Dear fundamentalist dipshits that think charging interest for loans is immoral, fuck you.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #banking6 years ago

Dear readers,

I know that most of you, I'm sure 98%+ are completely fine with what I do..but there are always those few crazy people out there..

Most notably, @nutritree, who has been flagging me, a flag war he started by the way, and his buddy @fulltimegeek, religious nuts, the both of them.

@fulltimegeek is the flat earther that thinks I'm evil for charging interest on my loans, because my time is worth nothing apparently. I just spent an hour doing loans this morning, fuck me right. I should be working for free, according to fulltimegeek. It's enraging.

Why are you so angry Neoxian?

Let me paint a picture for you...

(badly photoshopped picture of farmers I found on the web)

Can you imagine, walking up to these farmers, sweaty, muddy, tired from the back breaking labor, and saying something like "Waahh, you evil farmers, why are you charging money for your food? Think of all the starving children out there, everyone needs food! My religious text says you are immoral for doing do."

The only sane response would be anger, or at least scorn and derision.

Ok fine, obviously the work I do is no where near as difficult as what those farmers above do, but it's still work, I spend hours each day, going over books, dealing with customers. And there is a real risk in what I do. I get defaults, plenty of defaults, where I'm left holding the bag on an account that worth much less when what I loaned out. Sometimes I wonder if I make a profit at all.

I have depositors, people that have entrusted me with their hard earned money and I have to respect them by getting off my ass and making money for them, you know, like how Banks are supposed to work?

You charge too much for your loans Neoxian!!

Maybe I do..maybe I don't. If you really feel this way, nothing is stopping you from charging less or even no interest on loans to the general public. Show me how it's done, bigshot. Undercut me, put me in my place. So far, no has done so.

To be honest, I'd love some competition, someone who could put me out of business by loaning faster, cheaper and more efficiently I do. Then maybe I could finally take a break, rest assured that good banking is alive on the blockchain.

I just helped a guy out with a loan this morning. He was in a jam and had no one else to turn to, but I was there for him. Where were you @fulltimegeek? Too busy smelling your own Holier-then-thou farts.

@fulltimegeek tells me "I assure you all my loans have been interest free."

Whoopdie-fucking-doo, congrats, you made a handfull of loans out to friends and family that you have known for years (correct me if I'm wrong), and you didn't charge them any interest (but I'm sure you got other favors back.)

I can promise everyone, that the average needy person on this blockchain hasn't a chance of hell of getting a loan from @fulltimegeek (interest or no). But at least, you might get one from me (much much higher chance anyways).

You Cannot Reason People Out of Something They Were Not Reasoned Into

I know there is no reasoning with people like @nutritree and @fulltimegeek, I just needed to get this post off my chest. If they respond at all, I'm sure it will be with bible quotes (yep I'm an atheist, I don't give a fuck), and they will say how I'm preying on the weak or other such bullshit. Whatever you bible thumping fucktards, neither of you are going to stop my banking or drive me off the blockchain.


neither one of you should be flagging each other for your opinions and i agree with both of you cause neoxian can charge whatever rate of interest he wants but people dont have to take the loan from him and nutritree i was surprised that you were telling him that but have clarified in your post above
kudos to both of you now stop flagging each other it childesh and stupid and does neither one of you any good
neoxian im putting you on my following list
your point was very well made and nutritree im already following you and fuck the central bankers neoxian is providing a more honest service than they are
guys you are not that far apart and if we are not flagging that prick bernie sanders there is no reason for you two to flag each other

I have little common ground with an unprincipled name caller. I will gladly share it when I find it though. Flags have many uses. Just like upvotes they can be abused.

Posted using Partiko Android

seems like name calling is part of life nowadays and cant e avoided
i live my life not destroying property, stealing or physically not hurting anyone unless in defense and peoples name calling i basically disregard it.
i look at life as all government is illegitimate cause the majority is with the people that didnt vote and all taxation is theft
if you can find a better way to live please let me know but ive been doing pretty good so far
dont let the name calling get to you if someone tries to do to you the three things above then get very concerned lol
have a great evening and cheers

I'll do better to make things roll off. My comment on name calling was just a rushed feeble attempt to show their feeble attempts at communication.

Posted using Partiko Android

when people cant express themselves properly they sometime rsort to swearing or name calling cause they cant find a better word
and i totally i understand what your saying. you sound like a pretty reasonable guy
have a great night nutritree and take care cheers

They are just spammers, so never mind it! Your money, your loan contracts! If we like to accept them, yeah it's okay!


