DNA-Based Vaccines right around the corner: the implications for humanity will be devastating if allowed...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)


I stumbled upon some extremely disturbing and alarming news a couple of days ago; here are the related articles and headlines to give you an initial glimpse:

I am quite surprised (and not, at the same time) that this news hasn’t made its way into either the mainstream or the alternative outlets, as the implications for such a development could prove absolutely catastrophic to humanity.

In the past few years, we’ve been bombarded with “scientific discoveries” and introduction of new technologies that appear to promote the transhumanism agenda (see also David Icke's video and SGTReport's TRANSHUMANISM'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRET video on the issue which contains a lot of relevant vaccine-related information).

That is to say, with the advent of AI, robotics and related technologies, the elitist club are aiming to sell these all in the name of making us brighter, stronger, and healthier. But what they are really aiming at is to cattle us further into an inescapable matrix of control.

But before I get all ‘conspiracy theory’ on you, let’s look at some of the facts drawn from the articles listed above.

First, though, I need to stress that the Big Pharma industry has been not only pushing dangerous and untested vaccines whereby they cannot be sued if babies and children get damaged from their products, but are also, in sinister fashion, working with government at local, state/provincial, and national levels to push for legislation that would force vaccinations upon the masses.

I’ve previously written two articles relation to these two points if you wish to familiarized yourself more with them:

At least my second article from above gives some ray of hope, namely how Robert Kennedy Jr. (a long-time advocate and warrior against collusion of government and Big Pharma in the vaccine industry) is using his good name in this fight for humanity. Kennedy is Chairman of the Board of Children’s Health Defense, authoring the first article listed above. Here are some highlights from the article [Emphasis added]:

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

This is very troubling, as there has been a substantial body of medical literature attesting twofold certainties: firstly, flu shots are not only largely ineffective, but are highly prone to causing undesirable side-effects in patients; secondly, multiple vaccinations given in single injections have proven to be devastating in babies, infants, and children, as their young bodies and immune systems cannot handle multiple strands of viruses being injected in them and the consequences have been devastating, with many fatalities included. I’ll spare you the lengthy details here, but you can find a lot of related literature should you wish to research these further.

Massachusetts Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, has introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars toward the universal flu-vaccine project.

Here’s to my previous point about how government – especially through corrupt and immoral politicians – work hand-in-hand with Big Pharma to push these agendas, all at taxpayer expense mind you. Disgusting.

Here is a sentence from an NIAID press release that mentions one of several research approaches:

“NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase 1/2 studies of a universal flu vaccine strategy that includes an investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime’)…

There you have it. DNA-based vaccine. This literally means that instead of injecting the actual virus into the human subject (as is the usual method for vaccinations/immunizations) they would permanently alter their DNA in lieu. Once this is done, it is irreversible. In other words, the subject’s children and descendants would all carry the modified DNA with whatever (other) undesirable changes may be covertly encoded with these markers.

This is quite troubling, if you know what the phrase “DNA vaccine” means. It refers to what the experts are touting as the next generation of immunizations.

Key phrase here is "next generation of immunizations”.

This would imply a whole new industry for Big Pharma and Biosciences firms.

And rest-assured the sums involved here would be in the hundreds of billions.

So, it is no surprise that these players are going to be pushing this ‘emergent’ industry with fervor.

This is only the beginning of this movement and, ultimately, it will be up to us to push back and warn them that this is a red line that we won’t let them cross. They always do this shit covertly and that is how they get away with it.

Therefore, we have to shine the light on their plans starting now so as to prevent them from taking the future of our species along this dystopian path.

Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into a person, in order to stimulate the immune system, synthesized genes would be shot into the body. This isn’t traditional vaccination anymore. It’s gene therapy.

And believe you me, there is a bigger plan/agenda at play here than just immunizations. They are using this as a pretext to be able to alter our DNA with other nefarious 'fixes'.

Who is to say they won’t edit genes to make us even more sick, requiring us to use the ‘cures’ they come up with to circumvent those very illnesses? The potential for abuse here is unbounded.

This is genetic roulette with a loaded gun. Anyone and everyone on Earth injected with a DNA vaccine will undergo permanent and unknown genetic changes…

Need I add more to that statement?

“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.” [That was three years ago.]
“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”

Two points here. First, human trials have already begun (three years ago!).

Second, they seek to isolate genes that produce strong antibodies against disease to replace them with other ‘versions’.

This is freakin scary ladies and gentlemen.

Our Creator has endowed us with one of the most important thing in existence for survival – an immune system designed to create antibodies to fight viruses, bacteria, radiation, and many other threats. Without these, we will be rendered as good as produce with a very limited shelf life.

Moreover, the human body and its various systems, including the immune system, are highly complex and sophisticated mechanisms that are not yet fully understood by the scientific community (take the pineal gland from the endocrine system, for instance).

Thus, starting to tweak and tinker the genetic cellular makeup integral to these systems without fully understanding and knowing the unintended consequences which may arise is irrevocably careless, unethical, and immoral and has no place in the sound practice of modern medicine.

I can think of no greater form of control than this. Needless to say, the implications for humanity can be devastating should such gene therapy methods be used malevolently upon us.

To be clear, I am not saying that there can’t be any benevolent applications and use cases for gene therapy. Au contraire, there can certainly be ones that can be used for treating and curing harmful diseases and conditions.

Rather, it is more the players involved that worries me. Big Pharma have created entire industries based on destroying health in order to generate mammoth profits; history has proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

You can go through the other articles listed above for additional details. But, I’ll keep things relatively short, as I just want to get the word out there and keep it as simple, brief, and comprehensible as possible.

