Crazy things happening in Crypto World Lately!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

This is a sum up of latest - important imo - happenings.

Ethereum Hits 300 USD Per Coin

If its going to run like this, soon we will see ETH to overtake marketcap of Bitcoin.

Most ICOs run now on ETH contracts which helps the price. While this coin was never my favorite the money it brings are just amazing.

Bitcoin Gets Close to 3000 USD

Notice how bitshares raised since my post few days ago and drives biggest volumes of trades on Bitcoin now. The prophecy we had in my previous posts of 3k is almost sure to come, next stop - 5000 USD.

Lisk Hits 4 USD

Lisk is often called javascript version of Ethereum and it just hit 4USD per coin. This looks like smart-contract coins will have huge momentum this year.

Coblee Quits Coinbase to work on LTC

This means he sees bright future for the coin, just to remind you - it will get anonymous transactions, lighting network and more.
I have always been suggesting getting on LTC, esp when it was at 4 USD, but with currently crazyness in cryptoworld i dont see why wouldnt it hit 50-100USD this year.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


HAHA, so true. Didnt look on it like that but you are right.

even crazier now :D

Charlie Deep State ltc lol

With this theory, @charlieshrem will soon quit Jaxx to work on 70 different coins.

Great post, im most interested in the guy leaving coinbase to work on LTC

Yeah me too, it seems to me like an incredibly risky move to switch from a safe gig like coinbase to working for a cryptoc$. That said maybe its worth noting that he most like has done an incredible amount of research in his decision which says a lot for litecoin. I may drop a bit of this weeks btc earnings into litecoin cuz who knows ^^ I regret not buying 100 bucks worth of ETH in january when it was at less than 10 per.

he's the creator of Litecoin, so he probably has more than enough money ;)

Litecoin is a very well known coin. At some point it was known as the silver to bitcoin's gold. While other coins such as Ethereum have displaced LTC from its second place, it remains a very important coin / altcoin. Any serious webmaster who accepts crypto as payment should include LTC as an option. It is a well established altcoin, its not like Mr. Lee went to work on some random altcoin like flappycoin or wathever :P

more will happen !! I can see BITCOIN price trade for 10 000$ in 3 months. Just today I was thinking to share my knowledge with the community and write an article about.

Crazy, indeed. Never seen anything like this in my lifetime. Honesty, this could be the best of times and the worst of times.

This is going to either turn out to be the biggest mania in history, or a revolutionary moment of profound change in how humans transact with each other...

Either way, it's a great time to be alive...

If you are like me you lived through the dot com days. This is the biggest thing since then and I fully believe it is a real revolution.

I agree. I also think it will be the biggest transfer of wealth that I am going to witness in my lifetime. I think it will be bigger than the dot com days.

No where near the dot com Bubble, crypto is no where near in a bubble. For it to be a bubble you need many many more backers involved. A tiny percentage of people are in crypto compared to the tech stocks of 2000

This is exactly the reason why I think it will be bigger. Only a small % of people even know about it at this point. :)

I agree, I've been asking in tech shops and friends in IT..they havent a clue about it, a word they're begining to recognise.

Welcome to Steemit @fodhla!
I have run the exact same type of experiment with friends and family in IT. Many have heard of Bitcoin, most don't understand it or the potential efficiencies that can be achieved by using blockchain technology in businesses. They certainly have been unaware that there are other coins available besides Bitcoin.
Last Friday, a news paper article ran in the Toronto Star (which is a large national newspaper in Canada). It talked about the explosion in the cryptocoin market.
Here's the article:
Our nephew who is in his late 20's and works in the computer technology industry basically felt that because it was showing up in the newspaper, he had missed "the window" to make currency in crypto.
I don't agree at all, I think the opportunity is stronger than ever because hardly anyone knows about it or even has the skills to work through all the steps of exchanging fiat, buying cryptos on an exchange and then, storing them in a wallet.
I think until that whole process is streamlined we won't have mass adoption.

Couldn't agree more. A big barrier for the people I've spoken to seems to be their emotions around it and what it symbolises to unfamiliar, scary and more detached world in which they have less control. I think there's alot being projected onto the cryptos and that may be working in early birds' favour! Those of us projecting hope onto it are happy to engage!

grow time

Was the hype similar? Maybe you and I could do a little interview comparing the two on my youtube channel. Let me know if you are interested cqdx!

Back in the dot com hype a lot of shallow and dubious online companies / websites were formed. They got a lot of funding but in the end had nothing to show for it. In the world of crypto currencies, an analogy would be the countless sh**coins that show up fast, get pumped, dumped, and are gone just about as fast.

it will all end in tears, but that is how just about everything ends.
We have to map out our escape plans with survival in mind. In the mean time, BTFD!

i think usa gonna burn before it can get better

The banks will be first in line.

Think it will be a mixed bag. Some people will lose, others will gain. My worry is for people that borrow to get into cyrpto, see this I wrote earlier today

Crazy stuff going on really!!!

