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RE: Being Deceived and Deceiving Ourselves

This is indeed a very important path.
To seek out truth inside ourselves.

No more ignoring those red flags of that girl/boyfriend.
No more "i can have just one drink" (or cookie, or cupcake)
(this isn't about abstinence, this about a total balance of intakes. Such as, you don't go to the bar on an empty stomach, nor do you go to the bakery on an empty stomach)

But the worst things on this path are all the assumptions that were programmed into us. Things that we don't even know are the corner stone of our mental structures.

An example is that most scientists do not know the assumptions of "modern science". Things like, the reality out there is fixed, and it is only our faulty brains that make it looks different to two people.

An example in math: 1+1 = 2 (is an assumption) That you can always add one to a number is an assumption. And these assumptions make math a very faulty thing. An explanation of that, one person plus one person does not equal two people. It can mean the start of a family, so 1+1 = 3,4,5... There is all the interactions that didn't exist before 1 and 1 met each other. Soon we will discover putting numbers next to each other has very important meanings. After that, math will never be the same.


Math of addition deals with specific objects adding to compound. 1+1=2. Biology can "add" through symbolic use of the word ''add" to create 3, 1 male plus 1 female creating a third male/female body, instead of compounding to 2 from mathematical objects. A process of creation is not simply "addition". You are not using clear terms and are creating a confused conclusion.

Yes, i am. But, i meant to sew confusion. Because i can't really explain what math will be like in 50 years. I know parts of it, but not a whole. So, i cannot give a nice theorem and proof.

I can tell you that scientific math will be base 12, as the universe is base 12.
Its so much easier to understand the alignments of things when using base 12.

π will be found to be a rational number. This comes about by a further understanding of how numbers, placed next to each other effect each other. The only similar thing i can point to is numerology.

But really, 1+1=2 and that you can always add 1 to a number are assumptions of our current math system. And i feel we will find these assumptions faulty.

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