I Think a Dog has Found Us, and His Name is Muñeca

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

The other day I did a post on the problems with stray dogs where I live. Brian and I have taken to feeding so many of them, and they all of course appreciate it, but this little guy seems to have taken us on as his own, and is so full of love whenever we see him. Yesterday Brian went to our little corner store and bought him a package of food, and I could see puppy happily trotting along side Brian as they made their way back home. The puppy by the way, follows us in the store and wanders up and down the aisles, and no one bats an eye. haha I crouched to the ground and yelled, "puppy!!" and he stopped in his tracks, looked up, saw me and ran to me! I was greeted with a full body wag from him and excited puppy kisses.

A neighbour soon approached us to say that the owner of puppy was not taking care of him (no kidding!) and she saw that we had been feeding him, so she took it upon herself to ask the owner if we could have him. Like any awful pet owner, he said "sure, just take him". Can you imagine??

She called the little guy Muñeca, which means "doll" in Spanish. So I think the name is going to stick, and I have a feeling that little Muñeca is going to be added to our family. We have to get him to the vet to get rid of his fleas because we also have Buddy at home. Fingers crossed that they get along ;)

Even if we take Muñeca, there are still so many others that need some care and some food! We stopped for a burger today and this guy enjoyed it with us. It is an outdoor restaurant/patio but he followed us in and no one said a thing! haha

On our way home, we passed the leftovers on to these guys, a couple of my favourites :)

This one tried to climb up on my bike with me! Seriously, if I had let him, I think he might have climbed up on the handlebars and gone for a ride ;)

This little guy we call Terrier; he lives with Muñeca, but thankfully we've arranged for another neighbour to take him on! It took a few months of living here before I even saw his little tail wag. Now he wags his tail whenever I step outside :)

In the evening, I went for a little walk and found these two who don't seem to have a home either! It is never-ending and simply heartbreaking!

In the end, there's only so much we can do to help these animals, but at least I know (I think!) that we've made a difference in a few of their lives!

This post is happy and sad all mixed into one, so I'm going to leave you with "weird"; this tree is in the middle of the street, right at the intersection, down from our place. It is so big that the cars have a difficult time manoeuvring around it :)

At the end of the day, I couldn't put my head comfortably on my pillow if I didn't do something to help all of these dogs.

I'm happy to do it, and I fortunately or unfortunately fall in love with all of them; I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but what I do know is that I'm going to have to start earning some money if I'm going to keep feeding all of them!!

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Great post as always! Thanks for sharing. You probably already know this but you were featured in the #payitforward contest by @davemccoy. Clearly, he is your biggest fan, but the rest of us appreciate you just as well. Best wishes.

Thank you so much @energyaddict22! I did see his entry and commented on his personal post. I was waiting for my VP to get back "up there" before visiting the contest sight to upvote all the entries :) Thank you for the heads-up though; I'm a big fan of his too!

but the rest of us appreciate you just as well

So sweet :) Thanks!!

Well done for taking care of these dogs. It's so sad that they don't have a home.

It’s so awesome what you’re doing, @lynncoyle1. I would probably end up adopting all of them, lol

Thank you, that's what I'm afraid of :) I'm seriously considering, when Brian is "gone", of opening a dog and cat shelter here. Then I will truly be that crazy dog/cat lady lol

There are worse things you could be ;0)

That is one adorable doll... and Buddy's little white socks 😍
I'm with @simplymike on this one. I'd bring them all home if I could!

I know right??!! Trust me, it's difficult not to! He's so darn cute, I can't imagine someone not taking care of him! And Buddy was a gift to me from Brian; the poor little guy (Buddy that is:) was stuck in a pet store for two years if you can believe it. Brian was going to surprise me with a kitten, but thankfully grabbed Buddy instead. He and his white socks have stolen my heart!

Thanks for stopping by @osm0sis! Did Ash ever get your computer up and running?

2 years?!! How something like that is even possible makes me super sad. Good thing there are people out there like you and Brian to take care of these little creatures :)
Yes, luckily it was only a matter of buying a new charger cable. That was a big sigh of relief... now I have no excuses to start posting again.

I don't know how he ended up there for two years without someone taking him! It is sad. Thank you, Brian and I do our best!

