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in #dlive7 years ago

Visit this site when you got free time its if you are interested in global satellite temperatures....the non fucked with numbers.....the real McCoy from the man who does the analysis himself....the UAH dataset


ya...this guy has been discredited by many in the scientific community so altho his research is interesting its pretty..biased sadly. i need non biased shit or its not factual....

In the climate science community the science is politicized....meaning this you dont bite the hand that feeds you and that's the problem in academia and why I dont believe those professors that you believe. I told you to follow the money, you aren't thinking corrupt enough in this case. Grants and scholarship money get withheld from Universities if they mention natural variability and natural cycles in climate change. No research money goes into this, just how CO2 effects the climate, dont ya think there's something wrong with that? They inherently paid for the results they got its corruption of the worst kind

Anyone who speaks out about this like Judith Curry gets their credibility attacked. Judith Curry went into retirement instead of dealing with this.....John Coleman who co-founded the Weather Channel left because he doesn't accept the whole CO2 bullshit and in order to make their point they use tactics to discredit you. You ever heard that the person who accuses you of doing something fucked up is usually doing that thing they accuse you of? That's a tactic in Saul Alinsky's handbook that was Obama's and Hillary's bible.

Judith is nuts <3
i will agree with her though that controversial science should be given a bit more of a fair would help reduce the amount of people who go nuts shit cos no one wants to hear their science...after all some of her work was excellent.. then she took her "evidence" and painted a narrative with little to no validation. that was what got her fucked if anything. and i assume it was due to frustration for not being acknowledged enough for her abilities.

..except the current hand that feeds us all..makes $ off denying climate change. that ALONE always brings pause to MY mind. I won't believe in a conspiracy that doesn't have good reason. The only good reason to promote climate change being fake would be to allow businesses to make $. which is exactly what they if somehow the climate changing was beneficial to all the big money that rules us all [the hand] perhaps then i could take any of this seriously. since that's now how it is..i am forced to follow corruption. which benefits greatly from us pretending or being gaslighted into believing that climate change is not real or not man made. and every community is politicized at this point because money. i don't "believe" professors but i do understand the scientific method and why you are required to have proof as well as multiple studies to support said proof. also i know that said professors are corruptable..that's why so many of them denied climate change early on and still do. they've dwindled because it has finally become unpopular to be destructive morons...sadly "the hand" makes wayy $$ off destruction and pillage sooooooo.. like no one makes $ off climate change being real. follow the money?? XD

"Grants and scholarship money get withheld from Universities if they mention natural variability and natural cycles in climate change." this statement holds a narrative. as in people you "believe" whose theories are most likely...incorrect..being butt hurt that their grants were taken away for not doing actual freakin science or following the scientific method. I've read plenty of papers about natural cycles in climate change that got paid so....i think you only refer to extremists [obviously] and the scientific community is naturally and traditionally hard on outlandish anything. otherwise we would all think some crazy shit since you can observe a lot of data and put it all together to paint a picture..and it can still be not the truth.

On this topic we disgree but that disagreement helps foster a sense of being able to have a healthy debate and talk about differing viewpoints.....real tolerance...

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