How has Steem impacted my life? | Leaving footprints ...

in #steemimpact5 years ago

How has Steem impacted my life?

To answer this question is to make known what has been the way to share my life with my readers once I entered the Steemit platform

For me, Steemit is not only a social network in which you can publicize your tastes, hobbies, affections, philosophy of life, lines of thought, creed, passions and even your lines of research at the academic level. It is sharing with your readers and monetize all your publications as long as it is original content. To share documentary information, which is sometimes my case, the referential bases of the topics to be shared must be established.

For me the Steemit platform has been learning and evolution. As a lover of reading and knowledge, it has allowed me the opportunity to co-create knowledge in the interaction with people who visit my blog and leave their comments. All, for the most part, comments that enrich the theme that is currently shared.

I must mention my beginnings on the Steemit platform

"I entered the Steemit platform in March, specifically on March 15, 2018 to be exact..."

Today I am serving 22 months plus a day of permanence in this ecosystem. I am less than two months of completing two years of interaction on our platform. It really seems like a long time has passed. The learning has been extraordinary. Meet many people with whom I have interacted in the digital environment and with some I have been able to share in person.

In this post is my introduceyourself

Another aspect that I want to express

For me it is important to highlight the community in which I made life in my beginnings within this ecosystem that offers us extraordinary opportunities. The success obtained depends on each one of us. Taking into account that for me success is not the goal in itself but the road traveled and if it is a road in Steemit there is much that I have traveled in terms of experiences, learnings and people with whom I came to share and others with which I currently share.

My beginnings were in the @reveur community and there I managed to consolidate my experience as a curator because I am one of those who believe that in Steemit we all have the opportunity to be curators. In this publication you can read my opinion about it.

Here is an excerpt

"The role of Curatorship must be assumed by all users. On our platform when we read a publication, we value its quality content and give it our vote, at that time we are exercising our function as Curators. In Steemit we are all Curators. However, I am carrying out this work of Curated by the hand of @reveur who, in their efforts to educate users who are part of the Reveur Family and even share knowledge with all Steemit users, have an activity called 'Live Cures' ... "

In the @reveur community I also managed to share with platform users through the Taller de Ortografía y Redacción, excellent knowledge co-creation space related to spelling, writing and Spanish language style. In that Workshop several stages were carried out, each enriching. Cheap memories of those days of many activities and extraordinary learning. In this community I met @jimhutch, a user with whom I shared a lot since it was he who supported me so that the handling of the discord was the best. Grateful for the support provided. I had the opportunity to meet him in person. He is a very noble person. Success and blessings to him.

I share an excerpt from my post on El Arte de Escribir in which I mention the experience of some of the students of this Spelling and Writing Workshop in one of its facets

"In fact, I can comment on the experience of @damarysvibra, @katysofia and @irvinc who have been able to carry out this experience of diversifying and renewing, week by week, their menu of selected readings for the purpose of writing, based on their reading experience, a writing that could be said to be to develop the writing, outside its comfort zone; as very well he said it once @katysofia. I can tell you that the experience was extraordinary. Both @damarysvibra and @irvinc achieved publications on topics and genres that they had never dared to write. It was also achieved by @katysofia in a genre that was totally and absolutely outside its thematic or technical area ..."

In the @reveur community, I also took my first digital photography course. Excellent learning The tasks in the course had multipurpose objectives. Each task was, in its holistic dimension, a complex learning. In this publication you can read one of the tasks of the photography course in which the photography as therapy.

To finish my tour of this community I can remember that it was there that I met @crisangel in the spaces of the "Live Cures" and in the training program "SteemAprende". Today @crisangel is part of our family. I have been able to share with him in relation to many aspects, among them, the subject of the spirituality of the human being, the writing and the style in the Spanish language and of course the subject related to photography. I must mention that I am a follower of his photographic work. He is an excellent person with an extraordinary nobility, is a gentle being and eager to learn. It should be noted that @crisangel is a friend of my son @manuelramos. Another achievement of the Steemit platform: consolidating ties of friendship between human beings who share in a community of digital environment.

Follow my tour of the Steemit platform ... continue learning ... I continue to interact with other communities

During my tour of the Steemit platform I was able to share with the @radiosteemit community. In this community I shared with many people, all with a lot of talent and creativity. In this opportunity I was able to share publications based on the established challenges. In this publication I was able to share with my readers one of the challenges of this community.

"... this week I thought of sharing with my readers a song, not because it was the most beautiful in the world, but because it was a song that with its lyrics invites us to hope, to encounter, to the possibility of dreaming and the possibility of believing. The song I share this week is 'Como Esperando Abril' ..."

I also had the opportunity to share with the #Reto12Votos team. All the people with whom I had interaction are extraordinary in their creativity and talent. With them I participated in several challenges. All interesting challenges involving issues of varying complexity and with different approaches. In "Mi encuentro ... con la Pachamama" I shared with my readers a reflective topic related to the depredation of the Environment by the human being.

Time passes ... follow the interaction and learning

The days of changes and transformations arrive within the Steemit platform. You have to assume them and adapt to them. We have to demonstrate our willingness to change. Just as changes are gestated in the spaces of the digital environment in our lives, changes are also generated. It was time to leave my land to visit my son and this situation made it impossible for my person to actively participate in the platform. However, I did not stop being eventually in front of my computer to write some topics, mostly reflective topics.

The time has come to participate in the #lanaturalezaenmiciudad challenge. From this space I have been able to share with my readers everything that happens in my garden. I love to share photographs of each of the plant and animal species that make life, day by day, in my garden.

From this space I shared with my readers every time I could do it. Some weeks I was absent, sometimes for personal reasons. On other occasions due to technical problems. However, I keep going, with my energy of peace, love and joy. I still share with my readers.

What I could share on Steemit?

Temas relacionados con mi línea de investigación en el área ambiental

Temas reflexivos en el área ambiental

Información sobre temas sensibles en el área de la Salud

Homenajes a Celebridades

Patrimonio Ambiental Venezolano

In addition to a large number of publications related to diverse topics, all oriented and framed within my premises of life: love, passion, ethics, knowledge and commitment

I assume the commitment to continue sharing quality content

Grateful for the opportunity @theycallmedan gives me to be able to share everything I have been able to learn and co-create from the Steemit platform that, day by day, presents us with an ocean of opportunities

I love belonging to the Steemit platform

Until a next post

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments


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Ha sido un largo camino lleno de multiples vivencias y aprendizajes! Que sigan los éxitos y los logros! Besos madre!!!

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