Do you even know the definition of spam?

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Your photos and descriptions make us laugh. I'd never borrow from you although I wish you had some sort of investment/interest scheme for depositers. But haters still gonna hate.

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I do give interest to depositors, 6.25% APR.

Hello! I am interested in this! Is there a post or comment where I can find out more how this is structured? (do you only pay once per year?)

I pay once per month, 6.25% / 12. You can look up one of my monthly bank update posts.

Ok I found January's post. Thank you, I will get in touch again in the event of a deposit!

I love the fact that disagreement is hating. I pray for this world. The end is nigh. I bet you didnt even read all of the hate on the original article before you upvoted. Be abuse people understand they are spiritual they are automatically thumpers.

Not sure why you think banking is so wrong. Bankers enable billions of people to get loans to buy cars and go to work, they lend so people can buy houses to raise their families, go to school, get medical help, etc. They help people save for retirement and the future. But then again according to you it's evil to allow most people an opportunity to purchase something now as oppose to later isn't it? How about hating on the universities for charging such high fees, or the doctors for taking advantage of the sick with high prices, homebuilders for speculating, land owners, etc. It's a system, called capitalism. If you don't like it, ask a Venezuelan about the alternative...

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Much of what you espouse is the curtain of a lie. Allowing people to have just enough in their own lives in order to rule over masses. The medicine suppresses naturopathy and anyone that provides a benefit outside of the established monopoly is demonised into exile. The knowledge is changed because the victor writes the history books.

Ask the younglings how a college education is providing a living while they are trapped in a debt cycle that they can't file bankruptcy on. How does that help?

I dont think banking is wrong. I think that usury like many things is a double edged sword. Why do governments abdicate their responsibility to regulate the creation of money allowing private institutions to create privatized debt obligations. People create money as the blockchain proves. While property is to be respected predators must be restricted by collective power. One lifeform can not have a higher value than another. Resources should be more equitably shared to greatly reduce the need for welfare while those that want more can work harder or be better.

Banking is great for protection of assets as long as equity is apportioned properly. Do you even know what fractional reserves are or what a reserve is? I challenge you to YouTube "The Hidden Secrets of Money" so you can formulate a logical argument about banking.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've watched that video. I think that if bankers gave away all the money they have, the only difference in the world would be that bankers would be reduced to normal workers. Economy would inflate to accommodate the new money in circulation and everyone would remain just as poor, just more equal, and working exactly the same hours, maybe for "fairer" purposes.

I believe the would always be privileged ones, either because of money, power or any other resource, either external or internal. Sadly I think this means equality is impossible, as is absolute fairness. I may not think hunting down bankers is the solution, but other things might partially work.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, I was surprised to read this from you. You run a business, people can go elsewhere if they don’t like the terms. I’ve always ignored berniesanders carrying on about fulltimegeek, but this has me wondering. I hope they stop harassing you, you’ve never seemed unreasonable or unethical in what you do.

Yes it's very surprising when someone as wealthy as fulltimegeek doesn't seem even seem to have the most basic understanding of how business and economics works.

It has nothing to do with basic economics. Now that I understand more about what you do I feel more neutral. Fulltime is just defending principles. At least one of us is able to learn from history. Your words show a lot. I am interested in a comparison of value of deposits in your account versus a return from someone's own voting power.

Edit: I didnt know discussion was harassment.

Signing the contract is your choice, not theirs or mine.
Be it heaven or hell, if you sign, then that's by your own design.

A fool signs a thing that they do not understand.

And no matter if it's a loan or into a religion, and no matter how few truly understand, there is most certainly the acceptance and binding of that contract. If you are too illiterate to read the Good Book or the contract-in-full, then you ought to be too illiterate to sign your name as well.

But if it's signed, then it must be fulfilled in full. And the benevolence and fairness is the fact of mutual agreement.

Very well and voluntarily written. Thank you for your addition of discernment on the current Heigalian Dialectic.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hesitate to join this conversation. But I am confused. When I first saw that you had a loan business, a very long time back in blockchain time, it intrigued and surprised me. I had a bit of a look at what you were doing and I never once read a comment from someone who felt like they had been shafted, I saw a lot of thank yous. It occurred to me that they must be pretty damn desperate to hand over vulnerable information, but I've never read of an incident where that information has been breached.
It would never have occurred to me to do something similar, but I don't have the head for banking. Similarly those who are here primarily to mine coin, I don't judge it good luck, it just isn't the way I am wired. I wish I was, but I struggle to get my head around financ. But the block chain is a mini human social / economic diverse platform.
A cryptoverse. It is used for so many reasons, endeavours, pursuits, promotions, distractions, connections, self propulsion, exposure, life balance, charity, business, exploitation.