The last point I want to emphasize is that there’s been a clear trend in the past couple of years (especially in the United States) whereby legislators at all levels are doing their sinister best to introduce and implement forced vaccinations. So, just be cognizant that if the future of vaccinations morphs into a ‘new and improved’ DNA-based model with gene modification and all that it implies, human sovereignty will be in jeopardy.

The implications of this recent, stealth, news is worrisome to say the least.

Please spread the word. The future of humanity is counting on you.

In Peace & Liberty,



In the event force is used to mandate DNA alteration of people, we will no longer have any sovereignty at all. We will be allowing overlords to determine if we're even people, and it is undeniable that history reveals the power of overlords depends on dehumanization of their chattel.

There are good reasons to hand wave away conspiracy theories most of the time, as most of them don't kill most people most of the time. However, when the SHTF, this changes and most people then get killed, leaving only the conspiracy aware unkilled.

It is noteworthy that this push to make 'vaccination' (actually injecting various mysterious stuff into our and our children's blood with a vague claim it is good for us) is being undertaken just as CRISPR is becoming available for all and sundry to deploy on their kitchen tables, as CRISPR is nominal to reverse the irreversible genetic alterations bad people may be intent on forcing on good people.

Given how tinkering at home produces bespoke inventions for every purpose, CRISPR is likely to make population wide vaccination obsolete in short order, once AI that enables non-specialists is coupled to it and makes possible their simply following directions to provide their own immune fortification, rather than trusting known liars and bad actors to do so for them.

It is good to remember that when overlords decide to put everyone to the sword, it will be the people that line up to be beheaded as they are told that die first, and the rest of us, conspiracy theorists and curmudgeons all, will die last, if at all. People cite demographic trends as if nothing ever disturbs the status quo, but the occasional cataclysm that takes everyone by surprise is the only trend that matters in the long run. Some hermit living in a cave may be ridiculed all their life by the local village, and their prognostications of the evils of village living scoffed at universally up until the day some warlord puts the village to the sword, burns the place to the ground, and salts the fields.

Then only the hermit is left. I do not consider it a bad thing if I am mocked for taking actions corralled herds of people don't. I consider it validation.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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Super alarming, thanks for sharing!
"... including the immune system, are highly complex and sophisticated mechanisms that are not yet fully understood by the scientific community..."
And this is so true!
Our immune system is everything, how you feel, too...
How you take care of mind, body and soul...
And vaccines are a soulless,evil invention...
Let's spread the news and "finish" those Babylonians!
Power to the People!
1 Love

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This is, well, the word I dislike so much fits here well: FUD.

You have linked some strange sites and all that these articles state is... people work on the flu vaccine. Little information provided, a lot of alarming noise.

Well, humans are very healthy, aren't they?

Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new estimate that's higher than the previous one of 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year.

There is always Creator and morals and ethic some people claim they know better than others.

Of course, we should give up on science, as Creator knows better. It's easier for him to kill children without science:

The infant mortality rate started a long slide from 165 per 1,000 in 1900 to 7 per 1,000 in 1997. soource

In early-modern times, child mortality was very high; in 18th century Sweden every third child died, and in 19th century Germany every second child died. source

Like any tool, like a hummer or knife, gene manipulation knowledge and technology can be used to bring happiness or sorrow.

"... we should give up on science..."

What part of doing what we are told by armed gangs is science again? You seem to be good at reciting what you have read, but that is not an indication that you science. If you claim to be a scientist, what good does aluminum do our kids and why is it included in vaccines? Don't know? That's because the overlords intent on putting it in everyone's injections don't write it down for you to recite back.

Why would they do that? Do you even wonder why you regurgitate what you have been fed? Like any tool, groveling can backfire on you. Grovelers tend to be near at hand when overlords fall off the cliff of homocidal mania. Let them insert their magic charms into your DNA trusting that their chants and incantations are the truth.

But, be quiet when rational adults discuss what they should do based on actual reason and understanding.


"In early-modern times, child mortality was very high; in 18th century Sweden every third child died, and in 19th century Germany every second child died."

Reread that, and consider whether that's a century of progress or not. Then have a look at Autism and ADHD trends. Or, just keep licking boots. Thugs like their jackboots nice and clean.

Futile discussion.

Then have a look at Autism and ADHD trends.

In say 17th century there were ZERO of autism and ADHD instances. Why? As these and similar phenomena were considered to be Devil possessions, and various religious 'vaccines' were applied. Or people with autism died due to no proper care or they were killed.

It's needed to watch big pharma companies, but gibberish articles like above do not help.

IDGAF about demonic possession in the 17th Century. You don't GAF about facts, or you'd have a look at current trends in those diagnoses. FYI, they're on the rise, and rising faster. This is not benign. It's not because only safe chemicals, medecines, and good information comes our way. It's the product of rapine crony capitalism, of which Big Pharma is practically the poster child.

Your opinion is vapid. That means this is a futile discussion, because you are incompetent to participate in it. Let me know when you have grasped actual facts regarding why Aluminum is in vaccines injected into newborns.

Thank you for weighing in on the discussion. I will leave you a couple of resources should you be interested to find out more how the Big Pharma industry has been complicit in tainting vaccines.

The first video series contains interviews with numerous insiders and practitioners all the way up to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) with their highest level staff. Vaccine Choice Canada has a lot of links to peer-reviewed medical studies indicating a lot of the dark side of vaccines (such as how contaminants such as aluminum and thimerosal).

As for flu vaccinations specifically, the scientific data proves a lot more nefarious; let me know if you want specific links to any of these.

Is it still FUD when reputable practitioners from the industry ring the same alarm bells?

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