How Do You Expect To Win By Acting Like A Loser?

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Oh no! The clock is ticking! I'm not worthy unless I do something I don't want to do!
Nice one, @NathanMars.
Really fucking classy.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Class.jpeg

Just pack your bags.

Go home.

If there's one fucking thing I learned in my many years of being in charge of something, it's this: You threaten to quit, I'll hold the door open for you.

Because what's going to happen the next time you don't get your way? Same damn, "I want my way or else!" Crybaby attitude.


Only a few hundred signed on to your little promotion and you want 2000.

And you're bummed out? And the thousands who weren't interested... we let you down?

The thousands who do well and help make this place shine on the daily... aren't enough to keep you around?

Seven prickly points:

  • I don't use twitter.
  • I don't have time to stop producing actual content so I can wipe my ass seven times per day and record that shit for you.
  • I don't do things here just so some wealthy vote fairy can come sprinkle itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny upvotes upon me and my work without actually giving a fuck about what I've said or done.
  • I don't want to fill up my blog with shit posts, daily.
  • I do think promotional GIMMICKS are cool but that doesn't mean I'm a nobody because I refuse to wear your fucking work uniform.
  • Bring more people to the blockchain using promotional tricks, they're going to expect to see something other than thousands of people all doing the same damn 777 challenge when they get here.
  • And that's where I come in. That's where thousands of other people producing actual content come in. You're welcome!

777 huh?

Well what a coinkidink!

I'm only on my seventh week back from a recharge.

Here's seven:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Beating Strong Almost There.png
Where I Left Off

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fantasizing Tough.png
Fantasizing Tough

NoNamesLeftToUse - Doesnt Forgive Doesnt Forget.png
Doesn't Forgive Doesn't Forget

NoNamesLeftToUse - Snebulous.png

NoNamesLeftToUse - Excluded.png

NoNamesLeftToUse - Tell Me More.png
Tell Me More

NoNamesLeftToUse - Its A Girl.png
It's A Girl

Seven more:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Do Something.png
Do Something

NoNamesLeftToUse - Neds Penis.png
Ned's Penis

NoNamesLeftToUse - Everyone Get Inside.png
Everyone Get Inside

NoNamesLeftToUse - Whats The Point.png
What's The Point

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Gateway.png
The Gateway

NoNamesLeftToUse - One Angry Guy and An Asshole.png
One Angry Guy and An Asshole

NoNamesLeftToUse - Hes Back.png
He's Back

And here's seven more:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Why.png

NoNamesLeftToUse - Just This.png
Just This

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Don't Get It Either.png
I Don't Get It Either

NoNamesLeftToUse - One Minute Window.png
One Minute Window

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Awkward Thing I Did With My Brain.png
The Awkward Thing I Did With My Brain

NoNamesLeftToUse - All That Is Left.png
All That Is Left

NoNamesLeftToUse - Two And A Half Hours.png
Two And A Half Hours

Seven more prickly points:

Obviously the guy needs some help. I can't take part. I do my own thing. I'm not going to allow someone to make me feel like a lesser human because I can't take part. I'm also wise enough to know his intentions are pure, but the delivery is way off, and he most likely doesn't want people to feel like lesser humans for not being able to take part.

The absolute most I can do to help, is promote it.

I don't think that dude even knows who I am and I don't really care. So whatever, if you're bored someday, look him up, have fun with his Seven77 challenge, but don't feel bad when you tried your best to help make something a success, and he just fucks off anyway.

Have a nice day!

Youtube video linked to source.
All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!"

Images © 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I'm here to fight for my rights

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm going to create seventy-seven 7s in a post and challenge other people to make seven thousand and seventy-seven 7s seven million consecutive posts.

That should get this thing going viral.


You may want to count them, but I think that's 77 sevens.

I'm so glad we have modern computers, that are able to count all those sevens! That must be the main purpose of modern computers right? To produce, display, interpret and calculate all the sevens possible!?

If I invented the computer... all it would do is compute.

I'm definitely not counting those. That's a real dick move, bro! I got lots of 7s to make! I'll be up all night!

You guys are so cute with your 7’s ☺️

Ugh! Not you again!

Shouldn't you be making cookies with your Steem husband or something?


I thought you were my Steem husband? 👀

Whoa! WTF! I am a family man!

My god, what a negative force you are!

Oh my bad.. maybe I have you confused with someone else ... I lose track of my Steem husbands sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Welcome to the 700 Club!

Oh... but I don’t really like that show. 😬

How about the movie, Seven. Did you like that one?