Living in a world where you have any interaction with others there is economy. It may be structured and contractual or an unspoken exchange and obligation that is assumed or bartered. But human interaction is always competitive. Anyone who has accepted a payout on a post here is engaged in economic exchange. Even if you donate every last piece to a charity, you are still contributing to market exchange by utilising the platform and generating the currency for the person / organisation that you believe worthy of the gift or no interest loan.
But, even if you give it for nothing, their is the emotional / social / belief system secondary gain that you yourself receive even just for the doing of good. You feel satisfaction, and the other party often feels obligation, whether economic or otherwise and whether you ask them to or not.
This is the human experience and it lives within every framework that has ever existed. It is the creatures that we are.
Some call us social or spiritual creatures, others see the other side of the double edge of humanity, the dog eat dog aspect. We all are all of these things. He who has never entered into a human exchange perhaps should caste the first stone.
But that would be impossible wouldn't it? As the very engagement casting a stone, uttering a statement, that renders you a player in the game of life and therefore no different to any other. Being human in a human world is unavoidable.
PS. I went off on a tangent here, but I don't think the tangential nature of my pontificating is any less perplexing than the argument thus far. Idealistic notions can never be lived out. If you are here you are a part of a system of monetary exchange. Tread as carefully and thoughtfully as you can maybe, but tread and you will make an impression. Every last on of us has impact in all areas of life. Walk your fine line and hope for your own degree of contentment in your groove.
This block chain is full of people in need trying to improve their circumstances. It would be a wonder to lend everyone the funds they need, but that is idealistic fairy land.

its your money you have the right of everything

If something beautiful that exists even as on date then in my opinion it is neoxian bank's loan. I have worked with many platforms and even asked for a loan outside steemit and offer them my steemit account, they simply said...hello...we do not recognize steemit account as collateral simply because of the fact that they can be recoverable just by saying it has been hacked.

Neoxian is offering loan by taking steemit account as collateral, so the risk is not the borrower side rather neoxian bank who is offering loan based on your steemit account.

If anybody will have a debate on interest rate then I can bet no other online forum or platform who is giving 10% interest on principal over a span of 3 to 4 months from the date of loan. The average is always more than 15%.

The biggest plus side of neoxian bank is that he is quite flexible for his borrowers and at times people take adavnatge of his flexiability and generosity. So Neoxian Bank also stand to lose on some occasion.

I have seen many people who felt motivated to stay in this platform when I said them that one can also take a loan here in this commuynity based on steemit account.

It is sad that some people are trying to censor and flaggiging in a decentralized community like this. If at all they think so why not run a parallel service and offer better rate or even free of interest as in that way they can prove their credibility. Simply flagging is like dictating with thier steem power.

Never said you charge to much. 6.5 points is a good level according to the market. I'm only calling out the fact that international banking cartels destroy societies and humanity through the power of usury. Just like you tried to destroy an individual for pointing out facts about your business. Many things that are evil are usable for good. Problem is that you didnt even consider a viewpoint that was not your own. This is another point to prove how whales are suppressing speech. Who needs a permanent state to destroy liberty when we do it to ourselves?

Posted using Partiko Android

Then you flag me again, you mother fucker.

You threw the first flag. If you don't like getting flagged, then don't toss them out.

Didnt say I dont like them. Just showing your overwhelming lack of understanding. While you may currently be better than international banking cartels the seed is still planted. Never said anyone should work for free. Labor all over the world is suppressed to the point that people live on 5.50USD per day while less than 1 percent own over half b.c of the wealth. Politicians claim to redistribute wealth and end up giving it to their own ilk. Individualism is the only option that works for everyone. Funny how every good state is attacked in the name of controlling a world currency. Competing currencies is the only option to answer this problem that I am a wa are of but everyone needs to store their value in commodities while not allowing elite to suppress their true value with fake money(currency). Charging less than 12 percent seems charitable to me. Post something other than your loans so people can learn more about your ideology and understand where you are leading them. Otherwise no matter your power you won't be better than the little guy that helps at the food kitchen.

Congrats on your ability to wield disproportionate force.

Posted using Partiko Android

"Individualism is the only option that works for everyone."

No, it doesn't. I say that as an unabashed anarchist. People have varying degrees of competence, yet have the urge to compete. Folks use other mechanisms, such as cultural marxism, to crush their opposition, and thereby improve their status.

