Phill from GCHQ - page 49 - The Purple Haze

in #comics6 years ago (edited)

The Shakespeare paraphrase continues - The coming of age coming PM of UK has herself a small chat with three weird sisters, but in the last frame we meet some known characters again. Morty Mogg, Vincent Cavanaugh, and Loretta whose dreams seem to be recognised as more than just dreams by the trio (also known as the pagan choirboys).

Poor Theresa May suffers some harsh satire again - but I guess she must be used to it by now. British political satire is really merciless!

Steve Bell, "The UK Conservative Government's front bench", 2017.

The Purple Haze - Page 49 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ - a free comic that I have been working on since September 2016.


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The comic is, like all my digital artworks, made exclusively with open source software:

The comic is licensed as Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-by)


Just gonna keep upvoting these and then head over to the website to binge read when I have some time!

Great :) there is pages for at least a couple of hours I guess.

I like your artwork a lot!
Right now I am on the search for motives for an article of mine which I would like to enrich with good art. My topic is "two faces" or the "two sides of human existence". I would like to show pictures which carry that thought that everything can be viewed from different perspectives. Do you have anything of yours you can provide me with? I would be delighted. Of course I would name and give a link to your blog.
Thank you!

I think I have made some drawings that were inspired by the Roman God Janus.

I also have quite a few drawings you can look through on my Diaspora profile - they are all creative commons which means you can use them as you like as long as you mention me and provide a link (you can use my profile here on Steemit). Hope you find something you can use :)

Thank you for being so uncomplicated!
I was looking at your Diaspora profile and liked a lot "Sejd" and "Hytte" but also the other ones with intense colours!

How in heavens name do you get the patience for comic art? :-)

Meanwhile - and because I also asked @reinhard-schmid at the same time I have chosen a motive of his but for sure will use yours in the future - link and naming of course will be placed and you'll get informed. We authors and you artists should collaborate more. I found you actually through Reinhards Blog.

Yes, Reinhard is cool - we have found out that we are very alike - even both had a short career as sailors in your youth - He in U-boot in the Baltic sea and I as a fisherman in the North Atlantic :)

Doing CC art is making it uncomplicated for yourself - and comics... is making it complicated for yourself

great post...
thanks for sharing.

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Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

Thank You! ⚜

Gute Arbeit! xD

so good your post

Great post, thanks for sharing

You are Satan worshippers and drug addicts. I want you to disappear into thin air... now!

Let's go.

This made my day. Literally. :D

Theresa May running in the fields. . . making Swastikas!?! hahaha. I love the illuminated light in the dark in the bottom left and right. I need to challenge myself in this way and try some of that.

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