The Old Dog Asks: Calling All Piston Heads. What Type of Car is This?

in #cars6 years ago (edited)

When I was a teenager I was never really that much into cars but because most of my friends were so called "piston heads" (that's what we used to call people that were very interested in cars) I really do know quite a bit about them and can readily identify most models! That was until this past weekend. This time I was stumped!

What The Heck is That?

Last Saturday while on our way to the Zurich area we came across this strange looking 4 wheel beauty at a garage in Brunnen Switzerland. I didn't have time to do much else other than snap a few quick shots. I figured that I'd do a bit of research and find out more about the car but my research has drawn a blank! 

There looks to be plenty of head room in this little red rocket but what is it? Check out the size of the wiper!

To me it looks like something out of a 1950's sci-fi movie! What year do you think that it's from?

Looking at the side window you can see the it has a sliding wedge mechanism in order to open it partially.

Can You Identify This Car For me?

  • Have you ever seen this model of car?
  • Can you please identify it for me?
  • Do you like how it looks?
  • Would you enjoy taking it for a spin?
  • Do you think that it would be practical as a city car?

What is The Smallest Car Ever Made?

A few years ago I wrote and article about another small car that fascinates me the Reanault Twizzy: "The Old Dog Asks: Car Wars……….. Can The Battle be Won?" 

However the Twizzy is NOT the smallest car ever!

For more information on this car and about the fact that you can park it for free where I live please see my article here. 

Introducing The Smallest Production Car Ever!

The Peel 50 which was manufactured on the Isle of Man by the Peel Engineering Company in the 1960's was the smallest car ever made.

Is it a toy? Nope, it's a real car! Photo credit.

The interior? Clean simple and stripped down to the bare minimum. Photo credit

Watch Jeremy From Top Gear Take it For a Spin! Funny!

Quick Facts About The Peel 50

  • Length 1.3 meters (54 inches)
  • Two stroke 50 cc engine
  • capable of 100 mpg
  • The original cost was just 199 British pounds! 
  • Manufactured from 1962-1965
  • Only 50 were produced and just 27 are known to still exist!
  • In 2016 one was sold at auction for US $176,000
  • The car has no reverse gear but it can be picked up and turned around using a handle on the back!
  • In 2010 the company started to produce them again!

I hope that you enjoyed this article about small cars and that you can help me identify the car that I saw in Brunnen Switzerland!

 Until next time,  

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


Oh man!! I have seen a couple of small cars but I have never put my eye on this little baby. I think it might be a limited edition or just used locally. I have never set my eye on this before and have ran a quick search with list of small cars but nothing matched this.

Am not really a fan of very small size cars, so I don't really like the design only that I just appreciate it's nature. When I drive a car, I love it big and intimidating, lol.

Would I enjoy taking it for a spin? Anything rare, that's me. Though I couldn't buy it but I could pay a couple of bucks to take it out for a spin, to add to my history book.

Could it be practical as a city car? If they concentrate a lot of the mass at the bottom to keep it balance, then it has a chance of surviving the street. But I think it's better for recreation and certain Parks than out on the highway. Just my thoughts though.

Looks like a lazy rich man would use this to inspect his vast property like a plantation or a ranch.

Now I want to know what time the Peel car does on a 0 to 100km/hr?!?

Have have always been fascinated by the mini version of adult vehicles made for kids, but this seems to be real cars, real "adults" vehicles... I look forward to read more about the discoveries of the mystery car!

Thanks for sharing, namaste :)

Let’s hope to discover something.

I’m missing your wonderful photo entries in our Mundane Art contest and galleries.

Life has simply been too busy for me to be able to spend any time worth writing... I just touches the keyboard that way for the first time in about a month three days ago... I'm about to post about the summer vacations planning and options to luck up for. I look forward to seeing what is going to be the next Mundane Art Contest... I sadly missed the Glacier and snow one which greatly inspired me and for which I have tons of shots.

Thanks for the motivational reply, much appreciated. Namaste. :).

I don't think it ever hits 100, It's basically powered by an engine that can be compared to mopeds and scooters. So I'd assume you'd have a hard time hitting anywhere past 50 km/h.

For some reason all I can think of is "Sneakin' through the alley with Sally..." That would be the rig for sneaking through the alley, but where are you going to put Sally?!

very versatile indeed!

Hahaha, too funny! :)))

I've seen a great French comedy, Holydays by the sea, there is a very funny little car in this film. You can see it from the 19th second:

This is whats known here as an "invalid carriage" or "granny wagon" Its for the old or unmobile to get around in, most do not have a full cover like this one but its certainly not a car, Will be electric and do about 10 miles an hour.

Here some More
download (1).jpg
download (1).jpg
download (1).jpg

It looks like one more Smart car or just a car for golf ;)

Yes it does.

Those are cartoon cars!

Even though I drive I am constantly baffled by cars, someone asked me in work the other day how big my engine was. I moved my arms out and said about this big - they laughed hard

So you’re the opposite of a piston head.

I think that is the best way to put it

it's an e-car
we've got plenty of them here
they call it brommobiel here
only allowed on the bike path

it's for retired peeps

Hey thanks. I looked it up and you are right. What's a peep? Maybe I'm one too!

peep = people
yes we are both

I often see this parked in front of a LIDL shop
but then white and blue
it's cute :D
but am not sure whether its safe

are you a fan of topgear?
I have dvds of so many of their series
and I love Jeremy the most hahaha
then Hammond hahahha

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