Adventures Around Acapulco: Central Market, Honey Cart and Chickens

in #photography7 years ago

You can find just about everything at the central market, including mobile honey carts like this one.  Raw local honey, hand bottled and sold.

We bought some of the comb, for 50 pesos.

Yes, that's a pitcher of honey in a bin full of honey.

Covered with plastic wrap unless they're selling it to keep the flies out.

Big old pile of Oaxaca cheese

Potatoes for less than half of Walmart prices.

Beef tacos at a taco cart!

This is the bottom of the taco cart.

We went on the search for more birds. 

Settled on this interesting looking chicken.

Ducklings for 20 pesos each!

Check out some of our other recent Steemit Originals!

Acapulco Sunsets: Bright and Blue

Adventures Around Acapulco: Fermented Beverages and Central Market

First Omelette with All Homestead Eggs

Baby Ducklings and Friendly Chickens

Thanks for following and supporting us, until next time!


Looks like a great market. I would love some raw honey but apparently it illegal (or very strict ruling meaning it may as well be illegal) to sell unporecessed honey in the UK, they have to add some chemicals and sugar first bloody bonkers.

Oh how silly. I have an english friend who just defected from the UK this past year to Acapulco and he's told me some of the ridiculousness you face, so I'm sorry for that :O

Its silly. There was a story I came across the other day a 6 year old was selling lemonade on the street corner and the trade and BS unit can an fined here £150 for breaching trade laws. Her dad kicked of and went to the media and they lifed the fine, but is shows what madness there is in this country.

The crazy thing is people know an constantly say was rubbish it is even how much the media lies yet they still read it incredibly irritating. I so want to leave but have too many ties and also am finding loop hole in the BS, but will defect soon :)

Don't make too many excuses, I did and I feel my arrest was a sign telling me I waited to long.

I know. I have just got my piece of paper from the indoctrination camp. I am starting a new job, then I want to set up my own OT centre before I go :)

Ah, that market looks amazing! All that fresh honey! All the fresh everything! I always enjoy seeing the markets when we travel... this post brings back good memories. :)

It was one of my favorite parts about driving through Mexico, I was always trying to get them to stop at the roadside markets even though we had no money to spend at them.

That honey looks soooo goood!

This the way we all should by our food. ah the good old days, still alive in Acapulco! But I don't think I could buy a baby duck, raise it and then eat it!, maybe it's eggs I would eat, yes..

Oh man I love markets in Mexico!
One of my favorite things!
How much is the honey there?

For a liter we pay 100 pesos...or about 5 USD. The little hunk I bought with the comb was 50 pesos. They also sell honey candies and pollen and such on these carts.

Wow thats a great deal for a liter!
It was about that much maybe a little more in Ecuador.

Yep, its good stuff too, I can't complain

Well you could it just would be silly ;-)>

Some people come here and really have an issue with how things are. The traffic, the people always tryin to sell them things......the often unexpected food options...I embraced it and have been better off for it.

Yea, most people are uncomfortable with almost anything they are not used to. Thats just rigid in the box mentality.
It so easy to say no to someone selling something and the drivers are actually a lot better even it if appears more crazy.

That's what I've found as well. Getting into an accident is a HIGHLY annoying process for both parties so they do whatever they can to avoid them. And when they do get in them many avoid the police.

All I've ever had to do to a vender is say no a few times and they give up. At this point, they don't bother with me cause they know I'm not a tourist. I respect their courage

When I was a kid (about 5 years old) I coloured about 20 baby chicks that my grandma was raising and then I gave them a bath in cold water to remove the water colours and they got sick and didn't live long after that. I still feel little bit sad everytime I see little chicks.Anyways great post

I'm sorry to hear that, but yeah, especially when they get wet chicks don't do well we've found.

While reading, I envisioned moving to Acapulco and that didn't feel like a reach. I want to be closer to my food sources and your market appears to deliver.

It definately does. My friend shops there daily for his restaurant and they sometimes have the issue of the chicken being too hot from having just been boiled to remove the feathers. From the meats to the cheeses to the dry goods, it's all fresher. It all goes bad much quicker too which I find fascinating.

Zero preservatives.

I love the photos of street life in Acapulco! Cute baby chicks :) Keep posting photos they're great!

So you settled for the chicken least likely to kill you in your sleep? (Those are some mean looking chickens).

BAhahahahahah. I went for the most interesting one honestly. It's got inverted feathers so it looks fluffy like it's painted that way.

Such variety, so fresh and so alive! Good job Mexico! Your markets are real and from the heart! @lily-da-vine

That is my thought, so much life to be found there.

We are so tempted to move to Acapulco ;O)

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