Are You a Knowledge Hoarder?

in #metzli7 years ago


Victory and success of projects founded on intelligent ideas comes more often than victory on projects that were created on a whim.

But sometimes, we get stuck on those intelligent ideas. And sometimes we get stuck on how we will implement our ideas.

We will sometimes know about something amazing, and we won’t want to share. It’s scary to move past what everybody already knows.

Stop being a knowledge hoarder.

If you already have an idea, and you already have a plan on how to bring it to life, then it’s time to act. Keeping all your wonderful knowledge to yourself is selfish.

Of course, there is always room for more knowledge. Just make sure that you don’t get stuck learning so much stuff that you never get to use it.

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Interesting point, which matches a current concern for me: I'm learning Java and Python online, but I'm afraid that I will basically never truly manage to apply that knowledge into a concrete project.

Do you have a Dream Project that you’ve just never started on and a bunch of helpful ideas that you’ve just never implemented? What can Java and Python do?

I’ve been reading articles on how coding is the new cursive and all kids should be taught how to use it. I’ve flipped through a couple of children’s books about them. But don’t really know what it is or how it’s useful (but is cursive really useful? Lol)

(When I don’t understand a concept, I read the Children’s version to gain a better understanding)

Thanks for stopping by.

Well, yeah, with Java and Python you can program softwares and apps to run on mobiles for example, and I have an idea of an app, but the amount of time and effort i see in front of myself to accomplish it is staggering and sometimes scares me

As an adult, would you say that Java and Python are important for kids to learn?

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