Being Deceived and Deceiving Ourselves

in #deception7 years ago

Popular magic is being entertained by deception. Isn't that odd? The awe and mystery of something being done that we don't know how it was done, amazes us and entrances us in this spectacle of entertaining deception. The mystery captures and draws us in.


In certain cases like magic, we like being fooled, tricked, hoodwinked and deceived. But in other cases it's not so fun, and we can be manipulated into behaving a certain way given the deception being performed.

There are two kinds of deception:

  1. we can be tricked by others
  2. we can trick ourselves

We deceive and trick ourselves (self-deception) in many ways. We enjoy the self-deception, just like when an entertaining magician does it, but for different reasons. We like to deceive ourselves because it "feels-good" to believe a lie rather than see and face the honest truth. We are tricking ourselves into "feeling-good" about ourselves by: telling ourselves lies to avoid hard truths, avoiding responsibility, and being "positive" to avoid the negative.

  • Today is going to be better than yesterday.
  • I don't need to see a doctor, I'm fine.
  • It's someone else's fault, not my fault.

Our minds deceive us. We can bend and "negotiate" with reality to make reality whatever we want it to be, to arrive at conclusions that best suit how we want to view ourselves or the world. We do this because we want things to make sense, even when it doesn't.

We want to have solid ground of something to walk on, even if it's made up and untrue. We want to believe we have the right and true answer to questions about ourselves and about the world. Things not making sense drives us to invent all manner of beliefs to accept as real and true, even though they aren't.

Thinking of ourselves as good and moral, yet coming up against the dark mirror of what we do in our lives, blows a hole into our self-view, self-image and sense of self. Thinking of the our local geographical area or the world as good, ordered, secure, safe and comfortable, yet coming up against the horror, darkness and immorality can poke holes in our worldview.

We lose the integrity of walking on solid ground. Our foundation cracks and crumbles. We end up lost, without comprehension. The way we thought of ourselves or of the world isn't true. We were immersed in falsity of a false perception, an illusion and deception of how things actually are. The grounding of things "making sense" grumbles under our feet, and we fall into a gap, void, abyss and darkness of confusion, discomfort, insecurity, anxiety and fear.

This makes us disintegrated within. The chaos of falling into the unknown abyss is daunting. Facing the chaotic unknown is required to rebuild our foundation in alignment with reality and what is right, good, moral and true.

We can trick ourselves into believing things that give us an answer to questions, but we can also be fed and sold ideas that we buy into. Religions and their priesthood have been selling us ideas and beliefs for millennia. These were the first politicians who decided to trick us into ruling our lives with impositions of authority. Nations and governmental politicians came later, but they all use use clever sophistry and word magic to put spells on our consciousness, feeding and selling us ideas and beliefs that we buy into.

The world we have is a result of our collective behaviors. The ideas and beliefs we have accepted for how to live, are drives and motivations for our behavior. We have been living in the belief of external authority to rule our lives as being legitimate, authentic and genuine. We have bought into a lie, a falsity, a false perception of what is right, good and true.

If we evolve consciousness to be more aware of what is wrong (external authority), we can choose what is right (external anarchy). We can choose to live without external rulers (anarchy) if we learn to rule ourselves internally with moral truth. Our internal house needs to get in order.

We can live by principles of morality, and create true freedom, unity, peace and prosperity, if we choose to do the work required to figure things out, to understand what is true and moral. We can build a real, solid and true foundation of understanding ourselves and the world. We can be grounded in moral truth, and create a better collective world from the foundation of individual self-ownership, self-control, self-rulership, self-governance and self-responsibility.

It's time to stop fooling ourselves by tricking and deceiving ourselves into ideas and beliefs, of making ourselves believe things just because we want to feel-good. We want to believe the government is good and the best way to live. We want to believe we need politicians to live our lives. But we don't. We can let go of falsity. Accept the temporary pain and suffering of the chaotic darkness that comes from facing with falsity and having an emptiness inside, a gap and hole where things don't make sense anymore. It will pass. Seek the truth about what is going on and figure it out. Create a solid foundation based in reality and truth.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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A perfect insight about this, lets take a look at the implemented China Social Credit Score where the government says citizens with low scores will be restricted from using train. They are moved from tricks to control now, they want a robotic human and should only act as the government want you to.
The people who have suffered more of these tricks are Africans, my country Nigeria is a perfect example where politician buy their way with tricks of providing basic amenities and improving the people's welfare if elected but end ups breaking all promises made.
The law spokes about Freedom of Speech but the Freedom after the speech was not stated. These tricks used will be made known when you decide to look deep and build your moral sense of belonging and always stand for what you believe at all times.

