HEADLINES: Wednesday, Match 28th, 2018 - The Assault on the 2nd Amendment, Bitcoin Lightning Network, @Smartsteem, David Hogg and Hitler, Global Child Sex Trade, and More

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

Claim: CNN host admits he let David Hogg tell lies during interview. Just wait until you hear his reason.
The Hagmann Report
Yes, the anti-gun Left is now DEMANDING gun owners surrender their firearms or go to prison as felons
Natural News
CNN fake news operatives admit they won’t correct false gun facts spouted by ignorant students like David Hogg
Natural News
Civil Liberties Groups Warn CLOUD Act In Spending Bill Erodes Privacy
Truth In Media
BREAKING: California AG Threatens to Arrest Orange County Sheriff for Assisting ICE (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit
Final 2017 GDP Confirms President Trump DECREASED Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!
The Gateway Pundit
China to Use Facial Recognition to Identify Jaywalkers, Text Them Fines
Tesla Bonds, Stock In Freefall As Company Pleads Ignorance Over Fatal Crash
15 Years Of War: To Whose Benefit?
Bezos Battered : $13 Billion Net Worth Loss As Amazon Crashes
‘March for Our Lives’ Leaders Deny They Want to Repeal Second Amendment
Legacy Media Wants Infowars Shut Down Over March For Our Lives/Hitler Youth Comparison
Just False: Cuomo Bizarrely Claims ‘No One’ Wants to Repeal the 2nd Amendment
Trump: Kim Jong-un 'Looks Forward to His Meeting With Me'; 'Good Chance' He'll 'Do What Is Right
CNS News

Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Menendez Kicks Off Re-Election Bid
Political Wire
Dems Want Probe Into Whether Interior Department Discriminated
Scalia’s Legacy Is Stronger Than Ever
Freedom Rider: Vladimir Putin and War Propaganda
The Greanville Post
Old Pretexts for Mass-Murderous Aggression: A New War Against Russia in Ukraine Unfolding Before Our Eyes?
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
Our Criminal Justice System Serves to Protect the Villains
Orange County Bucks California Sanctuary Law
Meat, Soy Industries Are Guilty of Deforestation, Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Report

Mainstream Media

Frustrated Supreme Court Justices Look For A Solution To Gerrymandering
Trump wants to 'go after' Amazon over taxes, but Congress and the Supreme Court could settle the issue for him
'The Second Amendment will never be repealed': Trump slams John Paul Stevens’ call for change
ABC News
Investing While Distracted in the Trump Era
Trump's alleged extramarital affairs have little effect on his political standing, approval rating: Poll
Washington Examiner
The Skripal Poisonings and the Ongoing Vilification of Putin
Mint Press News
Ethiopia’s ruling coalition elects reformer after years of unrest
Financial Times
With a brother's anger and another Kings game protest, outrage builds in Sacramento over police killing
Los Angeles Times

Steem #News

Steemit:Man almost dies after taking antibiotics: With blisters and burns all over his body, he had to learn to walk and eat again
Steemit:Reality Check: How Prevalent is the Global Child Sex Trade in the U.S.?
Steemit:CABAL ON THE RUN -- Bill Holter
Steemit:Will Microshaft Monitor Your ‘Hate Speech’, and then Ban You From Using Wørd?
Steemit:Hogg Hitler! The little dictator in the making (REPOSTED YOUTUBE-CENSORED VIDEO)
Steemit:Week Of The Lapps: Blockstream Presents Infrastructure For Lightning Network
Steemit:@smartsteem - the smartest bid-bot available
Steemit:Playboy To Exit Facebook: Another chance for Steemit to get more market share?

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.


Thanks for the mention @newsagg! you help us to break the barrier of censorship!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: News Aggregation and Comparison of Bias
Our Purpose

I really like to see Play Boy Play Mate Bunnies immigrate from Facebook to Steemit even more in 2018 during the #DeleteFacebook storm and love to see that we can also move to Amazon too and that is another important step: #DeleteAmazon

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