Steemit Teleworker Health & Productivity Series #3 - White Tea For Enhancing Energy, Focus, and Creativity

in #steemit-health7 years ago (edited)

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"Silver Needle" (Yin Zhen) White Tea - Source

Common Challenges For Teleworkers

In the previous post in this series, on green tea, I discussed the specific ways in which the unique chemical components found in green tea help to provide a sustained - yet calm - type of energy which aids in maintaining productivity and relieving stress during the typical workday of teleworkers - an energy-intensive routine which requires hours of sustained effort interfacing with computers/devices. In this post I would like to elaborate on this topic by introducing another of the five major tea types, which most people - who do not have a firm knowledge of tea - tend to be unaware of. Here we will discuss "white tea", which is a very popular tea amongst tea enthusiasts, and which provides similar productivity-enhancing effects to green tea, as well as some additional unique goodies.. Since the subject of tea is not yet being properly covered on Steemit, to a level of detail which does the subject justice, I hope that this introductory level post will help raise awareness of tea in general, and especially the value of tea consumption for teleworkers, in terms of productivity and health enhancement.

White tea is one of my favorites out of the major categories of tea. The main reasons for this are the taste , the lower level of caffeine, high nutrient content, and the psychoactive effects. For those people who are sensitive to caffeine, white tea has roughly the same level/quality as green tea, and so you're equally less likely to get the "jitters" when consuming it. White tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which - as in green tea - counteracts the effect of caffeine to produce a more calm boost of energy, as well as enhancing concentration and creative thinking processes.

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"Silver Needle" (Yin Zhen) White Tea - Source

Health Benefits Of White Tea For Teleworkers

As white tea is the LEAST processed of the major tea types it retains the HIGHEST amount of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, and as a result, is PACKED with nutrients which are vital to many physiological processes which we need to replenish as a result of hours of teleworking activities. White tea has especially high level of Vitamins C and E, which are both vital nutrients which support the immune system and nervous system (brain health). Since telework is especially demanding in terms of mental and physical stress, the body demands high levels of these nutrients for optimal performance.

Like green tea, white tea is also high in the amino acid L-theanine, which has a calming effect on the mind and body (similar to sedative drugs), and TAMES the action of caffeine to minimize "jitteriness" and produce a calmer, more sustained increase in energy level. L-theanine also increases alpha brain wave activity levels, which creates more focused and calm mental activity - a major boon for teleworker productivity, especially for workers in creative fields.

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Aged "Bai Mu Dan" and "Shou Mei" White Tea Blend - Source

Unique Characteristics Of White Tea

The two specific areas where white tea stands out from other teas are in terms of taste and psychoactive effects. White tea is the LEAST processed off all tea types. The leaves are picked young and then simply let to dry in a very natural way which maintains the highest levels of natural phytochemicals in the plant. As a result, you are consuming the leaves and their nutrients in the PURIST and MOST POWERFUL form. In terms of taste, white tea is lovely. In general, the notes in white tea tend towards earthy, yet light, hints of spices (like cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg), chocolate, various nuts like almonds and walnuts, and deep forest-type plants and woody notes. Overall, the taste of white tea is smoother, and more refined, than the more vibrant and pungent notes of green teas, and so white teas tend to be more easy-drinking, in general.

Where white tea REALLY shines is in the psychoactive effects. Many people are unaware that the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) originates from the Himalayan mountain area of Asia, which is also the source of well-known psychoactive plants such as cannabis. In fact, tea and cannabis share quite a few common terpenes (aromatic compounds), and anyone who knows tea knows that - far beyond the psychoactive effects of the caffeine - the compounds in tea has SIGNIFICANT effects on mental activity such as : perception, concentration, etc. In general, the various types of white tea produce a calm - yet euphoric - "high", which is similar to an opioid type high in that you have a general sense of calmness, floatiness, and resistance to pain, with a very controlled heightened energy and sense of well-being. Interestingly, in China (and Mandarin (Chinese) language, they actually have a TERM for the state of being "tea drunk", (or "tea high"), which only reinforces the concept that tea has significant psychoactive effects. As with all tea types, more of the psychoactive compounds are found in the YOUNG leaves of the plant, and the BUDS of the plant, which is why Yin Zhen ("Silver Needle") white tea tends to produce a stronger "tea high" than Bai Mu Dan and Shou Mei, which are the two white tea types which use older leaves which are further down the plant.

All in all, the combination of TASTE and "tea high" which white tea provides makes this a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED addition to the nutritional mix of teleworkers.

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"White Peony" (Bai Mu Dan) White Tea - Source

How To Integrate White Tea Into Your Daily Telework Routine

Brewing loose leaf white tea in the traditional Chinese "Gong Fu" brewing style is the IDEAL way to incorporate white tea into your daily telework routine. Gong Fu brewing not only produces the best quality - and tastiest - tea, but the relaxing nature of the actual brewing process provides an excellent meditative component to your work routine. In fact, in China and Japan an entire ancient tradition of tea brewing, known as the "tea ceremony", has evolved from the seminal concept that the act of brewing and consuming tea is built upon the foundation of meditation and appreciation for nature and the simple - yet finer - things in life. As we all know that taking regular breaks during our telework routine significantly boosts productivity and overall health, it makes perfect sense to add something as fun and relaxing as Gong Fu (white) tea brewing to the mix. We can take a few 20-30 minutes breaks spread throughout the day to do a nice, relaxing Gong Fu session, and come back to our work PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY refreshed and energized. I personally take several such breaks away from my work terminal through the day, and then I also have a Gai Wan and kettle next to my computer so that I can sip on some fine tea while I work.

Here is an excellent video from the experts over at Mei Leaf teahouse, in London, which guides you in detail through the Gong Fu brewing process for white tea. Enjoy...


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