Where are the Crypto Youtubers?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)
I'm sure many remember that 2017 was the year to start a crypto youtube channel. Because of the hype, because of the casino mentality of the masses, it was very easy to start one, to get traction and get hundreds of views. All you had to do was scream to the moon.

Abandoned Channels

I recently decided to clean up my youtube feed a little bit. After all, many of the smaller channels have gone many months without posting and for the life of me, I can't remember why I followed some of them in the first place. Maybe that makes a lot of sense to you as well, maybe you also had a list of hidden gems sort of speak, a list of small youtubers who knew some interesting secrets.

Well, where are they? Are they out of the game? At this point it's all speculation, but I don't think I'm wrong when I say that more than likely a lot of them lost so much money, they quit the cryptospace all together. And, who could blame them? I mean, we are all human, and some people have lost life savings attempting to play these sometimes irrational markets since their inception.

There is of course those channels who focused mainly on what later was revealed to be ponzi schemes, those are also gone. But, that is a lot more understandable since there is some sort of implied liability there. The removal of videos and deletion of referrals kind of paints the whole picture, but for now no more needs to be said.

The Relentless

Are still around, still producing content, although to decreasing audiences. I'm sure Michael from @boxmining has ran some numbers, and seen his stats decreased significantly every single month, having the bear market be the culprit for the loss of enthusiasm.

In a way, I'm kind of appreciative of this filtering, this cleansing that has happened. I don't hear about ponzis anymore, the focus has shifted from gains to tech, which in my opinion is a more mature conversation to be having at this point in time.

When Moon?

The question/meme that everyone loved to ask is loosing steam, and it also may be a good thing. Of course I'm not being a hypocrite as I too want cryptocurrencies to turn around, but fun aside, focusing solely on valuation is focusing on nothing sustainable, and I for one I'm over those days.

With the exception of the channel DataDash, most active youtubers are trying to focus on what's being built at the moment. Price analysis, TA as is commonly referred to is currently on the back burner for many people, especially those who traded only occasionally. I for one have decided to to buckle down and not move a single satoshi around, I'm staying put, buckling down.

Building on Bear Markets

This is precisely why I believe everything will turn around in due time. Because from where I stand I've not seen the developers of serious projects slow down, quite the opposite. As a matter of fact Peter from the channel Decentralized TV hammers home this very fact every chance that he gets, and he and his team are getting ready to launch a social crypto trading platform called yen.io very soon.

But back to the main focus of this write up, and to speculate a little, just for fun. I'm sure the small youtubers will wake up from their slumbers once the markets turn around for good, but maybe, they will have fallen behind by a big margin by then. Nothing left but to wait and see...

• I'm still here - vlog
• The quest for the Holy Grail, the Higher UA-Score
• If it made nothing...
• It's about unity - discourse on the steem-ua discord
• Welcome to @helpie’s Photo Friday Curation Report Week #10


The thing about youtube is they raised the bar for monetization and unless you are a star you will not make a cent off your youtube crypto channel. The only real reason to maintain a channel like that is so you can use it in bounties, most crypto channels are really small by youtube standards, even great informative channels.

i followed a few small ones that i really enjoyed... they stopped tho, completely...

I wish I knew enough about what's happening with everything to be a cryptoyoutuberman. I'll just have to stick with my humble music channel. But I would think that the advantage of having fewer of them right now, particularly for people like me who are still waltzing through this new world like we're barefoot in a big field of thumbtacks, is that the numbers aren't devastating and overwhelming. And, of course...as always, if you ever have a right direction to steer me towards, I'm all ears (and eyes).

its marathon my friend, and you are going along just fine! :)

Thanks, Meno. You are always encouraging in a sea of what is sometimes frustration. I appreciate you always!

Sí, es bueno hacer una limpieza general, no solo de los crypto youtubers, sino también de los youtubers en general, muchos abandonan sus canales y sus vidas como youtubers terminan jajaja.
Espero se activen nuevas formas de promoción de las cryptos, steemit junto a dlive es una excelente manera de darle fuerza a estas actividades.


no sigo a los de habla hispana, pero imagino que paso algo similar.

Many of then are using bit.tube and also Patron for monetize their content even Dtube, but no many of them.

Posted using Partiko Android

I would say a lot of them feel guilty for promoting projects that have significantly decreased in price.

very likely yes... i remember one of those little channels calling for a electroneum at 30 dollars by march... he's pretty much gone...

Boxmining is commendably a total trooper, but for sheer breadth of knowledge, IvanonTech can't be beat, and for laughs, Britain's own CryptoDaily is the top man, as he's so droll, despite a house move and a vacation or two, that have made his appearances more patchy than they used to be.

The BitConnect shills are gone, and you're right that the lawsuit against them cleaned up the space, as fewer people are willing to go on camera and straight up shill Ponzis, now that they know a price might have to be paid for that.

Steem's number one salesperson on Youtube, Jerry Banfield took a beating from Steemians for various reasons, so he has basically quit the space for music and selling courses, I think.

Since IvanonTech keeps going regardless of the bear arket, he's bound to end up the number one guy in the space when the bull run returns, as his tech knowledge surpasses the others, and his understanding of use cases tends to be higher.

When the bull run returns, I do also expect the all-round-entertainer, Doug Polk, to reemerge and become instantly popular again. He's a witty guy, and his poker money buys him great editing and researchers, so he can turn around great videos fast, if and when he considers it worth his while.

But if I was watching just one Crypto Youtube channel, I think it would be IvanonTech. He keeps it real, regardless of FUD or FOMO. :)

Doug is fun to watch... but also has the pockets as you said to make his videos highly produced.. Cryptodaily rocks, i miss seeing his videos.. I'll never forget the p daddy parody.. i died laughing..

@crypto-daily is doing some constrcution project at his place so he is on hiatus
@louisthomas is on a planned AUS trip...he will be back in a month or so

Peter from decentralized tv is live but is very repetitive...with a very salesy vibe on the channel..

Also check out
The Modern Investor

and Tech cash house

I do like crypto daily quite a bit... do you remember his wolf of wall street dub?

link please...

have seenz it.. hez fire..

Brother - I so love your blow-by-blow accounts of everything that is going on in the space! No one has their finger on the pulse of things quite like you do...

Now, it may simply be a "meno" inspired moment of grammer gymnastics- but when I read the often repeated phrase of your's "sort of speak" I bite my tongue in refrain of correcting you...

So far as I can tell, the proper phrase is "so to speak" - for whatever that's worth... Not much I'm sure - but it is what it is... Love you, bro!

hahahhaha yes, i think that is a floridian thing, I should attempt to be more universal...

im not the only crazy one tho... good to know hahahha


They have transformed from YouTubers to:


Last February youtube decided to demonetize the small channels, the bar (number of plays requested, or worse number of hours played) to keep the channel within the "worth to enter the monetizing game" was so absurdly high and it was a sweeping of smaller content creators like no other... it was one of the reasons I found Steemit though.

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