I think you will really like : https://steemit.com/steemit-health/@transcript-junky/steemit-teleworker-health-and-productivity-series-3-white-tea-for-enhancing-energy-focus-and-creativity I think a "Silver Needle" would be right down your alley (the aged white tea blend in the video in this post has psychoactive effects, like cannabis; as tea and cannabis originated in the same region of the world - southern China ("Golden Triangle" area). The "Mei Leaf Teahouse" video in the post is my buddy and client, Don. I transcribe/caption their YouTube videos). Mei Leaf goes into the DEEP, DEEP knowledge of tea, and by watching their videos you can work your way WAY UP the knowledge chain. (No agenda here - the content is all free). I'm a marketing guru - among other things - and so you can always feel free to run any ideas by me and I'm be happy to give some friendly (free) feedback - although it looks like you are quite astute on your own. Discovering your content/profile has made my day today, so consider your "good deed" for the day to be done, and you can now move on to the more "naughty" deeds to balance things out... ;->

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