Testing eSteem Mobile v2

in #esteem6 years ago

This is my first post trying out the beta version of eSteem Mobile v2. I've made a few comments and votes using the new app and wanted to see how creating a post works, so this is just a test.

Here are a couple photos of some old sleds decorating a restaurant wall.



I've been using v1 for so long it's going to take me a while to learn my way around here, but so far I like what I see!

Remember to enter your camera shadow photo before Friday!

Shadow Photo Contest Round 50- Camera Shadows

Posted with eSteem

if you want to try using eSteem, but have questions, feel free to ask! I'd be happy to help!

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Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
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Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

How did you get beta access? Does this one have spelling corrector in it?

I just clicked on the Google play store link on Good-Karmas announcement post. It does have spell corrector, which appears to be rather incredible, although I have not had an opportunity to use it much yet.

Glad you had a wonderful experience!

Posted using Partiko Android

I was expecting nothing less! @eSteemapp has never let me down!

Great to hear!

Posted using Partiko Android

This place looks great. I was looking for and I do not get this new version of esteem

On Good-Karma's post if you click on the Google link it should take you right there. I had to login using Steemconnect. It wouldn't accept my password. I have both versions on my phone. I think v2 has a few necessary updates before it is ready for full time use, so don't be in a hurry unless you just want to test it out. It is going to be great when all the features are added!

Maybe I'll wait until have the necessary updates and I'll also erase some things from my cell phone, because it has a full memory

I would wait a bit longer. It shouldn't take them too long to test this and begin adding the new features and testing them, too. I think it is going to be fantastic.

For what I was reading will be a great application and I know that we will love it. How has your day been

My day has been a hit stressful! My furnace malfunctioned and is not working. I have a fire going in my fireplace and it is warm enough out here in the living room, and I have a small space heater plugged in my bathroom, but I'm afraid it's going to get kind of cool in here tonight! I hope the repair man can come in the morning!

Hopefully they can repair that tomorrow

I'm sure they will. I just didn't want to pay for an after-hours service call and am fine with piling on the blankets to stay warm tonight!

Do you like the mobile version? I'm just not a phone guy... but I love your sled photos! Resteemed :)

It is going to be wonderful when it is completely ready to go!

Howdy tonight Melinda! I'm glad you like what you see. Maybe someday I'll use my cell phone, if I ever find it. lol.

Ha! I had an old crotchety laptop and when I got a new cell phone I was shocked at how much faster it was to use eSteem on my phone. I've since gotten a newer laptop but now I am just hooked on using my phone.

howdy tonight Melinda! There you are! That was strange not having you around last night, didn't feel right. lol. Did you take off early? hey does esteem work fast on your newer laptop? I'm curious to know how it will run on my new computer.

My phone is faster, but I think you will love Surfer2 on your new computer! I hope it works flawlessly!
Actually, I watched some TV last night. I am pretty much in love with this new TV set!

haha! good for you to take a little time off and enjoy yourself! I pretty much love that tv too just from you talking about it. lol. We'll get a new one in a few years.

I had never seen the picture on one before. It is rather astonishing! It's more like watching a stage production than it is a TV show!

Really? I haven't even seen any new tv's so I guess technology has really advanced! That's amazing. I'd be addicted immediately! I'd say steemit who? lol.

I have had to force myself not to turn it on today! But I may give in tomorrow!

Off to see how good that blanket feels!


Just browsing around Steemit and noticed your page. Nice sled photos! Upvoted to support. Hope we can support each other's pages!

Good luck to you here!

Cool sled shots. I'm afraid I'm old school like some of your other followers. I prefer a keyboard when posting

I suspect you and many other people use their computer! The phone app is a huge benefit for people around the world who only have access to the internet from their phone.

Google play didn't updated it till now in Ìndia and I am waiting for aggressively. How it works better than v1?

It looks really nice, and I love seeing the space for messaging, even though it is still 'coming soon' It is still in test mode, and seems like a lot of the features have not been added yet. I didn't find bookmarks or favorites yet. I have both v1and v2 on my phone, and will still be using v1 until they get v2 all set up!

Okay thanks.

Posted using Partiko Android

Saludos sra @melinda010100 ese restaurant debe ser muy bonito con tantos trineos adornandolos... De verdad yo nunca había visto un trineo así en fotos tomadas por algún conocido jajajaja

¡Gracias! Mi tipo favorito de trineo cuando era niño usaba esos redondos rojos. ¡Realmente podrías hacer que giraran rápido cuando bajabas por una colina helada!

De solo imaginarme yo en un trineo bajando una colina,sería muy genial... Y bueno ya hoy en día existe el modernismo jaja

Me encantaba ir en trineo cuando era niña. ¡Traté de ir en trineo con mi nieto y rápidamente descubrí que todos esos pequeños bultos que el trineo pasa sobre nuestro doloroso cuando envejeces!

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