Not saying merit has no merit, but pointing out that failing to reckon on the power of groups vs.individuals is rank foolishness.


I concede that point to you as voluntarism. Force is very unethical. Seems like that is the state's first monopoly. I was typing in a hurry and misspoke. I am falable and fear to always be.

"Seems like that is the state's first monopoly."

Monopoly on force is the exact raison d'etre of the state.

Viva Gilet Jaune Act 11

Posted using Partiko Android

Wait, are you saying that lending is evil powermongering? I've read this whole comment thread and I still have no idea what you're against and why.

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Not much point in arguing with him. He can barely string together a coherent thought. He has yet to demonstrate that I've done anything wrong other than calling him names (well deserved), and flagging him (he threw first flag), or failing to talk with him (no obligation to do so).

I never accused you of doing anything wrong. I simply am pointing out the fact that usury is a double edged sword. I disagree with your rewards. You explode my comments with 200x the amount of power that I have. You think you have high ground yet don't understand the power of money creation and how it is likely stronger than collectivism. You lend something you dont research or attempt to understand. Just because you are closed minded doesn't mean someone else is incoherent. Mike Maloney explains the problem well. I hope you can see the exponential writing on the wall.

Posted using Partiko Android

If you are allowed to disagree with my rewards, then I'm allowed to disagree with your rewards. See how this works both ways? You act like I don't have rights because I'm a whale.

I never accused you of doing anything wrong

I do have the high ground, you literally just admitted it. I have done nothing wrong, by your own words, and yet you initiated a flag war. You are clearly in the wrong sir.

Also, you are making a lot of assumptions about what I understand and what I don't understand. I'm completely familiar with Mike Maloney. I know the current system is fucked. I know the current banking system is corrupt and evil. I'm not trying to recreate that with my bank. I'm trying to run a good bank (feel free not to believe me).

If you read back on my blog, you'll see that I've been stacking gold and silver, I know what's up.

Let's stop flagging each other. I won't give you any more flags if I don't see any coming in. (Can't speak for my friends though, some of them have been flagging you too, like dolphin-power accounts, which are not mine by the way.)

I never accused you of doing anything wrong.

Wait, wait, wait, hooool' up a second. You started a flag war not because he did something wrong but because you think he doesn't understand what he's doing?

edit: Ok, I think I finally understood what your point is? You think that lending and banking, in general, are dangerous because they lead to centralised power that can be abused. You think he (someone with a high-as-a-mountain Steem stake) is getting too much money in rewards. (end of your perspective)

And so, boop, you flagged and provoked a massive whale, and now you somehow complain about getting wrecked.

I know I say this in a humorous way, and I know you believe you're in the right and are doing your duty as a self-appointed moraliser of the blockchain. But aren't you acting a bit temerarily? Aren't the consequences you got to be completely expected?

I'll need you to define temerarily as it is not in any dictionary.

The only thing I disagree with is I dont see how he is teaching people to not use debt whenever possible. I find no humor in your inability to understand the concept of money. By your words you think steem and other currencies store value. The consequences are expected because people take flags too personally. I'll look to read into your philosophy and understand your accusations. I will happily go negative to bring forth understanding of the flaws of this chain. Evolution 0.13 is now released and so we will see if steem can keep up.

To me this situation is like any other contest. I am very good at losing but dont see how anyone else is helped by making one's opposition non existant. I'll choose my words better and take more time. This circlejerk is nauseating. I just hope that people find the importance of education outside of the system. Critical thinking is on a deathbed.

Posted using Partiko Android


Awesome reply neo sir more n more power to you 🤗🤗

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Lol man go and get a life we are not a source of your problems don't pull out your frustrations here pity on you

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We are all the source of each others problems. Not one can live without the other. Specialization and economics prove that. Problem is some think they can control others. Never said neo tries to control people or abuses other than extreme response. Business is very difficult for small local banks because of big manipulators. Keep your pity I feel you are as unprepared as the rest for the largest transfer of wealth in human history. So many assumptions and demeaning words. I hope you find peace.

Posted using Partiko Android

Doesn't profane mean there's an "ideal"? Ideals are created by humans, so something profane is just something that goes against some ideal you hold. Hmmm. Self-deification?

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LoL self deification. Ok then choose another word that is more descriptive than squalor. You act as if there is no difference between right and wrong.

Here is a non religious definition from a very liberal.

"to misuse (anything that should be held in reverence or respect); defile; debase; employ baselyor unworthily"


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