That's awesome it was only a charger cable! hahaha yes, get back to work now ;)

Animals know our true nature, so it shows the type of person you are. I think it's wonderful, kind of seems like the come to find you :) <3

I believe they can sense the kind of person you are for sure, and yes, they choose us ;) <3

In a world where some people find it difficult to help their fellows, even when they can, it is most amazing that people still have loving hearts such as yours. You see, animals can't ask for your help verbally so it is really nice you can help them when you feel they are troubled or show signs of distress. Keep up the good work @lynncoyle1

Thank you @floxycool for your kinds words. I've always believed that a little kindness goes a long way! And you're so right...these animals cannot speak, so it's up to us to watch over them. I met a man today who has taken 4 street dogs as his own :) There are a lot of good people still out there; this is something I have to believe.

Lynn, you are simply amazing... You are such a good hearted person that you never cease to amaze me. I love the way you take care of all these dogs. Its like you are giving them the opportunity to be happy if only for a moment, just like you bring smiles to our faces! I know I kid you a lot, but you are a special lady for sure! :)

Thank you Dave, I really do appreciate that! All kidding aside, I think you are pretty special too.

These poor dogs never asked to be born and they certainly don't deserve to be so mistreated. When they look me in the eyes, and I can see their appreciation, I'm instantly attached! Seriously if I could, I'd bring them all home, but I'll have to settle on only one, continue to feed them, and work on getting the others adopted. Kinda like fostering them, but not from inside my house ;)

Your post reminds me of one aspect of part of my childhood. A part of my childhood was in an Aboriginal community and it was Dog Dreaming Land in that community. What that meant was that the dogs could go just about everywhere and no-one could hurt dogs, which sounds nice, but it also meant dogs couldn't be put down either and the people there tended to not get them vet attention when ill either so it meant both some sad and some nice experiences for the dogs. Some dogs were healthy but some certainly weren't. The dogs did just pretty much walk around everywhere and some of them I think enjoyed getting pats from random people. I was one of the people patting all the dogs around the place. I remember patting them at school because the dogs could come into the school as they pleased, but some were really unhealthy and the poor things needed to see a vet but that didn't happen for them.

Unfortunately not hurting dogs didn't translate to taking care of them and getting them to a vet when necessary. And some were ill enough they should have been put down too but they wouldn't do that as that goes against the rules of dog dreaming land. The dogs being able to go everywhere and being more part of the community side of it was cool as a kid and I enjoyed patting them and playing with them as a kid, but the lack of care that came with it was saddening. If the dogs were part of the community so went where they pleased but the dogs got the care they deserved, it would have nicer, but that's just not how that community worked unfortunately. A community taking care of animals as opposed to one owner can work - I remember seeing that happening with a community of cats on a documentary - but these dogs were for the main part, not cared for very well.

It's good that you are doing something to help the dogs you see that have been neglected. That's a really good thing that you are doing. I hope the one you adopted settles in to your household and you have a lot of fun together.

Aww that story makes me happy and sad. Dog Dreaming Land had such potential to be a beautiful thing for the dogs and humans in the community, but like you said, it didn't quite translate into care for them!

Thank you for your kind words; I hope he settles in fine...he seems to now, but I'd forgotten how much work a puppy can be haha

Np. I'm glad to hear he seems to be settling in.

why are there so many strays there ? It breaks my heart - those dogs are so beautiful.. I wish I could give them a home - I hate to see them out on the street like that. It's so kind of you to take the time to show them some love and attention and give them some food - I know that they appreciate it even if they cant show it - you are such a kind person. Thank you for being their angel...

It's a good question and one I really can't answer. Spay/neutering doesn't seem to be a big deal here, so they continue to procreate. Many of them do have a home, but it's not the kind of 'home' that we consider necessary. Many get them as guard dogs, but then they are simply left to fend for themselves; I can't tell you how many I've seen chained up on a short chain, in a yard, with no attention whatsoever. It's heartbreaking!

Thank you for your kind words! I can see the appreciation in their eyes, some seem to smile, and of course their wagging tails when they see me coming :)

Thank you for stopping by @jorlauski!

Nice addition to the family! It is crazy that the dogs are treated like this there. Can't imagine having a dog and not caring for it and then being willing to just give it away...oh my kids would kill me.

This is our dog right after a walk, I wore him out...lol.

Awww, your dog looks exactly like my old dog Max, except he was a black Doodle! It's great when you can wear them out haha

Thank you! I'd forgotten what it's like having a puppy! Yes, it's difficult to believe how anyone can treat their animals like that!

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