The whole world is a joke, one big trick :/

We need to stand by moral truth, not simply what we believe in ;) What we believe can be wrong, we shouldn't stand by what is wrong.

This is indeed a very important path.
To seek out truth inside ourselves.

No more ignoring those red flags of that girl/boyfriend.
No more "i can have just one drink" (or cookie, or cupcake)
(this isn't about abstinence, this about a total balance of intakes. Such as, you don't go to the bar on an empty stomach, nor do you go to the bakery on an empty stomach)

But the worst things on this path are all the assumptions that were programmed into us. Things that we don't even know are the corner stone of our mental structures.

An example is that most scientists do not know the assumptions of "modern science". Things like, the reality out there is fixed, and it is only our faulty brains that make it looks different to two people.

An example in math: 1+1 = 2 (is an assumption) That you can always add one to a number is an assumption. And these assumptions make math a very faulty thing. An explanation of that, one person plus one person does not equal two people. It can mean the start of a family, so 1+1 = 3,4,5... There is all the interactions that didn't exist before 1 and 1 met each other. Soon we will discover putting numbers next to each other has very important meanings. After that, math will never be the same.

Math of addition deals with specific objects adding to compound. 1+1=2. Biology can "add" through symbolic use of the word ''add" to create 3, 1 male plus 1 female creating a third male/female body, instead of compounding to 2 from mathematical objects. A process of creation is not simply "addition". You are not using clear terms and are creating a confused conclusion.

Yes, i am. But, i meant to sew confusion. Because i can't really explain what math will be like in 50 years. I know parts of it, but not a whole. So, i cannot give a nice theorem and proof.

I can tell you that scientific math will be base 12, as the universe is base 12.
Its so much easier to understand the alignments of things when using base 12.

π will be found to be a rational number. This comes about by a further understanding of how numbers, placed next to each other effect each other. The only similar thing i can point to is numerology.

But really, 1+1=2 and that you can always add 1 to a number are assumptions of our current math system. And i feel we will find these assumptions faulty.

people can deceive, hearts can deceive but truth NEVER deceives. Thanks @krnel

We must relax, stop struggling, stop trying so hard, stop deceiving people (including ourselves) to try to get what we want. Once we have become accustomed to stop doing so much (letting go) and just being for a while (live the moment), we can live a much happier life.

Also, to be complete, we must live through all our emotions without judgment, question reality in the shadow-lands, accept our dark side, love our selves without limits, and then we can go through the metamorphosis like a caterpillar and become our best versions.

What is moral is highly dependent on time and culture - I believe that, although it would be great, defining universal/true morality is impossible.


Is it moral now, in the past, or future, to go up to someone who did no one any harm, and stab them int he eye? Or is it immoral. Objective moral and immoral behavior is timeless. Subjective moral preference is flawed and falters depending on social norms and cultures at various times in human existence.

Although it does sound awful, in some cultures, especially in the ancient times, it was not considered immoral to kill many people who did no one any harm. For example, early slaves were not considered human beings and it was OK for their master to kill them even for no reason. During crusades, it was fine to slaughter the entire population of different religion cities. Romans did treat conquered nations as lower humans, and killing/enslaving their population brought them fame and respect, not moral condemnation and shame.

Even today, there are extreme situations in which stabbing someone who did no one any harm could be disputable. For example, imagine this: you have the option of killing an innocent old man who did no one any harm and you know that if you do this, you will save half of the humanity, if you don't, half of the humanity will die (let's say that the innocent old man has some new, extremely contagious, lethal, and incurable virus, and there is no time to quarantine him - it's shoot now or let half of the world die). What is the moral thing to do? It is very disputable and subjective.

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