Of Fungi and Other Happy Things

in #nanowrimo5 years ago


If you happen to live in San Diego and are participating in the NaNoWriMo Madness, here are some places to meet up with fellow writers and get some support and have fun. None of these work for me this week - but maybe next week I will go. If I do, I post pictures here :)

I am also tagging the post as #sandiego - just because I live here. But there is another reason. @ackza started the Sand token that is San Diego specific and I think it would be fun to somehow use it as an incentive for local writing get-togethers. Rewards are always nice!

[Wrimo-run] UCSD Friday Lunch Write-In
Friday, Nov 8, 2019, at 12:30 pm

[Wrimo-run] Darkstar (UCSD) Write-In
Saturday, Nov 9, 2019, at 1:00 pm

NaNoWriters on Steem
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I am planning to write 50,000 + words this month in the spirit of NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month. But I am going to ignore the Novel part and write whatever I want to. I am doing a complete stream of consciousness style of writing. It might become a Novel, it might look more like morning pages - basically, word vomit onto the page to empty the brain. Maybe, I get a bunch of good blog posts out of it. I don't know. Feel free to read it - or not. Quality is not ensured! 😂

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NaNoWriMo Day 6

Oh, how easily do I get sidetracked! Not just here. I have way too many ideas and interests to fit it all into one day - kind of hoping to fit it into one lifetime. We shall see.

I have my notes on what I wanted to write about. Fast fashion, manipulation of the masses, suppression and all kinds fo dark stuff.

But I don’t want to do that right now.

I think we need a break. I do - from thinking about all that is wrong with the world. And you do, reading about it.

There are days when it is good to think about that, but there are more days when thinking about the solutions - and better yet - acting on them is a much better plan.

Today is a day of thinking of solutions and enjoying the beauty of the world. I hiked 8 miles this morning. That is not particularly long, but it is not short. And it was an area I hadn’t been to. One of the things on my long, long list of things to do. It is so easy to wait. Do it later…
And later might never come. My friend’s death brought that home loud and clear.
My plan was to be in Thailand right now. Well, that didn’t work out due to many circumstances but I will put it on a priority list to make my way there.
For now, I am planning to go and visit as many places and things I haven’t seen yet right here in San Diego. We have so much here - from nature to culture. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily chores of staying alive (add the tune in your head right now - just popped up for me.)
I am sure that almost everywhere is a lot to see if we only look.
Hiking at Otay Lake was a first for me. I have driven around it a couple of times and way back when we used to ride our bikes in that area. It was in the good old days when the big smooth roads were already built, but the houses weren’t.
It was a bicyclist's paradise.
Great roads. No traffic. Heaven.
That has changed!
Most of Chula Vista is now covered with houses and the streets are very busy. Luckily, the lake is still a place to retreat to and find nature (and trash- but that seems to be the human condition).

Feeling good after hiking and after watching the movie Fantastic Fungi yesterday.
What a beacon of hope.
Fungi are most amazing and we have only touched on the possibilities for humankind. The flower or rather the fruit, or rather neither but the reproductive organ of fungi are mushrooms. Mushrooms come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They also range from delicious to eat to viciously deadly.
They are fantastic and deserve our utmost respect. Their abilities to heal are unheard off. From freeing the planet from pollution to freeing our mind from restrictions.
Paul Stamets was the featured mycologist in the movie. His work has helped to bring mycology to the forefront.
Part of me wants to go on and on and tell you about the movie in great detail. But parts of me just wants you to see it.
The movie is beautifully made and worth seeing just for the time-lapse videography, but the message is also wonderful.
There is no budget for advertisement and it has spread to many cities in the US so far by people that believe in the power of fungi want to see it themselves and also want to show it to others.
You too can bring the show to your area. The goal is to have it play in as many countries as possible. All it takes is to find a place that can hold 100 or more people and has a way to show a movie.
If you are interested, you really want to contact the film people here https://fantasticfungi.com/screenings/

But maybe, you are one of the lucky ones and it will be playing close to you now or in the near future. Don’t wait to see a big ad. That is not going to be happening. Go to the website fantasticfungi.com and click on the buy ticket option.


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.
Graphics made on Canva.



Animation By @zord189


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It looks like everyone is have a great time at Steemfest, I thought you would be going @mariannewest. Sometimes it's hard to get away. Maybe next time. 🤞

Posted using Partiko Android

I was going to go, but then, it looked my husband was going to be home in November. And I didn't think I should be gone the one month out of the year he is at home. Then it looked like he was going to be out of work for a bit. Now, the reason not to go was not to spend money 😳
Hopefully, I still get to go to Malaysia and see at least the freewrite crowd over there and maybe next year's steemfest. But I have to do some work at home too. I was traveling a lot this year :)

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @sbi-booster.

Seems like your mind is speaking out loud to me as I read your post. I have a cousin in Chula Vista don't get to talk much often though. As you described place seems crowded with the busy streets and all the houses. I prefer a small quiet town with less people. Don't like too much crowd.

I hear you. Too many people all on top of each other can be difficult. While I live kind of in the middle of town - just east of San Diego proper, I have 1/3 of an acre full of plants. It is easy for me to feel like I am away from the city and its people (I still hear them sometimes, but not too bad).
I just hope that the new houses are built with really good noise insolation. It is possible but cost a bit more. but it makes it so much easier to live very close together.

I definitely need a balance of reading (and thinking) about all that is wrong in the world, so I appreciate some light in the mix. Though fast fashion is a big one I try to keep top of mind because it is soooo easy to just put aside after years of purchasing habits. I just keep trying to find joy in my continued small attempts to minimize the clutter in my house (and perhaps my mind). Hiking is a wonderful way to put that all aside and find joy in other places! Now that the weather is nice I've taken to walking more. As much as I love running, just getting out and walking in the neighborhood is a totally different and no less enjoyable experience. One of these days I'd love to get out to California to do some hiking and exploring out there!

Yes!! If you do, make sure to visit!

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Found you on @trufflepig, where you seem to be taking over, @mariannewest. You seem to be talking over on those posts, so I believe you re on the right track :)

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