I joined #Steemit back in January. My first experiences with the site only underlined my frustrations with Facebook and other mainstream social platforms and apps, and getting rewarded for adding value to the site was a 180 degree turn from those old ad and info driven model. I've always been enamored of open source projects and the decentralized nature of Steemit is also reassuring in this age of censorship of fringe voices on both the right and the left. I think sites like Steemit are giving us a preview of how social media will evolve in the next decade, and I'm happy to be making the transition early as any visionary artist should be.

With all of the benefits of Steemit, I'm happy to report that my first few months on the site and in this community have only encouraged my efforts to bring value to this scene and to encourage the artists and voices that I'm following here. Over the past few months I've been helped immeasurably by posts that have clarified how the site works, and have suggested the best strategies for establishing a sustainable voice on this platform. One thing that I observe again and again is the importance of establishing an engaged following for your posts.

Here's a video I made with some tips about how I was able to attract over 200 followers in less than four months on the site...

Did I forget anything?

How have you built your following?

What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right?

Follow me here and leave a comment. I'll check your blog out too!


Te doy una calurosa bienvenida a Steemit, espero leer buenos posts de tu parte.

Welcome to Steem @mightyjoenolan.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Hey Joe! Where you goin' with that STEEM in your hand?

I joined a bit earlier but I think we actually started posting regularly around the same time. Always supported you as you kickass, are talented musically, and have the inside track on movies among other things.

I am still learning as well and should be taking more advice than I am giving. One thing I would suggest (probably hated by guys like me who love spending 20 minutes visiting with you in the car) is maybe shorten up the reviews so that new folks can get their quick hits of your brilliance? Again, I just hit play and have the luxury of hearing the whole thing while working at home but often wonder who is a little more rushed than I am and miss the great stuff at the end.

Anyhow, it is good to see you back and on my feed. Happened with at least 6 other people I followed back in the day (Feb!) so maybe folks went away to make some FIAT, and are returning now with a fistful to power up again when it dips?

Welcome back buddy.

Probably easier said than done 😎 Thanks for all the support, ZP!

Always man. Also we know eachother well enough for you to tell me to fuck off if I give you a hard time about your sunglasses too. ;)

Hi mighty Joe ,congrats on doing so great. Its hood to See a happy man like you. I dont think you did anything wrong but gonna give you a tip which was not mentioned in the blog.....
do you have the Steemify app its Free in the app store its to control your account
Let me know what you thought off the tip

A mobile app so I can Steem from my phone? Does it work pretty well? Intrigued!

I do both but I am not always able to go and be behind My desk and pc to Steem so this is great you can answer and See everything Thats happening . Let me know what you think its Free
Love from Holland
Gr. Britt

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