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in #dlive7 years ago

Net neutrality was only net neutrality by name....this is really what happened I have been following this for a long time.....What the FCC did was actually make it easier for smaller ISPs to compete.....What Obama had installed was price caps on bandwidth and that is a problem.....The issues isn't really going to be felt by the customers.....what the reversal of net neutrality does is allows for ISPs to charge bandwidth hoggers streaming services like YouTube, Dtube, Dlive, Netflix these companies are fucked and Im sure the Netflix membership fees will be going up. However if you don't use the internet in that manner and just use Twitter or something occasionally your bill will actually drop....


FCC has done nothing good for net neutrality. nor has obama really. they should have left that shit alone period. And I have been following it for years as well....
and oh yes it will. you aren't thinking big enough..or corrupt enough. Like ISPs arent going to make start ups nonexistent as a result of this. and if companies have to pay for traffic..whose actually paying? thats right you a user of the internet! Bandwidth is my bag baby every site i make $ on uses it. Also bandwidth hogging is hilarious and untrue. think of the internet like a tube and ISPs squeezing it to slow it down so that you don't get traffic. should be illegal. isn't. Its a misdirection of the narrative to think there isn't enough to go around. they're just finding ways [as always] to leech more money for a system they do NOTHING for. The internet should be almost free. Its maintenance and upkeep is done by many not a few ISPs. They just act as fucking gatekeepers and are unnecessary and slow it down for us all. It will affect all of us vastly. It will make new start up sites unable to start up at all. I can no longer have a solo streaming site because of this so directly affected baby XD It will also affect the market and the good competition going on online. Completely disrupt a fundamental property of the internet that has ALWAYS existed.

I learned something new....Insee your point but Obama's solution wasn't it....he wanted to give the keys of the internet to the UN and that's why Trump killed net neutrality. Its called a poison pill in US politics, something that is put in the bill that fucks everything up. He wanted to give the internet to the UN because they were going to censor the fuck out of it. Trump saved it.....As far as operations go you taught me something I didnt know thank you

Obama wanted to make it a utility. WHICH WOULD BE AMAZING. Except oh darn big corporations could no longer get away with fucking us all!! dammit! XD Also no one listens to the UN so i mean it wasn't a great plan anyways?
And Trump did not KILL net neutrality. it is a fundamental of the net. The government just removed Obamas added protections..people get so confused about that lil fact you know...>> Net neutrality was not invented by Obama or anyone. It came with the internet. Its a principle of it to make it run properly. without it ISPs can feel free to throttle your bandwidth and force you and everyone else to pay more for it FOR NO FUCKING REASON.
And no, the UN weren't going to censor it. they wanted to regulate it like a utility. big corporate america wants plebs to believe that is bad for them. its not its just bad for corporations being able to throttle your net usage. you have the narrative wrong hence why you believe as you do. i would too if i had it backwards. that's called media spin. its what media does alll day now. Trump did not save the net in any way. His allowance of FCC to corrupt and care about what ISPs want over what the people who BUILT THE WEB want is folly. So i think i taught you more stuff again =D

also also censorship is what trump has if anything created. [btw i am thankfully not shallow enough to assume a figurehead can do anything...adorable..but lets pretend for now that Trump=US government]
ISPs are already throttling users bandwidth in prep for the rules to change to make such behavior legal for them. censorship comes when an ISP decides to block traffic to a site for any reason whatsoever. before they were not allowed to. For ANY reason. Now they can! GOODIE! I'm very confused as to why you could believe this move somehow SAVED us from censorship. they spun you goooooooooooddddddd ><

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