Heard about #Digibyte plummeting too? I'm sure you did. I had some DGB on Poloniex and was expecting it to go to the moon. It went inside the Earth crust, reached mantle and now is in the outer core of the mother Earth. Lol

#Ethereum crossing $300 is bigggg and as compared to #BTC's rise, Eth's rise is far greater and must have filled some pockets already.

#Bitshares skyrocketed too and still going strong. Too bad I could buy any when I could.

Thanks for sharing the info and I've followed you to stay tuned!

Same thing happened to me brother. I cut my loses from DGB and made it all up in Bitshares. Bitshares and STEEMIT are great because they are both so strong fundamentally and are undervalued. I'm using them as safe havens, that also let me profit. I'm long on both, and I havent found a reason to move out of either. BTS will be over a dollar once this exodus from fiat dollar systems starts to really rev up here soon.

Yes Crypto is getting very big this year :)

Awesome Crypto update! thanks @kingscrown its insane to me to think that etherum was less than 8$ just a few months ago !

Imagine going all in back then and holding ;) But that would be hard to happen unless you forgot of your keys and awaited 300USD mark till today

i regret buying more monero than Eth at that time, but either way its been a fun ride!
I could have also mined quite a bit if I had pointed them too it!
this is the field of coulda shoulda wouldas lol

Agree hindsight is a wonderful thing. But think sensible to diversify what you buy. Better to have a range of crypto, than pouring all money into just one coin. Also Monero hasn't done too badly!

Hello @l love your article.... I am new on steemit and just started following you.... kindly follow back... Thanks!

I always look forward to your analysis. Thanks.

Glad to hear :) Tryin to bring us daily news just sometimes fridays i skip, need to get some off-steemit time sometimes ;)

Yesterday comparasion of cryptos with smartphones came to my mind... Smartphones was technology that was going only upwards parabolic basically until now. Because world needed it and was ready for it, so during few years parabolic, and I dont think that anyone can say that it was (is) bubble. What if cryptos are the same and we will go kind of only upwards (of course with some corrections, but kind of only up) because the world is ready?... Just an idea, I dont know :)

you say parabolic...I say asymptotic we both mean exponential.
who knew?

Yes, I think that asymptotic is more correct word :) Im still learning various trading expressions thou, actually you learned me a new word now, my native language is not english :)

mine neither...I speak Texan
but I was just funnin with ya.
a pair of bolics would probably work
better than a pair of noids I suppose..

Ok, I have then no idea what is that mean "asymptotic ". Is it graph like that?

So parabolic and then kind of a side ways, or you just funnin with me ? heh


actually, ignore the 'kind of sideways'
the point is it starts off slooooooow. gains a leeeeeeetle...then graduallly, slowly...builds..
then launches like a rocket..almost straight up.

to infinity and beyond..

kinda poetic huh?

Yes, in mathematics both curves are said to be "asymptotic" because they both tend to approach a value (limit) as the other variable tends to infinity.
In financial analysis I think they use the term "parabolic" is used to indicate a pattern in a chart with asymptotic behaviour.

Indeed, and we call it a Hockey Stick ... When talking about Systemic sustainability such as world population, this is an indication that the system is about to crash. "Any system that cannot sustain itself is destined to fail."

Just like the stockmarket:

~disclaimer; this works until it doesn't 😜

Well; I wanted to buy me some crypto's two years ago, but these moves just scared the crap out of me so I waited 😭. Also my ignorance wasn't helping me eighter! Worst personal decision ever lol... So i'm glad I found out about Steem, so I could start slow & easy and enjoy the learning proces in the meantime!

I have a similarly frustrating story. After bitcoin peaked in early 2014, I remember its price going down to $177 USA dollars. I remember trying to order a couple from Coinbase, only to be asked a few days later for documents I did not have, and have my transactions declined. Afterwards I checked out other sites to buy bitcoins but price had already gotten back to $400 or so. I though: "I'll wait for price to fall down again then buy." Here I am today, with bitcoin at $2900. Sure, I have been getting some sums slowly from ads, faucets, referral programs, etc, but still...

About Coinbase, I say this:

I feel your frustration, altough we missed out bigtime on these thing, I believe we are still in the early days! We just have to pick the winners, like Steem!

Speaking of Coinbase, I opened an account when ETH was $90. I couldn't get my credit card verified and they had a post on their site saying they were having issues. When all the dust settled I got in ETH at $260. Kinda sucks but I'm still in the money.

its better than the stock market because its just getting started.

So many different things to be aware of. Today I am researching Bitshares. The biggest exchange in China just accepted them into their trading platform

If you read my post 2 days ago, you would buy BTS a lot cheaper :)

you are now being followed my friend :)

does that post explain where/how to buy it? I will go check. If not, can you let me know. thanks

figured it out! Im in baby. Lets go BTS. Bought some!

To the stratosphere and beyond. yeehaaa!

I will expand my portfolio with Litecoin! Already have Ethereum as I believe it will close the gap with Bitcoin. And if Bitcoin goes up it drags Ethereum with it so way more upside on Ethereum in my opinion. Think the same counts for Litecoin in a way.

I have always been in love with LTC so im little biased but Coblee is a smart man, he knows what hes doing imo

I want a crystal ball!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63286.07
ETH 2472.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66