The Wormhole

in #life7 years ago


Just another day in work when an earth shattering announcement was made by a very senior manager. For convenience we will refer to him as El Jefe.

Everyone, gather round. We have important news regarding our second office.

Now when you hear a comment like that your first reaction is to keek your breeks.* Were we all about to get sacked?
A popular saying in scotland, keek means to poo and breeks are trousers. I wil let you figure it out.*

We gathered. There was an expectant hush as some thirty odd of us clustered near a whitewall which was covered in runic scrawls. Besides this stood a large covered tv screen on a stand.


El Jefe, inflated his chest like a penguin and began to speak.

We know communications have been difficult since we opened a second office down south. Some of you might say fraught!

He paused for the sycophantic chuckle that followed. Sure enough, over half the crowd guffawed and brayed their approval at his wit. Myself and a few others sighed, waiting to find out what warranted such an impromptu meeting.

He began to walk back and forth. Warming himself up by recounting the trials of a young company spreading itself wings geographically. We had to work on a solution he declared. I fought the urge to yawn like a rhino in the sun.

Then, he pulled the proverbial rabbit from the hat.


Everyone, allow me to unveil... The Wormhole!

Hot salty potatoes?! The what? Wormhole? I could barely believe my ears. As an IT department we created nicey nice software applications for people to use. But this? A wormhole?

The very foundations of my world were rocked. Did we have a secret team of boffins in the basement untangling the very fundamentals of the universe itself?

I felt a burst of pride. This. This was going to change


El Jefe stepped close to the TV screen on its stand and with a theatrical flourish whipped the covering from it.

Underneath, the TV was on and a slightly fish-eyed picture of a similar group of people standing before a similar TV was displayed.

The folk around me erupted into an exuberant bout of clapping and cheering. The people on the TV screen did the same.

I looked around. Slightly baffled I must confess.

El Jefe cleared his throat.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the wormhole! A live link to our other office which will be on 24/7!

The cheeering and clapping continued. I swear a woman nearby me looked ready to faint with the forced jubilation.

Holy cowfuck? The wormhole was a fucking webcam? What was this? 1995?


El Jefe turned to the screen, accepting a microphone passed by a mysteriously appearing assistant.

Can everyone hear me down there?

We can hear you El Jefe. What a pleasure it is too.

Replied back a similar El Jefe type.

El Jefe swept around to face us.

With the wormhole I expect a lot of our face to face communication issues will be a thing of the past. If anyone has any questions I would be glad to answer.

I couldn't help myself. I piped up.

So the wormhole... It's a webcam then?

Part of me yearned to be corrected. To be told that no, I was being silly and that we had perfected technology that allowed us to pierce the veil of the multiverse and that these folk on the screen were our other selves.

El Jefe tittered.

Not at all, what we have done is establish an instantaneous, always on connection to further communication with our colleagues down south.

What about getting webcams for our pc's and some decent teleconferencing software?

There was a deadly hush.

El Jefe wrinkled his nose slightly as if suddenly smelling fart water.

Well, that's further down the line. Let's concentrate on the low hanging fruit, the quick wins that will act as enablers for the department to go forward more efficiently.

Ah. Splendid then.

Someone clapped.

I fecked off back to my desk to ponder the hard life that was the cutting edge of software development.


I had no idea that north of the wall you had advanced so far in cutting edge communication and invention.
Now the question is, does it instantly translate your accent as you speak to give subtitles to the southern dandies so they can understand you?

I am afraid there is only so much technology can do. Fortunately we have gotten round this stunning block by printing out everything we need to say and holding the pages up at the camera ;0)

I hope you all put that anomalous singularity of physics to good use by transmitting dick pics and singing karaoke

Hahaha, oh I cannot wait till the festive season. I am sure something awful like that might happen. Not by myself of course!

what does fart water smell like?
like El jefe?
at least you don't lick his ass - I mean .. you know what I mean :D

Hahaha, yes at least I didn't do that!!

