The Old Dog Remembers: Miracle Beach And a Spectacular Reunion!

in #beachwednesday7 years ago

I visited Miracle Beach in 2010 during the trip of a lifetime! It was  a trip that I couldn't afford but one that I had to make!

The giant trees of the B.C. rain forest bordered the path to Miracle Beach!

Ideas and dreams can come true but you have to plan and then you must commit. Only then will they become a reality. I have two brothers and they live more than 8,500 kilometers away as the crow flies. I had never been to their homes and it was time to take my son to visit his uncles. I booked the tickets 6 months in advance and then momentum and decisiveness made it happen!

Milan to Frankfurt. Frankfurt to Vancouver. Vancouver to Victoria. Victoria to Port Hardy. Port Hardy to Prince Rupert! That's A Long Way!

Of course, with such a long trip there were many adventures along the way. One was stopping at Miracle Beach during the long drive from Victoria to Part Hardy on the Vancouver Island, a distance of  just under 500 kilometers! In Canada the distances are immense!

The tide was out and it left behind large areas of beach, warm shallow pools of water and then the cold Pacific Ocean waters that lie between Vancouver Island and the Mountains of the British Columbia mainland!

A Wonderful Reunion And A Time to Bond Ensued!

Miracle Beach was aptly named in my case. It marked a turning point. In just one more LONG day  I would be re-united with my two brothers and my Son would meet family members and see their homes for the first time! For my son and I it really was a miracle and the trip of a lifetime!

What About You?

  • Have you undertaken long journeys to be re-united?
  • Do you agree that you need to commit to make things happen?
  • What was your miracle beach your miracle voyage?

I hope that you enjoyed this trip to Miracle Beach!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


Another beautiful post, thanks for sharing.

These locations mentioned above are all deeply seeded in my heart and am glad to see you give them exposure. I guess meeting with the West Coast was in itself a Miracle Beach event. Yet, most of the ones I am doing these days goes exactly the other way around and my "Miracle Beach" ends up being trips to Quebec, over 5500 km from where I am living using the road I take to do the trip. Meanwhile, I'm still in Canada! A little something to ponder considering this is a drive that I have done a few years back in 4 days...

The ultimate one though, my family on my dad's side and I shared a few years back is a trip where they left from "La Belle Province" while I left from Haida Gwaii. We all met in Waterton National Park, in southern Alberta. Tour surprise, we learnt from the park managers, that the park itself is a focal point for many family gathering from all over Canada and the USA! The lake surely offer a Miracle Beach for many.

For all of us, as we had committed to meet that summer, it was a trip of a life time, one that will be remembered and go down in our history as a family as the best shared time e've ever had providing for the ultimate trip for us all.

I don't know if you remember, but Waterton National Park was the subject of one of my very first post and should maybe make a Part 2 commemorative article about it while presenting other parts of the park... ;) Soon, when I get access to my pictures and a personal computer, the sharing will go on.

Till then, keep your smile, thanks a bunch once again for such a healthy sharing and the opportunity to partake in this beautiful discussion definitively
worth having. All for one and one for all!

Namaste :)

You definitely know what it means to take long trips to re-unite! Thanks for the memories and I would look forward to Waterton National Park part 2!

Do you agree that you need to commit to make things happen?


need to fly miles to reconnect - that too!
but only if the person/s are worth doing it for!

as for committing to something to make it happen
full blast if you should
and it surely shall unfold!

very good place nice pics

I know it was a great trip...even if I couldn't be there....maybe next time....

Every beautiful thing that we saw had us wishing that we could have shared it with you!

I really enjoyed the article my dear brother @kus-knee. I did go back to India in 2007 to reunite with my brother and for his marriage.
Yes there is commitment needed for long voyages.
I will love to visit Beautiful BC this summer with my family and this is a commitment!

India is a LONG way from your area but it was indeed a very special occasion!

Yes, I went back after 4 years and there is always a curiosity to see your family and friends and lovely destinations including kind of changes happened back there!

I also have my elder brother in Canada(alberta) and last we met on my marriage in 2011 and since then we never met face to face, now i have a kid of three year old who never met or seen his uncle and due to visa problem and financial crunch i m going through result in delaying the idea of reunion. Yes he can come but life in canada is so busy for him that he unable to leave and left his motel business.
This post of urs kind of depressing to me and reason for this you can well understand ; but your post also spark some light and energy in me to strive more to better my financial condition , so that i can afford to visit him one day with family.

Wow, we can understand each other! When I went there I really couldn't afford it but I made it happen. All the best to you and your family and maybe soon you will pay the trip with Steem!

Thanks for your wishes and by the grace of god and support from seniors that will surly happen.
Please share your story of fund raising with us too.

I, myself, am staying far away from home and motherland. I did stay away from my country on few occasions, but this is by far my longest. I think my miracle beach trip will happen when I visit the beach very near my own home and get my kids to learn about their real home and true mother-tongue 😔

Yeah, I used to go at remote place and villages , that's really cool..

Maybe you could share some of them in a post!

I love to travel, but have a very hard time saving the money for international travel. Flights across the ocean are just so expensive. So my adventures so far have all been US domestic.

Luckily the US is a very large and geographically diverse country, but eventually I will want to see other places. What we really lack here in the US is history. It is the new world after all, nothing that ancient to see or explore.

You are right the USA is big and beautiful. I've traveled it quite a bit and there are some fantastic places!

Good Lord... I got tired just reading about the journey... Now I'm off for a nap!!! Great pictures!

Funny comment as usual!

Well... It looked like an exhausting journey. It would have worn me out- I'd have needed 6 months just to recover... It takes me a day to recover from going to the store!

Very inspiring story - i love my brother more than anyone else and this story made me feel emotional as he lives also far away.. this place seems not to be so crowded and looks pretty natural - are there fir trees right at the beach?

We have this in common then. Yes there are Douglas Firs along the way to the beach. Lots of wilderness and forested areas!

Nice, i dont live very far from there at all, :)

Very cool. I seem to remeber you being in Victoria?

you got it, my friend :)

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