I can appreciate the guy's energy, but the pushups thing was always kind of annoying to me. He's a retweet machine on Twitter, so I muted him.

He fits the wannabe influencer archetype. He wants so bad to be relevant and have a rabid following who do his bidding. If STEEM had a blue checkmark he'd already have applied for it. It would not shock me if he has applied for one on Twitter.

Just maybe this platform is too libertarian for that. Threatening to fall on a sword if you don't get your way? That's just pathetic. I bid you adieu sir.

I followed him for a time as well, but far too many resteems indeed. Not a bad guy. But I really do think that could have been handled differently. I mean, I can try to give him some help, by promoting it and being honest, but look at the video I have send people to. That's his big promotion. I don't mind helping. Hopefully he can bounce back from this. But if the plan is to leave, just go.

All else being equal, I'm thinking if STEEM were $1, the video would have never been made. Buying or earning something that drops in value can weigh on you, and cause you to make desperation moves like this out of a sense of urgency over price. The problem is, thought leaders who you actually want to appeal to promulgate the message are going to be put off, while the 'please don't go' crowd are already firmly in your camp to coddle you. You are not winning new converts, quite the opposite. This is a huge tactical blunder.

Money drives people nuts. This platform tests people. I've watched a lot of people crack. I'm no different. Some days I want to pick this world up and drop it on your head. I've had my moments but when I feel it getting worse than that, I go take some me time and calm down. As short as my fuse is, some days I'm surprised I can stay so calm. I learn from these strong minds I like to surround myself with. Some day everyone who was meant to crack will crack and we'll be left with one hell of a solid foundation.

I take solace in the fact that regardless of price, I look around and see really smart people building really cool stuff for this ecosystem. If that continues to be the case, the token price will eventually catch up. Personalities will come and go for various reasons, and that's fine. I suspect that when price recovers, many that have gone will miraculously come running back.

This has been a fun outlet for me and is a unique form of mining cryptocurrency, but it's still a speculative endeavor. If it ceases to exist, my story will continue on, as I have not gone all-in on STEEM.

Going all-in on anything but your own human capital is bad. I recall reading about a Chinese man who committed suicide after taking 100X leverage short on Bitcoin while it shot up in price. I suspect the ones who crack the most either have too much identity or too much money tied to this speculative endeavor.

Let's be realistic, there's still plenty of room for this experiment to fail. For now I'm accumulating some cheap STEEM because the risk/reward looks good to me. I'm powering it up which means I'm prepared to lose the majority of that investment should it not work out. My philosophy in most things is to always have one foot firmly planted outside the door.

This gave me an opportunity to have a reason to produce hundreds of digital images. I have the much higher quality files stored away, for printing purposes. Out of all that work, there's at least one for everyone's taste. I can still sell that, multiple times.

I wrote enough creative writing to fill a couple of books. I can still sell that, multiple times.

Average digital artist hourly wage where I live is about $30 per hour. I could get more. There's a lot here to prove myself.

My world never ends.

"This gave me an opportunity to have a reason to produce hundreds of digital images"

I feel the same way. I have about 80k photos in Lightroom from my travels and experiences, and this has given me the opportunity to actually curate them and learn about my subjects. I always figured I'd be doing this after I retire.

'You threaten to quit, I'll hold the door open for you.'

My 77% upvote for that quote.
And with that my promise that if, for whatever reason, you can't make it I'll be glad to hold that door open for him.

That's how it goes though. Threats are a tough pill to swallow. Doesn't sit too well with me.

Yeahhhh, I am going to do seven push ups on twitter the second Tuesday of next week, right after I cook meth and shoot heroine.

If it was something like: Record yourself having a nice cold beer every day.... maybe I'd be able to find time.

I don't know what's going on with Nathan to make such ultimatum. He's gained a big traction on Twitter already with hundreds participating in his campaign already (for what I've understood). He wants to be proactive – and that's good – but the second you start making demands from people by making threats of leaving, you lose your charisma and credibility, and become much less appealing of a leader. It's ok to leave this place if that is what one sees best, but these declarations "I'M LEAVING, HEY LOOK AT ME, I'M LEAVING!!!" just... no, stop it (and maybe get some help).

The stress of the falling price gets people frustrated, especially when you try so hard (I know Nathan has done a lot, so kudos for him about that). But this industry is a wild west. A wild west where almost anyone can participate (with an internet connection), instead of a closed circle of few rich people. But most people aren't equipped for the uncertainty and stress this world causes – it's probably the most volatile market there ever. Hell, even professional investors would probably freak out if all their holdings were on crypto.

