
Howdy today Melinda! wow look at pitiful me but you did well for taking the day off! lol. I missed this last night because I was setting up my new computer, hence the low numbers. I forgot how dang much stuff there was to set up and transfer, I've got most of the important things in place but it's going to take awhile to be 100%. I just got on esteem here, so far no lag time but I haven\t gone to anyone's posts yet.

I've gotten used to sitting and waiting and waiting and waiting for pages to load, for photos to load, for the reply button to finish, for the upvote button to finish. I mean minutes, sometimes ten minutes! Hours wasted each day so I hope that part is eliminated with the new computer, it has huge capacity so it should help.

So are you up and running now? Or do you have more set up to do?

I got all the basics set up, Chrome, steemit, esteem, malwarebytes. So I can operate now, I just gotta transfer photos and files that I saved from my old machine.
What is your plan today? Are you going to take it kinda easy today and go heavier next week? I see that one of our friends is really hitting it super hard, even beating me in comment numbers.

Where do you go to see that info?

I just fished up with the shadow contest posts and Steem transfers to the winners. Now I can make a few comments! I still need to keep it respectable!

I hope you are going to love that new computer and hope it is not to hard to make the changes part of your new routine.

The furnace repair guy was here this morning at 8:30 and got me up and running again very quickly by installing a new thermostat. Seems that my old one might have lost its mind. It did make me appreciate how super well-insulated my house is. It never really got uncomfortably cold in here.

Howdy Melinda! I was going to ask you about the furnace this morning but I forgot then thought about it later so I'm glad you told me what happened. That electric blanket had to feel SO good last night. Yeah I thought esteem was having problems until I came out to my other computer and it's working fine so for some reason my new computer doesn't like esteem or doesn't like the newest version! rats. I'm using the 1.01 or something, one of the first versions on this second older computer.
I looked at steem-stats to see those figures, I think I missed a day or two but two days I was behind, I've probably been behind at least 3 days because I spent so much time setting up my new computer yesterday.

I just came in and turned on my laptop and it appears to be working OK for me.

testing reply to see if it will send

testing reply to see if it will send

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