I don't think you would like the smell of fart water!

Apparently he's never let one in a bath or he would know exactly what fartwater smells one likes the smell of fartwater, even their own brand!

And it's a bad day when you can't even Alexis your own brand !!! :0D

Webcam? Even I know that is pathetic! I hope you will find luck with an accelerated job search...just not sure you should follow this bloke's top 5 tips for interviewing ;0)

I know!! I was so disappointed!!! And worse, everyone was raving afterward and I really couldn't tell if they were serious or toadying up to the bosses who weren't even there!!

And that interview man knows his onions!! ;0D

But didn't this event replicate that of the final Eurotunnel bore when Jean Pierre greeted Derek with a handshake in a couple of boiler suits?

I think it was somewhat similar to that event yes!!!

I am the Great Cornholio! I'm a gringo!

Hahahaha you always marveled me with your awesome post...what a jolly guy to work with. Tell El Jefe that if he joke with my bud @meesterboom , I will personally flagg him to north pole anytime he joins steemit!!!!

That sounds good to me. He will be warned!!

Cheers dude!

Welcome, more success to you.

Unbelievable. A Wormhole? Was he watching reruns of Star Trek? Surely a tech department could come up with something more...2017ish?

I know, seriously!! When I heard the name I thought, oh my what have we got here? Will it be awesome? And it's a live link. A fecking webcam. I mean, What's wrong with the phone all of a sudden!!

Does this mean the both offices can hear and see what is going on both places 24/7? No privacy then...

Lol, only if you are standing in front of that TV!!. We don't even have people there 24/7 everyone goes home at night!

"Holy cowfuck" is now officially my new favourite curse word!

Also, you should try doing some DTube vids? I can picture it now...
Sitting cross legged in a Chesterfield armchair holding your favourite pipe and a glass of sherry, two loyal gun dogs by your side, telling tall tales of great deeds and wild adventures...

Hehe. I love that picture and if I did a video it would be exactly like that!! Now all I need to do is find all of the props!!

Holy cowfuck just popped into my head today!! Glad you like!! :0D

Search for subtitles software first... our cousins across the pond can sometimes have problems with phrases such as 'keek yer breeks' and the like... ;)

Perhaps we could just get a mimer to demonstrate. Should be relatively easy!

And of course you would be wearing that shirt I posted to go with said pipe....also I concur, holy cowfuck is the bomb of swear words. If someone keeked their breeks I don't think anything but holy cowfuck would do, except maybe holy cowfucking fartwater.

Oh yes the shirt is a given!! I am glad holy cowfuck had met with such approval!!! Haha holy cowfucking fartwater lolz!!!

Only an 'El Jefe' can sell a keek to his people with some smooth talking and get away with feeling like a god

Sadly this is the truth. And even more sadly one day I hope to be El Jefe peddling such tosh and feeling that way!!

When I think of wormholes I think of Stargate !

Totally, not rubbish web cams!! I think time travel and other universes!!!

Muahahhaahaaa I am so glad I don't work in an office!

Hey on the bright side, your cover photo art is really quite fantastic. What software do you use for all these awesome photos you make of your self? Really like this one even more than normal ;-)>

I do it all on my phone with a selection of android apps. Much layering and filtering and general faffing about. I do like the end result myself though!! Cheers man!

Very well done. Every one of your cover photos is so catching. One of the keys to your great success. Everyone just wants to click on the post cause those photos say "HEY LOOK AT THIS!"
Well done, well done.

Why thank you dude!! I am glad to hear that they are worth the effort!!

They really are. I think you might have the most consistent "best" thumbnail photos on steemit!
Thats saying a lot coming from me cause I have some pretty cool thumbnail photos too ;-)>

You do indeed!! Thank you mate. It always pays to put in a bit of effort eh!! :0D

Yea especially the cover photos as they are what get the attention to the post to begin with!

Hehe, Cheers mate you are really too kind!! I shall keep up the good work... Hopefully!

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