Personally, I have money in crypto, but also in traditional assets – diversification does wonders for mental health.

If you can't take it, take a step back and re-evaluate if you've gone over your personal risk limit you can handle with putting too much of your financial hopes onto Steem. If you haven't even invested anything here, why be angry? Take a break and reflect what is it you even like about this place and do that, instead of being an entitled bitch who "deserves" all the whale upvotes.

Well, I think that's about it what I had on my mind.
Nice art, by the way.

If you can't take it, take a step back and re-evaluate

I'm not sure if you noticed, but I was gone for quite some time. Not all, but part of the reason was to do exactly what you suggested here. This hasn't been easy for me either. We all should know one another's pain for it's something we all have in common. Hiding it is pointless. Blowing up is worse. We don't need to be all stuck in our pride all the time, sitting here acting perfect for the cameras. This shit is real and I think it's safe to say people want to look out for one another. If shit's bugging people, just say it, talk it out. Nothing to be embarrassed about. We all get it.

And thanks for enjoying that art. I certainly enjoy putting on a show, as much as anyone else.

I'm not sure if you noticed, but I was gone for quite some time.

Yeah, I noticed.

Of course no need to start acting for the cameras, one should be honest with one's feelings and it's ok to admit if one's mind is bothered with doubt, fear and the stress from all the uncertainty. It's a natural byproduct of being very invested with something and perceiving it to perform bad. Emphasis on 'perceiving', because tying success with what one's STEEM is worth in a given moment, is rather problematic, because the market is just speculation. But is is the only indicator we have, or react to, because money makes the world go around in this world – because that's what we need to pay our bills, so we are rather conditioned to react emotionally to it. This coupled with the fact that we're humans, thus tending to be more susceptible to negativity, all the development with the ecosystem holds very little value to most if it doesn't reflect on the immediate value one can sell the STEEM for.

You're a wise one. I can't even add to that. It seems like the conditioning from the current outside world has no effect here on numbing the pain. Can't simply reach for the crutch. Humanity here must reprogram themselves. A step back in time, to stay healthy, and learn how to live.

Ah and now I think I have a better idea of what Taraz was posting about earlier or maybe later because reverse chronological listing 😅 (fyn is bad at paying attention to events)

See your classes are great 😝

And damn I know you produce a lot of art but it’s still always something when you put a bunch together in one post 😳

Posted using Partiko iOS

My classes have class! I thought of doing this as Mr. Himself but then it just becomes one big joke and I didn't want to mock the guy more than he already did to himself. I hope he gets his shit together.

And yes, that was a lot of work there. Looks good when I got all my ducks in a row.

If it weren't for you, I would never know about the Steemian flameouts. I'm not sure I'm better off for that but I still love the The Awkward Thing I Did With My Brain and I think it's time for another gory story from you.

I think it's time as well. Time to freak some people out. Maybe one will come to me next, but I can't make any promises. I certainly didn't plan this post. I'm glad I calmed down. This was me, calm. I'm getting better...

Always good to remain calm. lol

Being a loser is a life choice. I live it proudly. 😂😂😂

I know it makes you sad that people dont vote your content so i powered up yesterday 3000 Steem into dolphinhood. @penguinpablo let me know that im in top 10 most powered up accounts. Aind that something. Its a bit sad though if im being honest. 😂

So now you get a fatter vote from me so im not one of those 77%.
Enjoy. Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm sure I have my moments! Win some, lose some.

I don't know if it makes me sad. It's the same struggle everyone faces here. Look at Jerry. Proof his dumb idea about selling votes doesn't work. "Grow your following by reaching the trending page!" So now he has over 40000 followers who refuse to vote for his posts. He can't be sad though because he got exactly what he paid for.

And dude. I appreciate that vote. Really, I'm a busker on the digital street some days. We all are, in a sense. I won't refuse a coin and I'll play a little louder for ya!

100 percent upvote for this! It's a shitty little vote... but I care!

I saw that post, began writing a comment, that turned into a frenzy, and I needed to calm down, so I went for a really long walk, which helped.

Was it off of a short pier?

No, I just wanted to write a sentence; a sentence broken up into seven portions, all split by a comma, or something, because I thought it was cool, okay?

Oh, I think, I get it, but maybe, I do not, because I'm, kind of dumb.

No see, you can't just, put a comma, wherever, unless you're that kid, from that old show, Malcolm in the Middle.

Aww, man! I can't do, anything, right?

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